After eating and drinking, the heterochromatic melody sheep also ran into the yard. It wanted to blend in with the other five melody sheep.

Unfortunately, because of the golden color of its fur, the other Meili sheep don't like to see it and don't want to play with it.

Meili, meili!

After seeing that his companions were rejecting him, Meili Yang returned to the house with a disappointed look on his face and huddled up at Qianye Feng's feet.

Meiliyang, don't be sad. Your friends are just not familiar with you yet. When you get familiar with each other, you will become good friends with you!

Seeing Meili Sheep's deeply shocked look, Qianye Feng could no longer continue reading and stroked its golden hair to comfort him.

Sure enough, after hearing Qianye Feng's comfort, Meili Yang's spirit lifted a little.

Meili Sheep, do you want to be respected by other Meili Sheep and then become their leader?

Qianye Feng continued to speak to Meili Yang.

Meili, meili!

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, Meili Yang jumped up, obviously very excited.

If you want this to happen, you have to become a strong person who can protect them!

At this time, Qianye Feng looked like a big bad guy who deceived children. Unfortunately, Meili Yang had already fallen into the fantasy of becoming a strong man in the future and being worshiped by other Meili Yang.

Yes, this was Qianye Feng's intention.

He knew that Meili Yang was gentle by nature and didn't like fighting, so he wanted to make Meili Yang change his mind from an early age so that he could be trained well in the future.

Under Qianye Feng's deception, the young Meili Yang had begun to urge him to start training quickly so that he could become stronger.

Meiliyang, what you have to do now is to eat well and sleep well, so that you can get out of the incubation period as soon as possible, and then you can start training.

Finally, Meili Yang slowly fell asleep with the fantasy of becoming the leader of Meili Yang in the future. Looking at Meili Yang who smiled from time to time, Qianye Feng knew that it was having a sweet dream.

Qianye Feng went out again and talked to the five bleak sheep outside, making them feel ashamed and saying that they would no longer reject the different-colored bleary sheep.

And after they got tired of playing, they all crowded around the heterochromatic sheep and fell asleep.

Boy, I can't cure you anymore!

Seeing that these sheep were clearly arranged by him, Qianye Feng couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up.

After having these sheep, they can continue to provide wool for Qianye Feng after they have passed their infancy. Normally, sheep can have their wool sheared once a week.

However, because of the presence of these sheep, he seemed unable to leave the farm easily. He couldn't leave the sheep alone and go out on his own!

And if you bring the Meili sheep, it will be very troublesome to take care of them, and it is not conducive to their growth!

It seems that I need to recruit an employee to help take care of the Meili Sheep!

Qianye Feng couldn't help but think.

There was nothing he could do about it. He had other things to do, and he couldn't always take care of Meili Sheep.

And if the proud swallow is left behind, Qianye Feng's own safety cannot be guaranteed, and the proud swallow is not suitable for feeding Meili sheep.

It seems we can only sell the Fire Stone!

Originally, Qianye Feng wanted to keep the Fire Stone so that when he conquered the elves who needed the Fire Stone to evolve, he would not need to buy it anymore.

However, now he still needs to consider taking care of the farm so that it can bring him profits as soon as possible.

Moreover, he also needs to buy a mobile phone, otherwise it will be inconvenient for him to contact other people.

Just as he was told, Qianye Feng took advantage of these Meili sheep to enter the sleep state and put them all into the elf ball. He was worried about leaving them alone on the farm.

Then, Qianye Feng took Proud Yan with him and headed to Chunhua Town.

Miss Joy, can you stay overnight at the Elf Center tonight?

That's right, Qianye Feng came to the Elf Center as soon as he returned to town. He had a lot to do and it was impossible to finish it today.

Of course, no problem, Xiaofeng, how is your farm?

Miss Joy still has a good impression of the child Qianye Feng.

It's not bad, but I don't have many things. I need to add them slowly. By the way, Miss Joy, could you please help me check my Meili sheep? They just hatched today.

After finishing speaking, Qianye Feng handed over the bleed sheep to Miss Joy, including the different-colored bleed sheep.

Qianye Feng wants to train Meili Yang to be his own battle spirit. He will definitely need to fight in the future, and he can't hide it for long.

It was better to take it out openly, and he believed that Miss Joy would not have any thoughts about his bleak sheep.

After leaving the Elf Center, Qianye Feng first visited Miss Junsha. He had no choice but to bear the burden of many debts. He already owed Miss Junsha a lot of favors, and this time was no less important.

Xiao Feng, didn't you just go to the farm? Why can't you stay any longer?

When Miss Junsha saw Qianye Feng coming over, she thought he couldn't bear the hardship on the farm, so she joked.

Nothing, I have something to ask Miss Junsha for help!

Oh, come and listen!

Then, Qianye Feng told Miss Junsha that he wanted to sell the Fire Stone and hire an employee.

After all, in this town, Miss Junsha is probably the only one who has the ability to help him sell the Fire Stone at a good price.

Moreover, as a police officer in the town, there must be no problem with the character of the employees recommended by Miss Junsha.

No problem, I can ask for you, but it may take a while.

As Qianye Feng expected, Miss Junsha just thought about it for a while and then readily agreed to Qianye Feng's request.

Thank you very much for your help, Miss Junsha!

After thanking him, Qianye Feng went straight out of the police station without disturbing him too much.

He still has tens of thousands of alliance coins and plans to purchase more.

The first thing to buy is of course a mobile phone, so that you don't have to run around when you contact people in the future, and it also makes it easier for others to contact him when something happens.

When he arrived at the mobile phone store, Qianye Feng chose a mobile phone that was durable and suitable for use in the wild. He also applied for a card and charged some money, which cost Qianye Feng 6,000 alliance coins.

Then, Qianye Feng came to the seed store in the town, which contained a wide variety of seeds. After all, Chunhua Town was truly a town with agriculture and animal husbandry as its mainstay.

Under the recommendation of the store clerk, Qianye Feng purchased some grass seeds suitable for the Meili sheep, as well as common tree fruits such as apple, peach, and orange.

As for why he bought forage seeds, it was because Qianye Feng planned to conduct an experiment to see if he could use his abilities to strengthen these seeds.

If it can be strengthened, then he believes that the grass grown from these strengthened seeds will be of better quality than the grass currently grown on the farm, so that the Meili sheep who eat these grass can grow better.

However, since the number of uses of today's ability has been exhausted, Qianye Feng can only wait until tomorrow to experiment.

The next day, early morning

The first thing Qianye Feng does when he wakes up in the morning is to use ability enhancement seeds. Since there are many seeds, it would be too time-consuming to strengthen them one by one.

So Qianye Feng directly reached into the seed bag and released his ability.

Sure enough, it seems that my idea is correct.

Qianye Feng picked up the strengthened seeds and compared them with those that were not strengthened. He found that the seeds he had strengthened had fuller particles and exuded a strong breath of life.

It was not until after using his ability three times that Qianye Feng completed strengthening all the seeds. Looking at these seeds, he knew that this was the key to his ability to compete with other farms.

Hey, who are you?

It's me, Qianye Feng, do you remember?

Of course I remember. You are my fierce rival. You finally bought a mobile phone.

Yes, I called you as soon as I bought the mobile phone. Where have you been traveling now?

I just arrived in Kaina City, and I'm planning to fight with someone now. Let's talk when we have time!

Then come on, goodbye!


Chiba Kaede first called Rina Susui, who had set off a few days ago. After all, she had promised before.

Later, when I retrieved the Meli Sheep, I also added Miss Joy’s contact information. If I have any questions about elves in the future, I can consult her.

Don't think that Miss Joy can only treat elves. Qianye Feng has learned about her knowledge about elves. This may be due to her family background!

Anyway, the little kid in Qianye Feng's predecessor had very little knowledge about elves, and was not as good as his time-travelling self.

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