I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 9 Hundred Ghosts Heavenly Group

Turning his head to look, Wu Huihui, who was lying on the ground, had sat up at some point. She was not afraid of the corpses surrounding her at all. She looked at Xia Feng expressionlessly, her black and white eyes full of pleading.

I can see that you are different from other monsters. You can understand what I say. I beg you, give me a chance to kill him. Seeing that Xia Feng didn't speak, Wu Huihui continued to plead.

Although they didn't interact with each other on weekdays, they were classmates after all. Xia Feng was willing to fulfill her wish. He nodded, then waved to the magic pupil on the side, asking him to drag Zhu Li to Wu Huihui like a dead dog. before.


Wu Huihui thanked Xia Feng, and then cast her gaze on Zhu Li. Her eyes instantly turned blood red, exuding strong killing intent. Two sharp fangs suddenly poked out from the corners of her mouth, and on her fingers His nails also slowly grew longer, also showing a strange blood color.


Xia Feng exclaimed in his heart. He did not expect that Wu Huihui was also a superpower, but it seemed that she had just advanced. Otherwise, she would not have been tortured like this by Zhu Li.


Wu Huihui let out a scream, and the sharp nails on her ten fingers were like ten daggers, stabbing Zhu Li crazily. She stabbed back while shouting: Why? Why? Why do you do this to me? It was obviously me who pulled you away from the monster, and I was obviously your savior. Why should I repay kindness with hatred? www.zbcxw.cn Xingxing Novel Network

Zhu Li can no longer answer these questions. The dense honeycomb-like wounds on his chest have long taken away his life, but even if he is not dead, I am afraid he would not have the face to answer these questions!

Xia Feng stood aside and quietly watched Wu Huihui vent, but he discovered a very strange thing. Not a drop of blood flowed out of the wound caused by Wu Huihui. Instead, the skin and flesh at the wound had begun to turn white. That was the flow of blood. Dry scene.

On the other hand, Wu Huihui's bruises were fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bloody wounds on her legs had scabbed over, as if she had taken tonic.

It turns out he is really a vampire!

Xia Feng whispered in his heart that he had already seen Wu Huihui's ability. While transforming to enhance his physical fitness, he could also absorb the spiritual energy in the blood to strengthen himself, just like a weakened version of the pulse-locking swallowing spirit.

Even so, it is a very powerful ability, which means that as long as she has enough blood, she can quickly increase her strength, and as her strength increases, this ability may become even more powerful.

When Zhu Li's body gradually shriveled up, Wu Huihui gradually calmed down, raised her head to look at Xia Feng, and asked, Can I follow you?

Xia Feng was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Wu Huihui would make such a request. He hesitated, leaned over, picked up a brick, and wrote on the white wall: Aren't you afraid of me?

I think people with complicated thoughts are more terrifying. If I follow you, even if you don't need me one day, the most you will do is be eaten. Wu Huihui's tone was very calm, but she had a sense of being indifferent to life and death.

After listening to Wu Huihui's words, Xia Feng scratched a few more times on the wall and wrote the word good, which was regarded as agreeing to her request.

Compared to zombies who only have instincts, humans with intelligence are undoubtedly better thugs, and people like Wu Huihui, who are wary of humans and don't even care about life and death, don't need to worry about her betrayal. Is the best subordinate.

Thinking of this, a bold idea suddenly came to Xia Feng's mind, and he wrote another line of words with a brick: I will give you a name, vampire. Just forget your previous name along with your past misery! From now on, you will be the first member of the Hundred Ghosts.

The Hundred Ghosts Heavenly Group, this is the idea that Xia Feng just came up with, to recruit those survivors who have powerful powers but have experienced various misfortunes and hate human beings to become his own human weapons.

Wu Huihui saw the writing on the wall, stood up slowly, bowed to Xia Feng, and said, The vampire has met the master.

Xia Feng nodded with satisfaction, looked at Zhu Li's body again, raised his hand, and five chains swarmed out, turning the already shriveled Zhu Li into dried bacon.

The spiritual energy devoured from Zhu Li was only a fraction of that of the wild boar man. Apparently most of the spiritual energy was swallowed up by Wu Huihui along with the blood.

In addition, as his strength increased, the amount of spiritual energy required became larger and larger. In the end, these spiritual energy only made Xia Feng's body grow by about ten centimeters, which was far less effective than when he swallowed the wild boar people.

Let's continue to find the reason for the emergence of spiritual energy! I hope I can be promoted successfully. Xia Feng sighed in his heart, and took the corpse group on the journey again.

It's just that this time there is an extra vampire. Like the devil eyes, she follows closely behind Xia Feng. Thanks to the fact that the zombies around her are all controlled by Xia Feng, otherwise she, a human, would have to be torn into pieces. No.

Relying on his sense of spiritual energy, Xia Feng walked through the corridor of Area B, walked out of the laboratory building through the back door, and came to the asphalt road between the laboratory building and the teaching building.

At this moment, the scene on the asphalt road made Xia Feng couldn't help but open his mouth. The originally flat road of tens of meters had now become undulating, as if a mountain range that had shrunk countless times was sitting on it.

And this mountain range is actually made up of pieces of colorful stones, emitting a strong multi-colored brilliance. It looks like the colorful sacred stones used by Nuwa to mend the sky in myths and legends.

Seeing this colorful mountain range, Xia Feng knew that he had found the source of the school's rich spiritual energy, but he didn't know whether the Vein-Spelling Devouring Spirit could be effective on this mountain range.

As thoughts flashed in his mind, a ray of orange light suddenly flew out from the colorful mountains and headed straight for Xia Feng. At the same time, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

Without any time to think, he punched out instinctively. The huge fist exuded a black luster under the sunlight and struck hard towards the orange light.


A high-pitched meow suddenly sounded, and Xia Feng felt as if his fist had touched a soft object, and then he saw the orange light flying backwards, slowly falling to the ground, and the bright light quietly dissipated.

Thinking about it at this time, Xia Feng saw clearly that the orange light turned out to be an orange cat that could shine. However, the cute little kitten in the past had now grown into a ferocious beast as big as a cheetah, with dark green eyes. The cat's eyes were spinning, exuding a dangerous aura.

Xia Feng lowered his head and glanced at his fist. On the back of his hand, which was covered with thick scales, there were several deep scars visible on the bone. What was even more frightening was that he didn't even see how the orange cat struck just now. .

Is this a mutated animal? It's really scary.

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