I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 40 Get the big milk jug

The three of them sat in the pickup truck, looking at the scenery outside, chatting about some interesting things they had learned during the trip, and they were laughing and joking for a while.

Of course, Chiba Kaede and Maki Zenhiko were mainly talking. Our mildly sociophobic Rina Susui could only chat with people she knew. However, she did not feel bored listening to the conversation between the two.

After that, Qianye Feng asked about some things that need to be paid attention to when raising large milk tanks, and Mu Shanyan did not hide his secrets and basically answered all questions.

In this friendly atmosphere, the car slowly stopped, and Qianye Feng knew that they had arrived at their destination.

After getting off the car, Qianye Feng saw a group of large milk cans leisurely eating grass on the distant pasture, and further away there were several Kenteros running at full strength.

Apart from these two elves, Qianye Feng saw no other elves.

Qianye Feng knew that the Big Milk Tank only had females, while Kentero only had males. If he wanted the Big Milk Tank to produce elf eggs, he needed to raise Kentero.

This can also understand why there is Kentero in Uncle Mu Shanyan's farm.

Uncle, it seems that your farm is not very big!

After Qianye Feng walked around, he discovered that Mu Shanyan's farm was surrounded by a fence. You could see the boundary at a glance. It was much smaller than his own farm. No wonder he only raised more than 20 big milk tanks. The limit has been reached.

“On the one hand, there is a large population here in Chenghua City, and even the land prices in the suburbs are relatively expensive. On the other hand, I don’t want to live too hard, and I don’t want to hire people to take care of the farm, so I keep the farm at its current scale. size.

Mu Shanyan responded to Qianye Feng's question.

When he said this, Qianye Kaede knew that Maki Zenhiko and Takemoto Jiro who sold him the farm were actually the same kind of people. In fact, they did not run the farm just to make a lot of money. They might just want to stay away from the crowd and live alone. Just human life.

Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle, so Qianye Feng doesn't think there's anything wrong with this.

After Qianye Feng's observation of the big milk cans, it was found that these big milk cans were well raised, with strong limbs and a light in their eyes, and they were also very close to Mu Shanyan, which undoubtedly showed the quality of these big milk cans. .

After some observation, Qianye Feng has made up his mind to buy the large milk can elf eggs from Mu Shanyan Farm.

Uncle, I have decided to buy the large milk can elf eggs from your farm. I wonder how many large milk can elf eggs you want to sell now, and what is the price?

Qianye Feng asked.

I plan to sell 4 large milk can elf eggs now, and the price should be set at 100,000 alliance coins per egg!

After hearing Qianye Feng's question, Mu Shanyan thought for a moment and answered.

Although Qianye Feng knew that the large milk jar Elf Eggs would not be cheap, he did not expect that the price would be 10 times that of the Meli Sheep Elf Eggs.

However, Qianye Feng was relieved when he thought that the race value of the big milk tank was 490.

Although the Big Milk Tank cannot evolve, with its racial value, it only needs a little training before its combat power can take shape.

I want all four of these big milk can elf eggs!

After Qianye Feng figured it out, he said directly without hesitation.

After passing this village, there is no such store. I missed the opportunity to buy elf eggs in a large milk can. I might not be able to buy them next time if I have money. As for going back to Chengdu to buy them, that would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive. Not sure if available for purchase.

Including the alliance coins obtained from selling the wool of Meili sheep during this period, the alliance coins in Qianye Feng's hand are enough to purchase these four large milk can elf eggs.

However, after buying the large milk jar elf eggs, he only had tens of thousands of alliance coins left in savings. Fortunately, there were no big expenses in the near future, and he could continue to replenish his blood by selling the wool of the Meli sheep.

Later, Chiba Kaede and Rina Hsui were taken to a room in his house by Mu Shanyan.

There are more than 10 elf eggs inside. Qianye Feng knows that these are elf eggs from large milk cans, but Mu Shanyan is only willing to sell him 4 elf eggs from large milk cans. He is already very grateful and has no other ideas. , of course, mainly because he is relatively poor.

Don't forget that I still have so many elf eggs here. In fact, most of them have been reserved by someone, but they haven't had time to pick them up yet.

Mu Shanyan was afraid that Qianye Feng would misunderstand and explained quickly.

Uncle, you don't need to explain. You are willing to sell me 4 large milk jar elf eggs. You are already taking good care of me. How can I mind!

After Qianye Feng heard Mu Shanyan's explanation, he suddenly realized.

Elfs like Big Milk Pot are rare in the wild. If an elf trainer wants to tame them, they can only try their luck at the farm that raises Big Milk Pots to see if they have elf eggs for sale. As for mature Big Milk Pots, The cans will not be sold.

Thinking of this, Qianye Feng couldn't help but feel very lucky. If he had come a little later, he might not even have 4 large milk can elf eggs left.

At noon, Chiba Kaede and Rina Hsui had a sumptuous lunch at the invitation of Maki Zenhiko.

Among them, the yogurt made from momo milk is very delicious and the most impressive. According to Mu Shanyan, this is fermented with his exclusive secret recipe and is only used to entertain guests.

After lunch, Qianye Feng expressed his desire to go back.

Immediately, Mu Shanyan drove the two of them back to the Chenghua City Elf Center in his pickup truck, and then he said goodbye and left.

After settling the most important matter in Chenghua City, Qianye Feng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

What Qianye Feng needs to consider now is which elves to use to challenge the Chenghua Gym. Judging from the lineup he currently carries, Qianye Feng feels that there is a high probability that the challenge will fail.

Among the elves he carried, the only one who could handle it was Heracross. Lord Mosquito had just evolved and his strength was still improving, while most of the other elves were in their initial stages and their combat power was not fully formed.

Yuri, I have purchased the elf egg in a large milk can. However, the elf egg cannot be used with the teleportation device, so I have to take it back. I plan to challenge the Chenghua Gym. Can you please teleport King Yan here? After I challenge the gym tomorrow, I plan to ride Da Wangyan back!

Qianye Feng thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to teleport King Yan over and challenge Chenghua Gym in his prime, otherwise he would feel regretful.

Moreover, he didn't plan to walk back on his legs anymore, which was a bit thankless.

I understand, there is nothing going on at the farm now, and Wang Yan's temporary departure will not affect anything. I am here to wish you, boss, victory in the gym competition in advance!

After listening to Chiba Kaede's narration, Terada Yuri was just surprised that Chiba Kaede wanted to challenge the gym, but she would not interfere with his decision. All she could do was to fully support her boss's decision.

Chiba Kaede only waited for less than fifteen minutes before she received a call from Terada Yuri, saying that she had sent Da Wang Yan over and asked him to pay attention to receiving it.

Later, Qianye Feng found Miss Joy and received the Poké Ball from King Yan. The more than half a month he went to Chenghua City this time could be said to be the longest time he had been separated from King Yan since he traveled to this world. .

Wang Yan, how have you been lately?

Qianye Feng stroked King Yan's feathers and then asked.

King Yan didn't say anything, but rubbed Qianye Feng with its head. This actually showed its dependence on Qianye Feng.

I'm sorry, Wang Yan. I left you on the farm for so long because I didn't consider your feelings. I will definitely not do this again.

Qianye Feng actually regretted not taking Da Wang Yan with him this time.

The connection between the two of them is much closer than that of other elves. It can be said that Qianye Feng's current life is inseparable from the efforts of King Yan. They support each other and achieve each other's achievements.

As for the King Swallow, it really misses Qianye Maple during this period. It knows that Qianye Maple is not taken with it so that it can protect its homeland. Therefore, it does not blame Qianye Maple, but it inevitably feels empty in its heart. Yes, I feel abandoned.

It still can't adapt to the days without Qianye Maple, even if there are many proud swallows accompanying it on the farm.

At this moment, King Yan was very happy after hearing that Qianye Feng would not abandon it in the future, and then motioned Qianye Feng to lie on its back, and it wanted to carry Qianye Feng to fly in the air.

Of course Qianye Feng had no objection. This time, King Yan flew for more than half an hour before flying back to the Elf Center.

It was probably because Wang Yan felt that flying with Qianye Feng would make him feel his presence.

The relationship between you and Da Wang Yan is so good!

Rina Susui couldn't help but envy as she watched the interaction between Qianye Feng and Da Wangyan.

It's the same with you and your forest lizard, isn't it?

Chiba Kaede responded to Susui Rina with a smile and said.

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