I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 68 Arriving at Zijin City

Looking at the newborn chicken, which was still a little hazy, Qianye Feng walked over and picked it up.

The fire chick who was picked up by him didn't resist. It felt that the human in front of it had a familiar feeling, and it couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Fire Chicken, drink some moo milk!

Qianye Feng held the fire chick in one hand, and took out a bottle of moo milk with the other hand and fed it to the fire chick little by little.


After drinking a bottle of Moo Milk, the fire chick screamed with satisfaction, then rubbed his head against Qianye Feng's chest, and then yawned.

Wow, what a beautiful fire chick!

Yasha also heard the noise at this time and knew that the fire chick had been born, so she rushed over. After seeing the fire chick's head feathers that seemed to be burning, she immediately looked at the fire chick with bright eyes.

Asha, the fire chick has just been born. It's full now and is getting sleepy. I'll put it back in the poke ball to rest for a while. Let's go out first. I can't bear the heat now!

After there were no fire chicks to absorb the fire energy, the cave returned to its previous hotness. Qianye Feng didn't want to stay any longer and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so intolerant of heat, so let's get out quickly!

Asha covered her face and smiled sweetly.

At this time, she also noticed that Qianye Feng was sweating profusely. She often stayed in fire-attribute environments. Maybe her body had adapted, so she didn't feel there was anything wrong with the environment in the cave. Now she was reminded by Qianye Feng Then I woke up.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng took out an elf ball and gently tapped it on the head of the fire chick who was about to fall asleep. A beam of light shot out from the elf ball, directly covering the fire chick and putting it into the elf ball. middle.

The red light on the elf ball only flashed for a moment and then went out, which meant that Qianye Feng had conquered the fire chick.

Phew, it's finally out!

The moment Qianye Feng walked out of the cave, he felt as if he had returned to the human world from the flame hell. He touched the clothes on his body and found that water could be squeezed from them.

You'd better change your clothes before going back, otherwise you'll easily catch a cold if you're like this and exposed to the cold wind from high altitude.

Asha suggested.

Although Qianye Feng knew that he was not afraid of getting sick, after all, life energy was not a vegetarian, he still did not refute Yasha's kindness and took a clean piece of clothes from his backpack and changed into it.

On the way back, Charizard became much more honest. Perhaps he knew that he could not match the speed of the King Yan in front of him, so he stopped trying to get rid of them, and instead flew steadily at his usual speed.

However, Wang Yan felt that it was a bit unsatisfying, and he flew around the fire-breathing dragon in various tricks, high and low, left and right, and sometimes rolled a few times.

This made Qianye Feng, who was riding on its back, a little uncomfortable. He had just come out of the sweltering environment, so he could not withstand the torment of Big Wang Yan. He almost vomited on the spot and hurriedly stopped Big Wang Yan's little movements. Let it fly side by side with Charizard.

Xiao Feng, your dear Wang Yan is so energetic!

Asha looked at Qianye Feng, who had turned a little pale, and teased.

“He just has too much energy, and I struggle with that!”

Qianye Feng responded with a wry smile.

And after hearing what his trainer said about him, King Yan made another 360-degree spin in the air, almost breaking Qianye Feng's defense.

It wasn't until after landing that Qianye Feng was relieved, but he was still a little shaky when walking and needed to get used to it for a while.

After that, Qianye Feng stayed in the Cauldron Gym. Under the guidance of Asha, he saw many fire-attribute elves. Most of these elves belonged to the former gym owner Mura, Grandpa Asha.

What impressed Qianye Feng the most was a Vulcan Moth, an extremely rare and powerful elf.

When Qianye Feng saw it, although it was just lying down and sleeping quietly, the aura it showed was really amazing.

Qianye Feng felt that this fire god moth should be one of the treasures of the Kamayan Gym. He learned from Asha that this fire god moth had been in their gym for a long time and seemed to be his great-grandfather's elf.

In the evening, Qianye Feng sternly rejected Asha's invitation to stay for dinner. He bluntly said that he was too tired today and planned to go back to the Elf Center to rest early.

The real reason was that Qianye Feng felt that his tongue could no longer withstand a meal of Asha's flame dishes. In the end, he said goodbye with Asha's somewhat regretful expression.

Of course, Qianye Feng also extended an invitation to Yasha, hoping that she would have time to visit his Qianye Farm.

After returning to the room in the Elf Center, Qianye Feng first released the fire chick. At this time, the fire chick had regained its vitality. As soon as it was released, it ran loose and ran around the room.

Qianye Feng then released the other elves and let them get to know the fire chicks. Everyone liked the lively and active fire chicks, and the fire chicks were not afraid of animals. They would touch this one and hug that one. Hug, looks like a social cow.

Seeing that they were getting along very well, Qianye Feng stopped caring about them and let them play by themselves. He took out the resurrection grass seeds and vitality root seeds he obtained today and put them in his hands to observe carefully.

The seeds of the Resurrection Grass are only the size of a grain of rice. You can faintly feel a faint breath of life energy, but it has been passing by slowly. According to this passing speed, the life energy will drain away in a few days. By that time, the seeds will be completely gone. The activity disappears.

The Vitality Root Seed is larger than the Resurrection Grass, but the life energy inside is rarer and is also passing by slowly. If there are no other factors, the possibility of sprouting again will be lost in a few days.

After thinking for a while, Qianye Feng put down the other seeds, holding only one Resurrection Grass seed, and then activated his ability. Suddenly, a powerful life energy was injected into the Resurrection Grass seed.

After a while, after the resurrection grass had completely absorbed this life energy, Qianye Feng began to re-check the condition of the seed.

At this time, the whole Resurrection Grass seed becomes full of particles, and there is a faint feeling of vitality. The vitality of the seed has been greatly strengthened. Although the life energy is still in a state of overflow, with the life energy it now possesses, even if it lives A few months won’t run out.

Now Qianye Feng knew that as long as he had his life energy, these seeds could remain active for a long time.

What is somewhat uncertain is whether the grassland of the shuttlecocks can provide enough life energy for the growth of these resurrection grasses and vitality roots. Of course, this needs to be verified after planting.

Next, Qianye Feng used the remaining two opportunities to use his abilities on the remaining two resurrection grass seeds. Looking at the three resurrection grass seeds that changed their appearance, he was very satisfied.

As for the vitality root, he planned to wait until tomorrow and use three abilities to directly strengthen it at once. After all, the life energy of the vitality root itself is relatively weak, so using a single seed would be a waste and not enough time.

A night of silence,

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly. Qianye Feng got up early. After leading a group of elves to have breakfast, he sent a message to Asha, and then rode on King Yanxiang to the next gym location.

Fuyan Town is not too far from Zijin City. It can be reached in less than two hours by flying. If King Yan uses the tailwind skill to assist the flight, the time will be reduced a lot.

However, Qianye Feng was not in a hurry, so he let King Yan fly at the normal speed while he quietly admired the beautiful scenery below.

Zijin City is a big city located in the center of Fengyuan. In addition to Chiba Maple's destination, Zijin Gym, there are also fun places such as Zijin Food Court, Singing Cafe, and Zijin Game City, so Zijin City is also The place where many foreign tourists travel is very prosperous and lively.

Since we are in the elf world, many trainers in this world use flying elves to travel, so the city does not prohibit flying elves from entering.

Of course, more prosperous cities require trainers who use flying elves to land in special squares, and then take other means of transportation to travel to every corner of the city.

The landing place of the flying elves in Zijin City is next to the Zijin Food Court. This may be done to attract foreign trainers to spend money in the food court!

Qianye Feng landed at this location at this time.

Thanks to Book Friends Jue~ and Book Friends 20220803141430778 for their monthly ticket support!

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