Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 896 highly featured companion (seeking monthly ticket)

    Axel, Equipment Shop.

    This is Axel's best-known Equipment Shop, not only sells sophisticated weapons and armor imported from the bustling city, also replaces some of High Rank's Adventurers with weapons and armor sold here, for Beginner Adventurer, It is a high-class consumer place.


    Upon entering the store, Kazuma and Aqua made separate exclamation.


    The owner of the shop is a burly man who holds a hammer and displays his muscles.

    In this shop, there are weapons and armors that look beautiful and sophisticated.

    The sharp sword is placed in a glass cabinet like an artwork.

    Sturdy armor-like displays are usually placed around all around.

    The solitary light reflected by the steel is constantly glittering in the shop.

    In addition, there are quite a few types of equipment, including shields, staff, leather, and hand guards.

    Said with no trace of politeness, Kazuma and Aqua have been conquered by this place.

    "This is the feeling of Another World!"

    "Is there an Artifact that matches me as Goddess?"

    Saying that this makes people feel bad, Kazuma and Aqua began to wander around in the store.

    Then, the exclamation sounded from the mouth of the two people.

    "This dagger actually wants to "500? ! Cheatin' eh?!Kazuma)

    "I fancy this robe! But too expensive! Give me a discount! Reduced price! "(Powered by

    "No, wait, according to the convention, at this point in the store there should be junk weapons that are discarded. They will not be noticed until the protagonist appears, and then they will be bought and later discovered to be Artifact. Repertoire!" (Kazuma)

    “Really? Wait for me I went to flip through the pile of trashy things in the corner! "(Powered by

    "You are not a protagonist! You are nothing more than the protagonist's accessory ! Give me the position quickly! "(Kazuma)

Odor But I know! The more people don't want to get closer, the better! This is my intuition as Goddess! "(Powered by

“……That's a real garbage dump…Don't turn it over…" (Kazuma)

    Seeing this pair of partners who rarely seen (weirdo) get up in front of the rubbish in the store, not to mention the owner, Fang Li has the urge to throw these two people out.

    "I said, do you two still choose Equipment?"Fang Li directly said: "If I do not choose, then I will leave?"

    After that, Fang Li really turned and was ready to leave.

    "Wait That was my bad. give me one more chance! ”

    "Don't leave me! I'm Goddess! Goddess! Don't take good care of me but Divine Punishment! ”

    Kazuma and Aqua immediately rushed over, hugged Fang Li's thighs from left to right, one cry to cry, and one really cried.

    Fang Li really has a kind of impulsive face.

    "No wonder that taking these two guys is a B-Rank Side Quest."

    At least, if it is only difficult, Fang Li believes that if you want to bring these two people to Level 30, you will definitely die. Not to mention Side Quest by B-Rank. Even Rank S+ Quest, which Rum is unable to accomplish, Fang Li No wonder.

    "You quickly choose Equipment."Fang Li sighed and said: "Otherwise, it is impossible to Quest today."

    Hearing this, the two seemed to think of the right thing.

    "What's the point, then?"Kazuma scratched his head and said: "You just joined our team and you actually borrowed money to buy Equipment for us. It's too bad."

    There’s nothing to be done.Fang Li grinned and said: "I'm only a No Class person. Since I want to join a team that only recruits Top Tier Class, how can I say it at a price?"

    "No, this is not the case. ”Kazuma quickly said: "We can't because of you not reaching the conditions for recruitment, but are willing to lend us money to get you into the ranks?"

"Aqua suddenly raised the head from a Fang Li's lap, surprised Kazuma and said:" Is not it? ”



    Fang Li and Kazuma were speechless at the same time.

    Looking at the extremely surprised expression of Aqua, it seems that the self-professed Goddess really believes that Fang Li can join the team because he has borrowed money to connect with them.

“……You ignore this useless Goddess then it will be alright. ”Kazuma patted Fang Li's shoulder and said with emotion: "The only useless person is not only the lowest value of luck, even the intelligence is lower than the average value. We should care for her and we should not be preoccupied with it."

    Hey! what do you mean! ”Aqua said with a tantrum: "I don't want to be below the average value for all values, only the lucky value is very high, the result can only be a class transition to become a hikest Class's Adventurer's hikiNEET!"

“……Anyway, you hurried to select Equipment. ”Fang Li was a little tired and said tiredly: "Give me the Adventurer Card and then go to Equipment. Otherwise I really leave."

    Immediately, Kazuma and Aqua quickly offered their Adventurer Card and immediately rushed to the side to select the Equipment.

    Fang Li This only looked at the Adventurer Card.

    The first is Kazuma.

    As Aqua said, Kazuma's Class is Adventurer, which is a Beginner Class, also a weakest Class, except that the intelligence is slightly higher and the lucky value is exceedingly high, all other values ​​are below the average value.

    At present, Kazuma's Rank is Level 3, Skill Points is 2 points, and she hasn't learned any Skill yet.

    Because of the Adventurer Class relationship, Kazuma is unable to learn skills unless someone teaches Kazuma. Even if it is learned, it will cost a lot of skill points or it will be ineffective because there is no relationship between Class additions. Therefore, besides lucky Beyond the value, there is really nothing that can make a move.

    As for Aqua, it's more amazing.

    The values ​​of each of the various Optional parameters are very high, far exceeding the average value, especially the Magic Power, which is even more ridiculous. It is even impossible for even the Royal Family who has continuously introduced the Hero bloodline.

    Unfortunately, Aqua’s intelligence is lower than the average value. It cannot be a class transition into a Magician Class that requires high intelligence and high Magic Power. Fortunately, it is the lowest value. For fear of drinking water, it is likely to arrive. Was it picked up?

    However, the rest of Aqua's value is very high, even if Level 1 can also class transition into Top Tier Class.

    So Aqua class transition became Arch Priest.

    And, this Arch Priest also has more outrageous Skill Points, not only all the skills of Arch Priest have been learned, and also learned a lot of Banquet Skill.

“……What is the use of the Banquet Skill? ”

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