I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 41 Chenghua Gym Challenge

Then it's decided, it's up to you, Wang Yan, Heracross, and Mr. Mosquito Repellent to participate in this Chenghua Gym challenge!

Qianye Feng said to the three elves in front of him.

He has now taken the King Yan to the forest outside Chenghua City, and plans to use this afternoon to conduct emergency training for them before the competition, which can be regarded as a warm-up activity before the gym challenge.

Of course King Yan and the others have no objection. These guys are actually fighting madmen. As long as there is a battle, they will not refuse.

Then, this is the arrangement for the afternoon. Heracross and Mr. Mosquito Repellent will fight against King Yan. As your referee, I will not interfere with your battle. You can just perform to your heart's content!

That's right, Qianye Feng's plan is to let Da Wang Yan and the others have an exciting friendly match. Of course, with this arrangement, the pressure will be put on Da Wang Yan.

Wang Yan's strength is now stronger than Heracross, but with the addition of Mr. Mosquito Repellent, the result may be uncertain.

After hearing Qianye Feng's arrangement, King Yan was not afraid, but instead became extremely excited. It had not felt this way for a long time.

As for Heracross and Mr. Mosquito Repellent, they felt a little looked down upon by Qianye Feng, and planned to use their strength to defeat King Yan first and let Qianye Feng take a look.

Then, the battle begins!

As Qianye Feng finished speaking, several elves started a fierce battle.

Qianye Feng dared to play like this, of course because of his healing ability.

He will challenge the Chenghua Gym tomorrow, and he will definitely use today's three healing abilities on them so that they can face the Chenghua Gym in the best condition tomorrow.

In this case, it is better to let King Yan and the others have a fierce confrontation. Even if they are seriously injured in the confrontation, it does not matter, they can recover anyway.

Qianye Feng couldn't help but praise his wit.

After that, the three elves began an exciting battle.

Da Wang Yan relied on his super high speed to deal with Heracross and Mosquito Repellent, and from time to time he also used the air blade skill to carry out long-range strikes.

This also makes Heracross and Mosquito Repellent a little tired to deal with, but such attacks can only harass them and cannot cause much harm to them.

This is...please rain!

Suddenly, Qianye Feng noticed a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and then it began to rain.

Turning around and looking elsewhere, he found that the sun was still shining brightly. Qianye Feng knew that Mr. Mosquito Repellent had mastered the skill of praying for rain, a weather skill that he had always wanted Mr. Mosquito to learn.

Unexpectedly, in order to limit the speed of King Yan, Mr. Mosquito Repellent learned the skill of praying for rain.

Due to the rain, the King Swallow's feathers absorbed the rain and gained weight. Affected by this, the speed also slowed down.

This was the opportunity that Heracross, who was waiting on the side, seized, and used the Yan Return skill to collide with King Yan's wing attack.

Looking at the three elves paralyzed on the ground in front of him, Qianye Feng was still recalling the scenes of their previous battles in his mind. King Yan fought against Heracross and Lord Mosquito Repellent with one against two, and ended up looking like this. Qianye Feng knew that they had all gone all out.

This caused them to accumulate too many injuries. Without Qianye Feng's healing ability, they would probably have to lie in the Elf Center for at least half a month.

Both sides were actually not very satisfied with this result. Wang Yan felt that if he persisted a little longer, he would probably be able to defeat the two younger brothers. However, the result was that both sides lost their ability to fight and the fight ended in a draw.

And Heracross and Mr. Mosquito Repellent felt very embarrassed. In the two-on-one situation, their side did not win. Instead, they lost their fighting ability at the same time as the Great King Yan. This made them how to speak loudly in front of the Great King Yan in the future!

Not long after, after Qianye Feng's treatment was completed, the three elves felt that they were resurrected with full health. Although their mental fatigue had not been eliminated, they were ready to fight again, and they were immediately eager to give it a try.

Okay, that's it for today. Now you need to take a good rest so that you can face tomorrow's gym challenge in complete condition!

Qianye Feng said quickly after seeing that the two sides were going to fight again.

Fortunately, the few elves were more attentive to the words of the trainer Qianye Feng, and they all stopped fighting. They just wanted to find an opportunity to fight again in the future.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng asked Wang Yan to carry him back to the Elf Center.

You're back from special training. How was the effect?

Rina Susui asked directly when she saw Chiba Kaede coming back.

Well, it's not bad, it depends on tomorrow's challenge!

Qianye Feng can't say that he didn't train, but let his elves beat each other up!

The next day, Chiba Kaede and Rina Hsui arrived at the Chenghua Gym. After they arrived, the apprentices of the Chenghua Gym opened the door.

Hello, we are here to challenge Mr. Qianli, please inform us!

Qianye Feng said to the boy who looked like an apprentice.

Oh, you are here to challenge the trainers of the gym. Please wait a moment. I will go in and talk to Master Qianli!

The apprentice is obviously very familiar with the process of the challenge. Now he is going to see if the master Qianli is free and can accept the challenge immediately. If there happens to be no time, an appointment time will be given and Qianye Feng and the two will wait until this time to come over. challenge.

You are so lucky. Master Qianli now has time to accept the challenge. Come with me!

The apprentice only went in for less than 5 minutes and came back to give them an answer.

Later, Chiba Kaede and Rina Susui followed the gym apprentices to a battle venue, where Qianri was already waiting.

Uncle Qianli, I challenge you again!

After seeing Qianli, Rina Susui was the first to speak.

So you're the one challenging me. Are you ready this time, Rina?

Chisato is obviously very familiar with Rina Usui. He is not just a trainer who challenged the gym once and challenges him again. There should be some kind of connection.

In that case, let's get started. The rules of the game are the same as last time. It's still a 3V3 duel!

Chisato said to Rina Usui.

I'm sorry to interrupt you. Rina and I have discussed it. I'm going to challenge the gym first. Is that okay, Mr. Senri?

Qianye Feng interrupted Qianli's next action and asked politely.

Oh, that's it. I was too impulsive just now. Can I ask your name, young man?

Chisato originally thought that Chiba Kaede was Rina Usui's companion and accompanied her to challenge the gym, but she didn't expect that both of them were trainers who came to challenge the Orange Flower Gym.

My name is Qianye Feng, you can just call me Xiaofeng!

Qianye Feng replied politely.

Then the challenge starts with you, Xiaofeng, are you ready?

Qianli looked at Qianye Feng and asked.


Qianye Feng said in the affirmative.

Then, the competition where the trainer Qianye Feng from Chunhua Town challenges the Chenghua Gym starts now. The competition is limited to 3 elves. The trainer's elves can be changed at any time, but the gym trainer cannot change the elves. The competition begins!

This is the referee for this gym challenge, and is served by the gym apprentice who led them in.

Come out, Mr. Mosquito Repellent!

Come out, you lazy man!

The two of them sent out their own elves at the same time. Qianye Feng already knew in advance that Qianli was using the elves from the King of Leave series for the gym challenge.

Qianye Feng had watched animations in his previous life and knew that the strength of the lazy man cultivated by Qianli should not be underestimated, and he was very good at avoiding attacks.

Mr. Mosquito Repellent, Foam Light!

Qianye Feng directly uses long-range attacks, so that there is a little buffer time and a higher fault tolerance rate.

You lazy man, spray flames!

Qianliya commanded at the right time.

Qianye Feng was still very confident in the power of Mosquito Repellent's water skills. As expected, Lazy Man's jet flame only blocked the foam light of Mosquito Repellent for a few seconds and was suppressed.

You lazy man, get out of the way!

Qianli was still a little surprised by the power of Mosquito Repellent's foam light, but he was very confident in Lazy Man's dodge ability.

After hearing the order, the lazy man staggered and rolled to avoid the attack of the foam light.

Mr. Mosquito Repellent, rush over and use Splitting Tile!

Qianye Feng was waiting for this opportunity. He was waiting for the gap where the lazy man had just dodged, and then directly launched a surprise attack.

You lazy man, use the headbutt!

After Qianli saw this scene, he knew that the lazy man was in danger, but he still gave the order.

Lazy Man arrived first, and his headbutt hit Mr. Mosquito-repellent in the abdomen, but he was also hit by Mr. Mosquito-repellent's splitting tiles on the body, and then both elves took a few steps back.

The lazy man with ordinary attributes was injured by the fighting skill Crack, which had an outstanding effect on him. In the end, he was too seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to fight.

However, Mr. Mosquito Repellent was also attacked by Lazy Man with a desperate headbutt, and his injuries were not minor.

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