I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 36 Arriving at Gumei Town

After subduing the Huhus, Qianye Feng did not waste time and finally arrived at Gumei Town at noon the next day.

This town is very small, with a smaller population than Chunhua Town, but it has all the necessary facilities, such as the elf center, police station, elf shop, etc.

Yuri, are you free now?

After Qianye Feng came to Gumei Town, he first came to the Elf Center because there was an Elf teleportation device here.

Qianye Feng planned to teleport Huchu to Chunhua Town first, and then ask Yuri Terada to receive Huchu at the Elf Center in Chunhua Town, so he called her directly.

Boss, if you have any questions, just tell me and I will adjust my work.

Terada Yuri knew that Qianye Kaede was calling him at this time. He must have something important to tell him, so he said this.

I have tamed 3 Huhus and they have been sent to the elf center in Chunhua Town. You ask Da Wangyan to take you there and find Miss Joy to take them over. After settling them, you can provide tree fruits to the Huhus. , let them make juice.”

Chiba Kaede briefly explained the situation of the Shimotsutsubos to Terada Yuri.

I understand. I will go to the Elf Center as soon as possible and bring the Huchus to Qianye Farm.

Terada Yuri was relieved after knowing the reason why Qianye Feng contacted her. She thought something happened to Qianye Feng!

Later, Yuri Terada reported to Chiba Kaede some of the things that happened at Chiba Farm in the past few days, but they were all small things, and there was nothing special that he needed to solve.

After finishing dealing with the matter of Hu Hu, Qianye Feng first went to the room in the Elf Center to take a shower, and then found the most famous restaurant in the town to have a good meal, and finally rewarded his five internal organs. Temple meal.

After eating and drinking, Qianye Feng took a walk on the streets of Gumei Town with the mosquito tadpoles who didn't want to stay in the Poké Ball. He planned to go to the Elf Store to buy some supplies. After all, it was about a short distance from here to Chenghua City. A week's journey.

Boy in front, stop for us!

Qianye Feng, who was thinking about what to buy later, suddenly heard an arrogant voice coming from behind him. When he looked back, he saw several young men who looked like gangsters walking towards him.

What's matter?

Qianye Feng turned around and asked.

You are not from our town, are you? We have never met you before?

One of the guys, who looked like the boss of these gangsters, asked Qianye Feng.

That's right. I'm just passing through Gumei Town and will leave tomorrow!

Qianye Feng knew that the person who came was evil, but he didn't care and answered the other party's questions casually.

No wonder you don't know us three brothers. Our boss has set the rules. Trainers passing by need to pay a toll to our Lava team before they can pass here.

The gangster leader said arrogantly.

In fact, they just saw Qianye Feng coming out of the most expensive hotel in town. He was young and had only a mosquito tadpole with him. They looked easy to bully, so they planned to come over to blackmail him for a sum of money.

They have done a lot of this kind of thing recently. Of course, they are targeting the new trainers, and they dare not provoke the more powerful trainers.

Oh, how much do you want?

When Qianye Feng heard the other party talking about the Lava Team, his heart skipped a beat, and then he asked.

After all, Team Lava and Team Ocean can be said to be the two most powerful dark forces in Hoenn. They are criminal organizations comparable to Team Rocket, whose sphere of influence is mainly in Johto and Kanto.

But Chiba Kaede, who knows the direction of the plot, knows that Team Lava and Team Ocean should be looking for ways to control Groudon and Kyogre during this period, so as to realize their dreams.

Team Lava's dream is to control Groudon to create land, thereby expanding the area of ​​the land and increasing the area of ​​human activity.

The dream of the Ocean Team is the opposite. They are trying to expand the organization of the ocean with the purpose of regaining the habitat that the elves have lost due to human desires.

They believe that the ocean is the source of life for all life, and only by taking back the ocean can we build the ideal homeland of the elves.

According to Qianye Feng's understanding, these two crazy organizations are unlikely to do this kind of thing of collecting tolls. After all, this is not in line with their personality.

You must give us at least 50,000, no, 100,000 alliance coins, otherwise you will never leave Gumei Town.

Yes, that's right. If I don't give you money, you won't be able to live well.

That's it.

After the gangster boss asked for 100,000 alliance coins, the two younger brothers' eyes turned red and they all agreed.

I have the money, but it depends on whether you have the ability to get it!

Qianye Feng said with a smile.

You're looking for death, go ahead, big wolfdog!

Come out, poisonous white butterfly!

Come out, Big Mouth Bat!

After seeing Qianye Feng's attitude, several people shouted.

Boy, give you a chance to reorganize your language!

The gangster boss said arrogantly.

Come out, Meiliyang, Guisi!

Qianye Feng didn't say any more nonsense, and directly summoned two more elves, plus the mosquito tadpoles that were already outside, there were also three elves.

You each find an opponent!

After Qianye Feng saw several people's elves, he knew that they did not cultivate these elves well.

Every elf looked a little listless. It was obvious that the energy supply was insufficient, so they were too lazy to direct them and let them perform freely.

After these few days of fighting in the forest, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles have gained enough fighting experience.

Sure enough, even if the opposing elves were under the command of a trainer, they were no match for the tadpoles with their poor foundation, and they all lost their ability to fight after just a few rounds.

Just wait for us, our boss won't let you go!

Seeing that his elf was no match, after taking the elf back, the gangster boss said harsh words and planned to leave directly.

Meiliyang, electromagnetic waves!

Qianye Feng directly asked Qisemei Liyang to take action. He would not let these people escape so easily.

It's numb, it's numb!

Several people who were hit by the electromagnetic wave immediately collapsed to the ground, paralyzed all over.

Tell me about your relationship with Team Lava, but don't lie to me, or your end will not be good!

When Qianye Feng said these words, he deliberately used a sinister tone, which made people shudder.

I said, I said, we actually have nothing to do with Team Lava. It's just that our former boss joined Team Lava, so we just wanted to use his name to get some benefits!

One of the gangsters couldn't help it and took the lead to reveal their old story.

Make sure you didn't lie to me!

No, no, I told the truth.

Now, Qianye Feng finally knew that they were indeed just ordinary gangsters.

As for whether their boss who joined the Lava Team would take revenge on him, Qianye Feng thought that there was a high probability that he would not. Even if he came, he, a young man who had just joined the Lava Team, would not be able to do anything to him.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng directly called Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town and asked her to help contact Miss Junsha from Gumei Town.

After listening to Qianye Feng's story, Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town immediately agreed to help him contact his cousin in Gumei Town.

Yes, Miss Junsha all over the world is related, which also makes Qianye Feng sigh at the magic of this world!

About 10 minutes later, I saw a lady from Junsha rushing over on a tricycle with a katy dog ​​sitting on the car.

Are you the Xiao Feng that my cousin said?

After Miss Junsha from Gumei Town got out of the car, she first asked Qianye Feng.

Yes, Miss Junsha!

Qianye Feng said with a smile.

I have made things clear. These people have been blackmailing passing trainers recently, which has caused the reputation of our town to decline. I have been looking for them for a long time. Thank you for helping me catch them!

Miss Junsha thanked Qianye Feng.

These guys specialize in blackmailing trainers who are passing by, and the trainers who are blackmailed often run away in a hurry because they are afraid of the danger of staying in Gumei Town.

It wasn't until he went to other towns that the matter was exposed through the Internet, which also caused many trainers to stop coming to Gumei Town recently.

And since there were no victims to identify their crimes, Miss Junsha had no way of knowing who was doing such things. Until today, Qianye Feng asked her cousin to come and arrest them.

This is what I should do, then leave them to you, Miss Junsha!

Qianye Feng still had things to do, so he left after handing a few people over to Miss Junsha. This incident was just an interlude for him.

Thanks to book friend Gui Youbai for your monthly ticket support!

Thank you to Book Friends Youyi Bingwei for your monthly ticket support!

Your support is the motivation for my creation!

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