Today is already the sixth day that Qianye Feng sets out for Chenghua City. Judging from the map, he only needs to walk for another one or two days to reach Gumei Town.

He had traveled a long distance in the past few days and really needed a good rest.

Qianye Feng's current life is not like when he first traveled through time, living a precarious life with survival as his first priority.

He can already live without worries about food and clothing, and can think about how to live a better and more colorful life.

During this period, Qianye Feng met many wild elves and fought with some elves with a strong sense of territoriality, which also quickly enriched the fighting experience of the heterochromatic meliya and the others.

However, it is a pity that Qianye Feng has not encountered any elves that can make him want to conquer them. He has now initially got rid of the shortage of elves, and does not want to conquer the elves as soon as he sees them like Xiao Hao in the animation.

The reason why Xiao Hao was able to conquer so many elves so arrogantly was mainly because he relied on Dr. Sakuragi, who stored the elves he conquered in the ecological park of Sakuragi Research Institute and also helped him take care of these elves.

But even so, Qianye Feng does not believe that Xiaohao can cultivate so many elves at the same time. There is a high probability that they will just keep them in captivity after conquering them. For the elves, it is equivalent to just changing their environment and living in a different environment. There is not much Change.

Qianye Feng didn't want this. After all, his family didn't have a mine and he had to work hard for everything.

In addition to being elves that can bring profits to his farm, the elves he conquers in the future must be able to grow up with him, or be elves that are very suitable for him.

Heracross, what's wrong!

At noon, Qianye Feng was eating the dry food he had prepared before, coupled with the fruits produced by his own family. Since he was about to arrive in Gumei Town, he did not plan to start cooking again today, and planned to wait until he arrived in Gumei Town. Have a meal.

When Qianye Feng was halfway through eating, Heracross suddenly ran up to him and gestured with his forelimbs.

Heracross usually goes to the nearby forest to find nectar or tree sap for food after eating the energy cubes he prepared.

After gesticulating for a while, seeing that Qianye Feng could not understand what he meant, Heracross directly picked up Qianye Feng and ran in one direction.

Um, Heracross, do you want to take me somewhere?

Qianye Feng was a little speechless about her current posture, but thinking that Heracross must have discovered something and wanted to check it out for herself, she did this, so she acquiesced to letting him carry him and run away.

After a while, Heracross took him to the bottom of a mountain cliff, but at this time the environment here was a bit messy, with some gravel scattered all over, which should have been caused by the rocks falling off the mountain above and hitting the ground.

Heracross, there is only a pile of rubble here. What do you want to show me?

Qianye Feng had been put down by Heracross at this time, but he did not find anything unusual here.

At this time, Heracross pointed at the back of a big stone and waved to him. Qianye Feng went around to the back of the stone to check, and immediately discovered something unusual.

Is this Hu Hu?

Qianye Feng found three kettles behind the rocks, but their condition was not very good. The hard shells were covered with scratches.

Among them, the most seriously injured one was the relatively large kettle. The hard shell on its back had cracked a large hole, and the juice stored in its kettle-shaped carapace was flowing out along the crack. It has a grassy fragrance.

Qianye Feng had actually smelled this fragrance before, but he just thought it was the fragrance emanating from the flowers in the forest and didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect it to be emanating from the pot.

But after seeing this scene, Qianye Feng was able to connect the whole thing together.

It must have been a sudden rock fall from the mountain that injured the Huhu people living at the bottom of the cliff.

Then, the severely injured kettle's carapace cracked, causing the juice to flow out, which happened to attract the attention of Heracross, who was out looking for sap.

After Heracross was attracted, he found the seriously injured Kechu, so he went to bring Qianye Feng over, because Heracross knew that only he had the ability to treat such a seriously injured Kechu.

Looking at the dying kettle in front of him, and the two obviously smaller kettles next to him with sad expressions, even the human Qianye Feng looked at the plate without any other movement, as if he did not exist. Likewise, Qianye Feng also felt sympathy.

Huchu, you don't have to worry, I can help you treat it!

Qianye Feng said to the two small pots.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the eyes of the two Huchus, which had been somewhat lifeless, suddenly radiated hope, and they looked at him with pleading expressions.

The situation was urgent. Qianye Feng walked directly to Huhu, stretched out his right hand and placed it on it, and then released his ability. Suddenly, a burst of emerald green light enveloped the seriously injured Huhu.

After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a kettle with a complete carapace.


Huhu, who was already dying and unconscious, suddenly felt a vital light surrounding him when he was dying.

It couldn't feel the pain and deathly silence. When it opened its eyes, it saw a human with a hand on its back. It knew that it was this human who saved it.

Keke, Keke!

At this time, Xiao Huhu, who was waiting on the side, saw his companion appeared intact in front of him, and he screamed very excitedly.

However, although their injuries were relatively minor, such violent movements still caused their injuries. Especially one of the Hu Hu's legs was already red and swollen, and it suddenly started wailing.

Okay, okay, don't get excited now, I'll treat your injuries too!

Qianye Feng then held down a kettle with one hand and treated their injuries.

Let's leave this place first, I'm afraid another stone will fall down later.

Qianye Feng saw that the recovered Huchu was happily checking on his recovered body, and couldn't help but remind him loudly.

After all, he was indeed a little scared to stay in this place. If another stone fell, he would be in trouble, and he had already used up the number of treatments for today.

Keke, Keke!

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the movements of several Huhus froze, and then their eyes showed a look of fear, and they quickly moved away from the place near the cliff. It seemed that they were indeed frightened by the falling rocks.

Later, Qianye Feng brought several Kechu to his campsite and gave them a few energy cubes to restore their consumption.

Huhuhu, what are your plans in the future?

Qianye Feng looked at the pots in front of him and planned to take them to his farm.

The kettle will store the fruit in its pot-shaped carapace. After the fruit ferments inside, it will gradually mix with its body fluids and turn into a sticky and delicious juice without even realizing it.

This kind of juice is very delicious and rich in nutrients. It is a green and natural drink that is very popular among the upper class. Not only that, this kind of juice can also be used to make various secret medicines, so this kind of juice is not expensive. Fei.

Do you want to consider joining my farm? I can provide you with a large amount of tree fruits and let you brew a large amount of juice!

Qianye Feng said seductively, and then he took out the remaining fruit from his backpack and handed it to the Huhus, letting them feel the quality of the fruit produced by his farm.

Sure enough, after eating the fruit given to them by Qianye Maple, the Huchus all showed smiles of satisfaction. They felt that this was the most delicious fruit in the world. If used to brew juice, they would definitely be able to brew the best fruit. Delicious juice too.

Keke, Keke!

After some discussion, the Huhus agreed to join Chiba Farm and live a life of workers from then on.

I believe you won't be disappointed, go ahead, Poke Ball!

After Qianye Feng made his promise, he threw the Poké Ball and subdued the Potatoes.

Qianye Feng knew that the most important reason why he was able to subdue Huhu and the others so easily was that he saved Huhu's life, which made the Huhus completely trust him. Moreover, Huhu's life was not good in the wild. They have a hard time getting enough fruit to make juice.

Thanks to book friend Gui Youbai for your reward and support!

Your support is the motivation for my creation!

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