I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 69 Bonnie, the Four Heavenly Kings

At this time, the time was approaching noon, and Qianye Feng did not intend to go to the Zijin Gym to challenge immediately. It happened to be right next to the famous food street. If he did not go and experience it, his trip would be in vain.

As soon as you walk into the food court, all kinds of aromas hit your nostrils. There are many people here, not only the shops on both sides, but also many people paying attention to the small stalls.

Chiba Maple passed by Village Sandwich, Magnemite Yaki, and Purple Assorted Noodles one after another. However, he finally chose the Purple Assorted Noodles store, not only because the decoration of this store was more luxurious, but also because he found a vacant seat. , yes, this is it.

After sitting down, Qianye Feng picked up the menu on the table and started ordering. After calling the waiter over and ordering a seafood mixed noodles and a bottle of cold drink, he began to let his mind wander.

Hello, can I sit here?

At this time, a lady in her 30s, wearing a purple dress, with a calm and dignified temperament came to Qianye Feng, interrupted his meditation, or in a daze, pointed to the empty seat opposite him and asked.

Oh, of course, I'm the only one!

Qianye Feng said quickly after coming back to his senses.


The lady thanked her and sat down.

Are you a local, or are you here for a vacation?

Qianye Feng felt that it was a bit awkward for the two of them to sit face to face, so she asked after the other party finished ordering.

It's considered a vacation. I like to eat the assorted noodles made in this shop very much. I will come here to taste it whenever I have time. How about you, boy?

The lady didn't seem to dislike Qianye Feng's inquiry. After briefly answering his inquiry, she also asked a rhetorical question.

I came to Zijin City specifically to challenge the Zijin Gym. I will leave after I finish challenging the Gym!

Qianye Feng replied.

Oh, then you have to work hard, Zijin Gym's gym trainer Tie Xuan is a powerful weird old man!

The lady was not surprised when she heard that Qianye Feng wanted to challenge the gym. After all, with Qianye Feng's standard travel attire, it was obvious at a glance that she was a traveling trainer, but she seemed to be very familiar with the Zijin Gym. gym trainer.

After the two of them chatted for a while, the meal they ordered was finally delivered. Qianye Feng's appetite suddenly increased when he saw the steaming and full seafood assorted noodles in front of him, and he couldn't wait to eat it.

The taste of the assorted noodles is indeed good, which shows that the business is operating with care and is not the kind of black shop that relies on tourism to fool tourists.

One more bowl, thank you!

When Qianye Feng still had more than half of the noodles left to finish, the lady opposite had already finished a whole portion of assorted noodles, and was planning to order another portion.

Looking at the lady in front of him who was sweating profusely after eating, Qianye Feng felt that his impression of her seemed to have collapsed. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder, is the assorted noodles here really so delicious?

In Chiba Kaede's eyes, the assorted noodles here are indeed delicious, but they shouldn't be so delicious that the lady-like lady in front of her would eat them regardless of her image, right?

Ahem, why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I'm rude in some way?

At this time, the lady was also a little annoyed by Qianye Feng's strange eyes, so she asked angrily.

No, no, the assorted noodles here are so delicious!

Qianye Feng also knew that she was making a fuss. It was her business to eat what others liked, so she hurriedly immersed herself in eating.

King Boni, why didn't you inform me in advance when you came to the store? Fortunately, the waiter in the store recognized you just now. This is the assorted noodles I specially made for you. I hope you like it!

A man who looked like a chef came over and said to the lady in front of Qianye Feng.

At this time, Qianye Feng realized that the lady in front of him was Bonnie, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Hoenn Region. Although he had challenged her when playing games in his previous life, the game images were so different from the real person that it was impossible for him to recognize her directly. .

Boss, you are too polite. I am just an ordinary diner in your store now. You can go about your own business. There is no need to specially entertain me.

Bonnie said somewhat flatly.

Qianye Feng could tell that Bonnie was a little disgusted by having her identity revealed by her boss. It was obvious that she didn't want to expose her figure and just wanted to simply enjoy the food.

Okay, then you can enjoy it slowly and ask the waiter if you need anything!

The boss obviously heard Bonnie's displeasure and didn't bother too much. He said a few words and left.

So you are one of the Four Heavenly Kings. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!

Qianye Feng said a little embarrassed.

It's nothing, don't worry about it, I'm just an ordinary diner here.

Bonnie replied calmly.

After that, she started to enjoy the assorted noodles specially made for her by the boss, and she still ate it with the same boldness as before.

Qianye Feng saw that Bonnie was not interested in talking, so she didn't bother too much, and began to eliminate the remaining assorted noodles. Just like public figures in previous lives did not like to be paid attention to in private, it is obvious that Bonnie, as the Four Heavenly Kings, did not like to be paid attention to in private. People gathered around.

Young man, what's your name?

While Qianye Feng was still trying to eliminate the assorted noodles on the plate, he suddenly heard the question from King Boni opposite him.

My name is Qianye Feng, from Chunhua Town!

Qianye Feng raised his head and saw the other party's empty plate. Then he looked at the remaining assorted noodles. He felt inexplicably twitching in his heart, but he still answered quickly.

Because Qianye Feng didn't show any unusual fanaticism or treat her too differently after knowing her identity. Therefore, King Bonny had a good impression of the boy in front of him, and then he started to ask the name of the boy in front of him. interest.

Well, Xiaofeng, we are destined to meet again!

After saying that, Bonnie stood up and walked to the cashier to pay, then waved to Qianye Feng and left.

Hello, I want to pay!

After finishing his meal, Qianye Feng also came to the cashier and planned to pay.

That lady just settled the bill for you!

After the cashier lady checked the records, she smiled and said to Qianye Feng.

Okay, okay!

Qianye Feng did not expect that King Boni would help him settle the bill. Although the money was not much, the two met by chance and had nothing to do with each other. However, since the other party showed kindness, he could just accept it with peace of mind. After all, it was just a small matter.

After eating, Qianye Feng did not choose to stay too much in the food street. After checking the location of the Zijin Gym on his mobile phone, he found that it was not far from the food street, so he immediately planned to walk there to eat.

Walking on the road to Zijin Gym, although there are high-rise buildings on both sides, it does not make people feel dull. Unknown trees, flowers and plants are planted on both sides of the street. From time to time, some elves run through the grass. Come out, followed by the trainer looking for them.

Qianye Feng found that the residents living in Zijin City were very relaxed and happy, and did not have the pressure of living in a big city to adapt to a fast-paced life. Only then did he realize why Zijin City was so... It is known as a colorful and happy city.

Happiness is contagious. Along the way, Qianye Feng was infected by the joyful atmosphere of passers-by, and felt a lot happier himself.

Unconsciously, a small flowerbed appeared in front of it, with beautiful flowers blooming in it. This kind of flower, Chiba Maple, always felt a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember whether he had seen it when he was playing games in his previous life, or whether he had seen it before.

Attracted by the flowers, Chiba Maple walked closer and discovered that the flower garden belonged to a shop called Beautiful Flower Flower Shop.


After Qianye Feng opened the store door, he was met by a girl with long hair and beautiful appearance. She was not old, about 17 or 8 years old. What impressed Qianye Feng the most was her sincerity. His smile seemed to heal everything.

Hello, I would like to ask what are the names of the flowers planted in front of your store?

Qianye Feng didn't look at the girl too much, but asked.

Oh, that's the Graxitia flower, a very beautiful and rare flower. I only got its seeds by chance. After many failures, I cultivated the flowers at the door.

Caiko heard the young man's inquiry and knew that he was also attracted by the Graxitia flower and came to her shop. Since the Graxitia flower bloomed, there are customers attracted by its beauty every day. .

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