I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 12 Chiba Farm

Now, the farm has officially been renamed Chiba Farm!

Today is Qianye Feng's second day at the farm. He got up early and changed the name of the farm. After all, the farm now belongs to him.

The 6 Ellie Sheep Elf Eggs he ordered from the Nozawa Breeding House were about to hatch, so he planned to go to the Breeding House to get the eggs back.

The Nozawa Breeding House is not far from his farm. It is a breeding house run by the Nozawa couple that specializes in providing milk sheep to nearby farms.

Since their family specializes in cultivating Daili sheep, after years of breeding, the wool of the Daili sheep sold by their breeding house is of good quality, so it is very popular with everyone.

I heard that farmers from other areas even came here specifically to buy their Meli Sheep Elf Eggs, which is why Qianye Feng chose to order their Meli Sheep Elf Eggs.

Xiao Feng, you are here!

Mrs. Nozawa greeted Qianye Feng warmly.

Yes, Aunt Nozawa, let me take away my Meili sheep elf eggs. Are they about to hatch?

The last time Qianye Feng came here, she had already established a relationship with the Nozawa family.

Yes, I estimate that these little guys will be born within 1 or 2 days. You have to prepare food to help them survive the infancy period. It is best to use moo milk so that they can grow quickly. Get through the infancy.”

When an elf is born, there will be a period of time in its infancy.

Elf training cannot be carried out during this period. The length of the incubation period has a great relationship with the food fed by the trainer.

Aunt Nozawa, don't worry, I have bought enough moo milk for them to survive their infancy!

When it comes to Moo Milk, Qianye Feng feels a little distressed.

In order to buy these moo milk, he spent a full 10,000 alliance coins, which is the price of one Meili Sheep Elf Egg.

However, in order to let these Meili sheep pass their infancy as soon as possible, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and buy them.

Although the mel sheep can evolve in three stages, because most mel sheep are very docile and don't like fighting, few trainers will specially breed mel sheep unless the mel sheep has very amazing qualifications.

Since the Meli sheep raised on the farm only eat pasture and often need to have their wool sheared, their level will basically not improve. This also makes it difficult for the Meli sheep on the farm to evolve into Rong Rong Sheep.

Moreover, the wool production of the evolved Woolly Sheep will be greatly reduced, and most farmers do not want their Meili Sheep to evolve.

After exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Nozawa, Qianye Feng returned to the farm with the Ellie Sheep Elf Egg.

Qianye Feng felt that he needed a means of transportation, otherwise it would be too time-consuming to rely solely on his legs.

However, thinking of his shriveled wallet, he could only endure it for now.

Proud Yan, you have to come on, I'm waiting for the day when you can take me flying!

Looking at the proud swallow flying near him, Qianye Feng looked at it expectantly.

Hiss, hiss!

Aoguyan gave Qianye Feng a reassuring look.

After returning to the farm, Qianye Feng took the elf eggs out of his backpack and placed them in an array on the table. Each elf egg was placed in an incubator, which was included with the purchase of the elf eggs.

In the following time, Qianye Feng sent Proud Yan to train, while he was at the table, reading the books about elves that he had purchased before.

Although he had watched a lot of anime about Pokémon in his previous life, now that he was in the real world, he still needed to learn a lot of knowledge.

Time passed like this little by little, and even the proud swallow flew in for the second time to let Qianye Feng help it recover.

Suddenly, a Meili Sheep Elf Egg emitted light, then the second, the third, and until the fifth.

Qianye Feng knew that the sheep were about to hatch.

Sure enough, it only lasted a few minutes, and the sheep were born one after another.

Meili, meili!

Suddenly, there were screams one after another in the hall, and even the proud swallows who were doing weight-bearing training in the yard flew in immediately.

Qianye Feng knew that when the elves were just born, they needed to eat and replenish energy, so he took out the moo milk that had been prepared and poured a plate for each Meili sheep.

This time, the Meili sheep stopped barking and started drinking Moo milk one after another.

After the Meili sheep were full, Qianye Feng let them roam freely in the yard, but told Proud Yan to keep an eye on them and not let them run around.

Hiss, hiss!

Looking at Aoguyan's expression, Qianye Feng knew that Aoguyan was promising himself that it would complete its mission.

After clearing the table again, Qianye Feng looked at the Meili Sheep Elf Egg left on the table and thought to herself, this is not a bad egg!

Of course, this is just Qianye Feng's complaint. He can feel the breath of life in the elf egg.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Qianye Feng's mind.

Qianye Feng placed his right hand on the elf egg, then activated his ability, and a emerald green light suddenly enveloped the elf egg.

I didn't expect it to be possible!

Qianye Feng murmured in a low voice.

Previously, Qianye Feng used the gas in Dantian to help Ao Guyan heal or recover from fatigue and injuries caused by overtraining, without considering whether it had other effects.

But just now, when he thought about whether there was something wrong with the elf egg, he thought about whether he could use his ability to treat the elf egg.

In fact, Qianye Feng is now able to know what the emerald green gas in his dantian is.

This should be a kind of life energy, of high quality, that can repair the damage in the body of humans or elves and improve the body's potential. As for the limit of treatment, he has not yet tested it.

Just when Qianye Feng was lost in speculation about his abilities, the elf egg on the table finally glowed, but this light seemed a little different from before.

When the previous Meli Sheep elf egg hatched, the light was milky white, but this elf egg emitted a golden light, which somewhat blinded Qianye Feng's titanium alloy eyes.

Fortunately, the time did not last long, and a gleaming golden sheep appeared in front of Qianye Feng.

Glitter Elf!

The moment he saw Meili Sheep, this thought came to Qianye Feng's mind.

Meili, meili!

Seeing the human being in front of him dumbfounded, Meili Yang seemed to be reminding him, Shit Shoveler, I'm hungry!

Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat!

Qianye Feng came back to his senses and stretched out his hand to hug Meili Yang down.

It's numb, it's numb!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qianye Feng's hand touched Meili Yang's body, an electric current surged into his body, causing him to tremble all over.

After a while, Qianye Feng recovered.

Although we knew that the sheep generate static electricity by rubbing their body hair, we didn't expect that this sheep would have such strong static electricity when it was just born.

Meili, meili!

Meili Yang looked at Qianye Feng, who was numbed by the static electricity on his body, and couldn't help showing an embarrassed look.

It's okay, it's not your fault, Meiliyang!

Qianye Feng directly picked up Meili Sheep. Now that the static electricity on Meili Sheep's body has been discharged, normal contact is now possible.

Putting the Meili sheep in front of its exclusive dining table, it quickly lowered its head and drank the milk.

It seems that in the future you will have to wear insulated gloves before touching the Meili sheep!

This is also a necessary tool for raising militia sheep. Newly born militia sheep do not have much. After the infancy period, the militia sheep gathered together will spontaneously store static electricity by rubbing their body hair, which is what they rely on. Wild survival instinct.

Qianye Feng didn't know if Meili Yang's strange color was due to his own use of abilities, or if it was originally a different color.

However, Qianye Feng later planned to find elf eggs to test the effect.

Although the heterochromatic elves in the wild are often shunned by their peers and thus easily die young, the heterochromatic elves that survive are very strong.

In human society, the value of heterochromatic elves is even more astonishing. Many wealthy people are keen on raising them, so they will buy them at high prices.

Of course, Qianye Feng will not sell the Meili sheep. He no longer plans to treat the heterochromatic Meili sheep as the raising elves on the farm, but plans to tame them as his own elves and train them well.

After all, Meili Sheep's final evolutionary form is the electric dragon, and the electric dragon can also mega evolve. The evolved mega electric dragon's special attack racial value is as high as 165.

If you can really cultivate a mega electric dragon, then when you encounter a battle, wouldn't it be a killing spree?

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