Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 865 Breaks Skyward Collision


    In the tremors of space, the astonishing storms raged on the tops of the alpine mountains in the depths of the cloud layer, swaying the entire mountain.

    Rock discs are easily destroyed.

    Stones and rubble are crushed in it.

    The air flow whined like it was cut off.

    Sky seems to be shaken and shaken.

    Looking from a distance, the scene is like a mountain deep into the cloud layer. It is gradually destroyed by the storm that descends from the sky. It begins at the top of the mountain and collapses downwards, causing a storm in the mountains to slam, one after another. Transformed into rocks and rubble, it was crushed in the mighty storm.

    Even the peaks fell into such a fate, let alone a fragile human body, that they had already been smashed into pieces and dred red a small area in the storm.

    Even Fan Xinglu's around the body is suspended with a piece of talisman, as if protected by a protective shield, flew out of the storm and away from its center.

    Looking at the top of the mountain that had gradually shattered in the storm, Fan Xinglu stared at the eyes tightly, after a while, raised the brows, a naive innocent smile appeared on the tender face.


    Space is still shaking.

    However, without knowing when when, the storm raging on the mountains suddenly changed.

    The terrifying storm was like being sucked away by something. It turned into a chaotic stream of air and flocked to a position.

    There, pure white light shines like the sun.


    In the dazzling white light, the astonishing storm is sucked by the power that cannot be ignored.

    The source of white light is a pure white light sword.

    Under the dazzling starlight flow, the rich Prana was injected into a pure white light sword, which made the pure white light sword bloom out of the sun's white light, absorbed the entire storm, and forcedly compressed it into the sword body. .

    The power of that storm was originally terrifying.

    Now, under the pure white Lightsaber's Ability, such power was reduced to a small sword, and the air that had converged on it was turned into a dark color, causing destructive fluctuations that were frightening. .

    Fang Li lifted Bo Xie in his hands so high, while pouring Prana into it, while using Bo Xie's ability, the storm will be controlled, and constantly reduced to the sword body, turned into a dark turbulent flow.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes, staring at Fan Xinglu.

    "Back to you!"

    At the next instant, Fang Li held his empty hand on the hilt, holding the sword in both hands, and facing the direction of Fan Xinglu, heavily waved his weapon.

    The dark turbulent flow that collapsed on Bo Xie burst open and turned into a tornado, as if it had cut the entire sky. Where it passed, the atmosphere broke, the Spatial Distortion, the violent violent shoots went straight to Fan Xinglu and swept it up. .

    "It's good!"

    Upon seeing this, Fan Xinglu was not shocked and anti-happy, with a squeaking sound with great momentum, his hands like afterimage, and the Magic Seal kicked up at an amazing speed.

    "Kyuukyuunyoritsuryou! Choku!

    This time, it wasn't the storm but the flames that rolled around Fan Xinglu's around the body.

    The hot flames that carried the terrifying heat grew up in flames. The hot red color seemed like hot magma. It gathered in Fan Xinglu's around the body, and finally it condensed into an immense fireball, like a small sun, hung in the sky.


    Fan Xinglu waved his body. In front of him, the fireball carrying the terrifying heat was swiftly rising. Like a huge rock, it flew forward.

    It didn't take long to meet the incoming tornado suddenly.

    "BOOM —!"

    The world-shaking roar resounded high above the sky.

    The dark tornado collided directly with the fiery red fireball, and it was like a stellar explosion. It provoked a shocking storm, set off terrible turbulence and detonation, and showed a ring-like extension to all around.

    The range of the storm and the detonation storm has expanded beyond a kilometer.

    Under such world-shaking collisions, the cloud layer was directly blown away, and the blast wave and the detonation flared up to the horizon without mercy.


    Suddenly, the blast wave and detonation that spread out like a big star explosion stopped and flowed back like time flew back.

    After seeing this scene, Fan Xinglu first saw it and he seemed to think of something.

    "could it be that …!"

    Almost at the same time as Fan Xinglu reacts, the blast wave that looks like backflowing time and the detonation like a whirlpool are involved in the blade of a pure white light sword that glows dazzlingly white.

    Silently appearing at the center, Fang Li uses Bo Xie's ability to manipulate the blast wave and the detonation, compressing it to the sword body as it did during the previous storm.

    The fiery explosive and the dark blast wave are compressed together, and they are transformed into chaotic power fluctuations.

    "This is also back to you!"

    Under the sound of Fang Li's low roaring sound, chaos-like power fluctuations plucked along with the swooping lightsaber. It is like the wind pressure that breaks the space. While annihilating the atmosphere, it is extremely fast passing, and it flies to where Fan Xinglu is. The direction.

    Seeing that the amazing power fluctuations are like the wind-like pressure of their own, Fan Xinglu heart warning signs.

    Feeling the terrible power fluctuations that even the breath was taken away, Fan Xinglu finally felt the crisis.

    So, this time, Fan Xinglu came up with this idea.

    That blow can't stop it.

    Even if you own a lot of magical magical techniques, it will definitely not help you.


    Without any hesitation, Fan Xinglu launched Ground Shrink Technique, distorted space and disappeared on the spot.

    That is as if the wind pressure that could break the space immediately passed the position one second before Fan Xinglu, rushed to the other side of the sky, separated the cloud layer along the way, and it seemed to cut off the entire sky and eventually disappeared. distance.


    Until this time, Fan Xinglu appeared at the other end of the sky.


    Just appearing here, Fan Xinglu turned around with a certain feeling. In his hand, he suddenly grasped a luxurious Dragon Sword and placed it in front of his own body.

    "Hey —!"

    The sound of steel and steel colliding sounded.

    Accompanying also sparks sparks.

    The pure white lightsaber suddenly appeared, such as the falling moon, heavily cut in Fan Xinglu's Dragon Sword erected, resulting in the appearance of this scene.

    Holding Bo Xie tightly in his hand, Fang Li stared at a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes, ghostly appearance, and instantly deceived.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Imaginary Moon of Absolute Slaughter !"

    It was the multi-paralyzed stunt that Fang Li had used to kill Falling Moon.

    So, in this moment, the endless Jianguang suddenly flashed, turned into a round of white moon, flew high in the air.

    Numerous slash enough to turn into a full moon covered Fan Xinglu.

    "pū chī —"

    In neat and tidy's cutting sound, it was cut into minced meat.

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