Facing this powerful orange cat, Xia Feng was extremely cautious. After all, being able to leave such deep scars on his fists meant that he could also open his head.

Moreover, in the brief fight just now, apart from knowing that the orange cat is extremely fast and can shine, it is not clear what other abilities it has. Faced with such a dangerous enemy, the cautious Xia Feng will naturally not take risks easily.

At this moment, the effect of the zombies behind him was revealed. In line with the principle that if you have something to do, I will do it, and if nothing else... ahem, if nothing happens, just pull him down. Xia Feng gave the order in his heart, and thousands of zombies rushed from behind him. came out and gathered into a black tide of corpses, sweeping towards the orange cat.

The orange cat obviously regarded the colorful mountains as his home. When he saw the corpses rushing towards him, the hair on his body immediately exploded. He screamed meow and his body suddenly turned into an afterimage and headed towards The corpses pounced.

The sharp claws brought out the afterimages, and instantly dismantled a zombie rushing at the front into pieces, and then threw another zombie to the ground, biting its throat with its mouth, and directly killed this zombie. The head was bitten off.

The surrounding zombies took this opportunity to pounce, but the orange cat just twisted its body to avoid the zombies' pounce, and then attacked again with a pair of sharp front claws.

The orange cat is very smart. It uses its absolute speed to wander around the edge of the corpse group, fighting and retreating at the same time. It is like peeling potatoes, constantly dismantling zombies one after another, showing its powerful hunting skills. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Xia Feng is not in a hurry about this. There is only one orange cat, but there are many zombies. Until now, zombies are still walking around him. The distance between the two buildings seems wide, but thousands of zombies are enough. Stuff this place without leaving any gaps.

The orange cat looks brave, but it is gradually forced away from the colorful mountains by the zombies. After all, it is not made of copper and iron. Once it falls into the zombies, its speed will be affected, and it will definitely be torn into pieces by the zombies who only have instincts.

While the orange cats were fighting and retreating, Xia Feng, guarded by the corpses, arrived in front of the Colorful Mountains. Although it was a scaled-down version of the mini-mountain, it was still three times smaller than the real mountain. He was more than 1,000 meters tall, even taller than Xia Feng's body at this time.

Just being close to the Colorful Mountains, Xia Feng felt a stream of spiritual energy pouring into his body. Even if he stayed like this for a month doing nothing, he might be able to advance to the third level zombie.

But this is not what Xia Feng wants. For him, the most important thing is whether the Colorful Mountains can be swallowed up by locking pulses and swallowing spirits. If he waits for a month, it is not as fast as swallowing zombies one by one. Woolen cloth!

With this idea in mind, Xia Feng slowly raised his palm and shouted in his heart: Lock the pulse and swallow the spirit.

Chains as black as ink emerged from the palm of the hand like poisonous snakes preying on prey, and the sharp cones at the end of the chains were like snake teeth, piercing hard towards the colorful stone wall in front of them.

When the chain collided with the stone wall, the imagined scene of sparks flying did not appear. The spirit-swallowing chain was like a piece of tofu being stabbed, and it entered the colorful mountains.

The next moment, huge waves of energy began to be transmitted back from the five chains, pouring into Xia Feng's body along the arms. Nourished by such majestic spiritual energy, the two-meter-high body began to move at a speed visible to the naked eye. grow again.

Sure enough, I prefer to take the initiative rather than passively accept it. Feeling the feeling of rapidly becoming stronger, Xia Feng sighed happily.

At the same time, he also discovered that the ability of the Soul-Chaining Soul-Devouring Chain seems to be a natural restraint against the colorful mountains. It is obviously a hard stone, but it is easily broken by the Soul-Devouring Chain. Moreover, the speed of absorbing energy from the mountains is faster than that of swallowing zombies and superpowers. Much faster.

Is it possible that this vein-locking spirit-swallowing spirit was specially built to swallow this kind of mountain range, and that swallowing zombies and superpowers is just a side benefit? A bold idea suddenly came to Xia Feng's mind.

In this case, from now on, this colorful mountain range will be called Spiritual Vein! It corresponds to the Vein-Swallowing Soul Swallowing Soul. Xia Feng silently gave the colorful mountain range a name that was destined to be restrained.

Click! Click! Click!

Along with a familiar sound of bones, Xia Feng, who had been frantically absorbing spiritual energy, finally reached three meters in height. Every black scale on his body shone with a dark luster, and his scarlet eyes exuded a breathtaking light, like a An ancient ferocious beast.

The ninth rotation of the corpse god, the third rotation, the five-pole rotation. The majestic voice exploded in his mind again, but this time Xia Feng's resistance was stronger than before, but his eyes blurred slightly, and then he recovered It's normal.

Five-pole rotation, what kind of ability is this? Xia Feng thought with some confusion.

As soon as this thought came up, there was a sudden itching sensation in his chest. When he looked down, he saw five patterns of different shapes emerging from the chest covered by scales.

The five patterns show five colors of gold, green, blue, red and yellow respectively, forming a beautiful five-color ring inlaid on the chest, shining with a faint luster.

Is this the five-pole rotation? Xia Feng thought in his mind, raised his hand and gently touched the red pattern.

The moment the fingertips touched the pattern, the red pattern suddenly erupted with dazzling light, and red lines spread out from the center of the pattern, like a spider web spreading towards the whole body.

When the red lines spread all over his body, there was a boom sound, and the hot flames rose up and enveloped Xia Feng, making his burly body look like a demon from hell.

Fire? Could it be that the rotation of the five poles refers to the transformation between the five elements? Xia Feng speculated in his heart, and raised his hand to click on the blue pattern again.

The next moment, the crimson lines on his body seemed to have been splashed with paint, turning into pure blue in the blink of an eye. Wisps of biting cold air emanated, forming a layer of white frost on the ground.

Next, Xia Feng tried the other three runes. As he expected, each rune corresponded to an attribute, which corresponded to the five elements of wood, water, fire, and earth. Different runes could unlock different attributes. Transform.

Although the ability to switch between the five elements does not sound very strong, Xia Feng understands that with this ability, his combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced in the future. For example, if he encounters a person with fire abilities, he can use water elements. Transform into a restraint. When you encounter a person with water-type powers, you can use the earth-type to transform into a restraint.

While he was thinking about his new ability, Xia Feng discovered that his body had undergone new changes as he continued to swallow spiritual energy.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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