Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 906 Unrecoverable Team (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    In this moment, the entire room was shrouded in a rather delicate atmosphere.

    In the room, the wounded person who was lying on the bed had already sat up and entered the eyes of everyone.

    It was a young woman with golden hair and blue eyes, who were very young and had a noble figure. She was tall and plump. She looked very feminine.

    Girls are wearing black blouses and ordinary skirts, looks more or less carry a trace of ice coldly feeling, and that golden hair and blue eyes, there is a kind of dignified impression of cold bishoujo.

    However, this icy bishoujo is at this moment, but it is tightly clutching Megumin's hand, and the charming face is with the ruddyness of abnormal, as if immersed in the indescribable thrill of happiness, while spitting the burning aura while it is full. Face happiness.

    Thank You Thank you so much ! ”

    The young girl was very happy to Megumin and said such a thing.

    "I have never had such a powerful attack. It was the first time I felt the thrill of climbing the entire consciousness. Is that EX plosion Magic? It is fantastic! ”

    The girl's extremely abnormal speech was not only for Megumin, but also for everyone who walked in. They all looked at each other in blank dismay, and for a moment, they did not know how to react.

    Looking at such people, the young girl reacted to it and released Megumin's hand. His blissful expression and the blush of the abnormal disappeared without a trace, tightening the charming face and introducing himself.

    "My name is Darkness. It's the same as everyone. I'm an Adventurer. Please give me more advice."

    Saying this, the girl named Darkness also said such a thing to the crowd with a serious face.

    "Then I have a very sincere request and I hope you will allow me to join your team."

    Extremely sudden requests, so that all the people are lingering there.

    "Join the team?"

    After a while, the crowd was appalled.

    "Yes, please be sure to let me join your team!"Darkness's serious expression suddenly grew enthusiasm, and the body leaned forward, saying: "My Class is Crisader, the standard vanguard type, please agree with me anyway!"

    When they heard Darkness, everyone was slightly sucked in a cold breath.

    "Crusader ?!"

    After Aqua reacted with Megumin, it was even more exciting.

    Because, like Arch Priest and Arch Wizard, Crusader is also a Top Tier Class.

    It was Knight's Top Tier Class.

    If Arch Priest specializes in support and healing, and Arch Wizard specializes in powerful magic, then Crusader is a class that prides itself on being very high in defensive power, not only against a variety of physical attacks and magic attacks, Even have a variety of abnormal status of resistance, to guardian responsibility, is regarded as holy Knight, is also regarded as Guardian God Ming guard Knight, only on fame, perhaps than arch priest and arch Wizard higher.

    Therefore, Aqua and Megumin are just so excited. Even Kazuma has a stupidly look. It seems that he is not very willing to believe that the unfathomable mystery guy will be known as Holy Knight's Top Tier Class.

    "Join! Let Darkness join it! ”

    "that's right, with Crusader as vanguard, Arch Priest as support, plus my Arch Wizard as the rearguard output, not only have three Top Tier Classes, and the balance of the team is fully uplifted, so we must be the town The most powerful team!"

    Aqua and Megumin seem to be completely excited, and they all consider why Darkness suddenly made this request, hoping to join his team.

    Only Kazuma, like what he was thinking about, was nodded after half a day.

    "So that's how it is, you didn't count me at all."

    Not to mention that Kazuma was not counted, and neither Fang Li was counted.

    Well, a No Class, a weakest job, compared with the three Top Tier Class, is not taken for granted.

    Although, compared to these three so-called Top Tier Class, let alone Fang Li, that is, Kazuma Adventurer of the weakest Class is rather correct.

    In any case, one of the three Top Tier Classes is the Arch Priest, which has no use whatsoever, and the Arch Wizard, which has been fired afterwards. Even if it is the remaining Crusader, it is not at all. Fly.

    The explanation is straightforward.

    "Although I'm the Top Tier Class, I hope you don't expect my strength."Darkness says something embarrassed: "Because I'm a specialized defense type, all Skills are used to increase defensive power, I haven't learned any Offensive Skill, plus I'm also quite clumsy, so my attack is completely Not people."

    Darkness's speech made Kazuma's expression fantastic.

    So, Kazuma asked cautiously: "And…in other words, even if you make vanguard, can't you defeat the enemy?"

    This is what it's about.Darkness nodded, very frankly said: "At least, my sword has never been cut in the monsters so far, Rank is raised with high-experience points of ingredients and cooking up."

“……Why is this? ”Kazuma couldn't understand what he said and said: "Just learn a skill like "Two-handed Sword" and you can use good weapons. It's not difficult to hit an enemy."

    "I know.Darkness looked straight at Kazuma but said: "But I can't do this."

    Looking at the unusually resolute expression of Darkness, Kazuma couldn't help but stand upright, facing Darkness's eyes, and asked with a solemn expression: "Is there anything indistinguishable?"

    "Not so."Darkness that rigorous expression suddenly came up with a little blush, and said: "Only, attack completely can not hit the enemy, then even if I fight against the end will defeat, if can because of this and fall into possession of brute sex addiction of opponents hands, then I absolutely Will was insulted, but even if it could defile my body, it would never taint my heart …MeMeUN

    Speaking of it, Darkness was like a sly thought of that scene, and it shuddered with a flamboyant sound.

    In the face of such a so-called Holy Knight, Kazuma's heart is like being riddled with millions of Giant Frog's, and that mood cannot be described in words at all.

    Plus, this female Knight was seriously injured by Megumin's EX plosion Magic. Not only did she have no complaints, but the first sentence was to thank him.

    "It's hard…could it be that …"

    Kazuma seemed to understand something and stepped back several steps.

    In the development of the room, Fang Li can understand what is going on, even without looking.

    On the wall outside the door, Fang Li had already laughed.

    "Arch Wizard, can only use once a day Magic's Arch Wizard when it's completely useless or even troublesome, and now I'm also adding Masochist Female Knight who can't hit the attack?"

    This team finally began to advance on the irreversible route.

    However, Fang Li cannot stop it.

    "It is impossible to communicate with the Top Tier Class who has a problem."

    Therefore, Fang Li already gave his life.

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