Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 867 Takes Out a Victory

    "pū chī —!"

    In the splitting sound, Fan Xinglu, who had Dragon Sword cut in the Fang Li body, was beaten by God Speed.

    That is a very clear cut.

    The upper body and lower body were cut by neat and tidy, and the incision was even more striking. Even half of the blood did not flow out.

    However, precisely because of this, Fan Xinglu, who was cut off, would disappear like a mirage.

    Obviously, that's still avatar.

    "shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā !"

    Fan Xinglu, who shuttled through Space in the Teleportation of Ground Shrink Technique, morphed into countless roads, as if they were all entities. They successively fought in the direction of Fang Li's.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Moon Shadow !"

    The full range of slash, like a moon, is accompanied by a pure white lightsaber. It flies in the face of Fang Li's around the body and meets the shadow of a strike.

    "pū chī —!"

    It is also a split-like tearing sound, and all the incoming figures are all broken by a full moon-like slash. The neat and tidy are cut.

    Unfortunately, these figures are still like phantoms. After shaking for a few moments, they disappear.

    "shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā !"

    Numerous figures appeared again.

    Only this time, countless figures did not directly rush to attack, but one by one's magic seal.

    Suddenly, various Star Senjutsu began to appear.

    Some are one by one huge flame clumps.

    Some are sharp sword edges.

    Some are heavy earth and rubble.

    Some are sharp icicles.

    Various types of Star Senjutsu were used one after another, and one after another scratched the air and flew toward Fang Li.

    Fang Li can be sure that these Star Senjutsu are also mixed with phantom and invisible, entity, phantom and even hidden attacks.

    In addition, the Ground Shrink Technique, which Fan Xinglu has been using constantly, simply puts all kinds of magical techniques to the peak.

    "Is this what I call a small-scale Star Senjutsu to fight or assist in combat?"

    Have to say that this is particularly difficult.

    Although these attacks did not have the amazing power of the past, they could be fighting, not just focusing on firepower and power.

    Like Fang Li, it has always been pursuing speed and lethality. Even if there are no destructive power moves, it does not mean that he is weak. Otherwise, even Third Rank’s opponents won’t win a lot.

    By the same token, the power of these Star Senjutsus cannot be used by Fan Xinglu, and Fang Li will only find it more difficult.

    At the very least, in the face of such a large number of attacks, if only one Bo Xie wants to manipulate his Ability, then it is almost equivalent to impossible.

    After all, the scope of Bo Xie's ability has to be the things he touches, and he certainly cannot touch so many objects at the same time.

    "Flashing Dash – Reflected Moon !"

    At the moment, Fang Li's figure is turned into Moon Shadow reflected in the water and disappears into the air.


    The flame clumps, the sword edge of the wind, the earth and stone rubble and the crystal of the icicles suddenly came together and heavily boomed. Under the explosion-like movement, the winds and flames ignited, and they bloomed in mid-air.

    Fang Li flashes out not far.

    "shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā !"

    At the same time, countless Fan Xinglu flashed again in Fang Li's around the body.


    Fang Li finally couldn't help but speak.

    "In that case, then come up with endurance!"

    Words fell, Fang Li's body emerged like a sparkling Prana.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Instant Prison !"

    Fang Li's figure suddenly split and opened, turning into numerous phantoms, toward the equally numerous figures around, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

    Come on! Come on.

    Fan Xinglu also seems to have completely burned up, made a very happy cry, so that countless roads also rushed out.

    Above the sky, a single-person war against a single person begins.

    Countless roads seem to assault on the battlefield, the two armies confrontation, strangled.

    The slash fired by Fang Li's phantom is either stifled by Fan Xinglu's presence in the future, or falls into the air.

    Obviously, Fan Xinglu had made a surprise attack on Fang Li with magical techniques such as phantom, invisibility, and Ground Shrink.

    The opposite view fan Xinglu yonder, either also with close combat to meet, or use star Senjutsu to attack or assist, so high altitude constantly appear wind, fire, thunder, water, soil and other kinds of phenomenon, plus also from time to time the thorns, immortal Tool and a variety of means, no doubt, Fan Xinglu took out all of its own in the fight.

    That scene, like the battlefield that is really being killed, has caused countless figures to stifle each other. It is extremely tragic.

    Fan Xinglu has an overwhelming advantage from the point of view.

    However, the close combat aspect is the overwhelming advantage of Fang Li, coupled with the decision-making ability of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, even if the powerful magical technique can strike obliterate, so that Fan Xinglu can not be a moment between Nothing got Fang Li.

    However, in the face of Fan Xinglu's Ground Shrink Technique, Fang Li is equally helpless.

    As a result, the war situation was so deadlocked.

    As Fang Li said, this is the endurance.

    Even if it were to be smaller, Fan Xinglu had to consume Prana when using the magical technique, and it would continue to run out sooner or later.

    Fang Li is also the same. In order to fight Fan Xinglu, it is no exception to meet with Nanaya Assassination Arts who consumes a lot of Stamina. The use of Mystic Eyes, the use of Bo Xie, and the strengthening of Prana have all reached their limits. Fast speeds are consumed.

    As a result, countless figures strangled in the air gradually disappeared.

    By the time that the fierce fighting that would have formed a war ended, Fang Li and Fan Xinglu had already fallen from the air and landed on the top of a mountain that had been destroyed.

    "Hu~"Phew.Rime table

    Rushed breathing, distinct from the mouth of the two people.

    Fang Li and Fan Xinglu stare at each other, one tries to adjust their breathing, and the other smiles ecstatically and happy.

    "I didn't expect it to happen to me."

    Fan Xinglu satisfied and regretful whispering sound.

    "However, it is the final blow."

    After a strike, it is the limit.

    This is true for either Fang Li or Fan Xinglu.


    Fang Li breathed a sigh of relief, slowly straightened up and looked forward.

    Blue blue Mystic Eyes light up.

    Bo Xie in the hand points to the sky.

    Extruding out the final Stamina and Prana, Fang Li whispered.

    "final strike…"

    Fan Xinglu laughed at the sound clearly.

    "final strike…"

    The eyes of the master and disciple met in midair.

    In the end, a hard gripping sword, one pulled out of the talisman.

    The winning and losing, just a second later.

    At that moment, the deafening roar resounded through the sky.

    When everything became calm, Fang Li and Fan Xinglu had already disappeared here.

    Only one mountain that was flattened and only half remained was located here.

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