Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 730 Blood for Life

    "huā lā lā…"

    The rain has been falling.


    In a deep muffled sound, Hilda heavily fell on the ground.


    Depressed groans were heard in the mouth of the beautiful Vampire maiden carrying the demonic.

    On the abdomen, a beautiful wound appears to be there like an artwork. There is actually no half-birth, but there is a senseless beauty that can't tell it. Blood is permeated outwards.

    As you can imagine, how beautiful this knife really cuts.

    Only, originally, this knife should be the only way to cut Hilda into two.

    Because Fang Li is not targeting the body at all, but the Death Line on the body.

    If you cut the Death Line, then Hilda's body is stronger and it is only possible to become a piece of meat.

    The reason why this has not changed is that there may only be one reason.

    "I was aware of the danger at the last moment, so I tried my best to avoid it and avoided the knife I aimed at "Death"?"

    Fang Li's voice again passed into Hilda's ear.

    “No wonder dare to call yourself stronger in the third form than Sherlock Holmes without Hidan.”

    Saying such a sentence, one hand holding a pure white lightsaber, one hand holding the waning moon dagger, Fang Li's figure slowly approached and entered Hilda's eyes.

    Hilda shuddered.

    Only because not only came in sight but also Fang Li's figure, also that of the eyes.

    "BOOM —!"

    In sky, a flash of lightning collapsed, just to illuminate Fang Li's figure.

    Under the dazzling lightning ray, Fang Li clearly prints the ice blue Mystic Eyes into Hilda's in the eyes.



    "Aah …"

    Hilda's body trembled again.

    Only, this time it is because of joy.


    A beautiful pair of eyes.

    As if he had first seen it in the IU, it was cold and ruthless, as if all the life in the world was only a mustard. All things were not worth mentioning. They were above and above, cold and proud.

    Hilda, who is a Vampire, has always considered his bloodline noble. Human is only an inferior creature. Even putting in in the eyes is an unpleasant thing.

    Before this pair of eyes, not solely is human, and any life is the existence of low.

    After all, nobility and perfection exist. Before this pair of eyes, as long as they are cut, they will finish immediately.

    So, this pair of eyes, Hilda was captured by it since the first time he saw it.

    If the person who owns this pair of eyes is Vampire, who is as noble as Hilda, Hilda can be sure that he will absolutely love him in an instant and he will never be able to extricate himself.

    However, why does the person who owns this pair of eyes is a human?

    Poor, low, and vulgar humans do not deserve this pair of eyes at all.

    At least, for Hilda, who has been contemptuous of human beings who have always regarded humanity as inferior, he is watched by a human with such eyes that he can only bow down and worship, and it is simply more than any kind of torture. The pain is cruel and mad.

    Therefore, Hilda hated Fang Li.

    He hated this person and took his own inner guilt and took his first love.

    Think about it, maybe it's a kind of love and hate, right?

    In view of this, Hilda can not fall here.


    At the moment, Hilda is struggling to remember.

    However, the pain that came before him was to stop the Vampire girl.

    Feeling severe pain from the abdomen, Hilda's incredible opening.

    WeiWhy not recover? ”

    As Vampire with unlimited resilience, Hilda is like Vlad. Within the body has an organ named Demon Entrails. As long as the four Demon Entrails are not destroyed at the same time, they will never die. Any injury can be A split second is restored.

    But this time, this wound did not recover.

    Why in the end?

    This question was quickly answered.

    "Although you avoided a fatal blow, you were still slightly picked up by me to "Line". How could it be so easy to recover?"

    Fang Li looked at Hilda and said so.

    "Of course, if you still want to continue playing, you won't be so lucky next time."

    Leaving this sentence, Fang Li turned and turned directly back to Hilda, walking toward the huge coffin.

    That performance is clearly intended to put Hilda a horse.


    Hilda only felt that the emotions in his heart had finally lost balance and broke out suddenly.

    "Uh?"Aaaaah ————! ”

    The next second, Hilda did not know where the power came from and got up and flew in the direction of Fang Li's.

    Fang Li stopped immediately.

    Eyes, calm and scary.

    "It's stupid…"

    Saying this sentence, Fang Li just wanted to turn around.


    A sudden spear strike/gun shot sounded, letting the subsonic bullet break the sound barrier and fired in the direction of Fang Li's.

    "Hey —!"

    Fang Li lags under figure, flicks the dagger in the hands of the reflexes, and flicks bullets in the future.

    Then, seeing kneeling on one knee on the ground in front, holding a gun and aiming at Watson.


    Watson shouted as he tore a take a breather.

    Right now.

    Almost immediately after Watson's voice fell, Hilda suddenly began bat-like wings behind his back, swiftly rising in speed, stumbling toward Fang Li's.

    "pū chī —!"

    This is the sound of the body being pierced.

    He rushed to Fang Li's Hilda, whose chest was pierced by a pure white light sword and brought blood.

    Surprisingly, Fang Li calmly watched the Vampire maiden rushing in front of him and put Ogre Lux's sword edge into the hole and pierced the girl's Jiaoqu.


    Blood was coughed from Hilda's mouth.

    However, Hilda was completely disregarding this, with a sad and beautiful smile, clutching Fang Li's hand and opening his mouth.

    Sharp fangs, appeared from its mouth.


    Fang Li's eyes

    At this time, Hilda's tusks were already biting down.

    Facing Fang Li, holding Bo Xie, piercing the arm of his chest.

    "pū chī !"

    Sharp fangs, finally through the Fang Li's arm.

    Blood flows down from it.

    Fang Li can feel that his body's blood is being drawn.

    Moreover, the speed is still very fast.

    "This is the result of your desperate exchange?"

    Fang Li calm opening.

    "In that case, this blood, if you want it, you can take it."

    "Only, use your life for trading."

    After that, Fang Li mentioned the Moon Blade.

    At this point, accidental, it happened.

    "dōng dōng …"

    Like the pulsation of a heartbeat, it suddenly rang.

    In Fang Li's within the body.

    Immediately, Fang Li felt it.

    A terrible power broke out.

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