Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 729 is the same for me.

    "biri —!"

    The intense electric shock sounded from Bo Xie's sword body.

    Accompanied by a flash of lightning flashing over Bo Xie, it seemed as if it were going up and down, following the sword and flitting to Fang Li's body.


    Fang Li's body immediately sparkled with dazzling starlight.

    The starlight, like fragments and sparks, lingers in Fang Li's around the body and covers the Fang Li's body.

    "biri biri —!"

    Under such circumstances, the fierce lightning current enveloped Fang Li and continued to rise, but it was impossible to break through the star-like defenses and acted on Fang Li's body.

    However, even so, Hilda still tightly holds Bo Xie's blade. Under the whole body, the lightning current is released, allowing the lighting current to follow Bo Xie's blade and flow to Fang Li's direction.


    In exploding sound, the fierce lightning current caused a strong explosion, and the air around Fang Li and Hilda seemed to be blown apart. The entire scene was transformed into a shock wave and swept away.

    Only Fang Li and Hilda, a hilt holding Bo Xie, a sword holding Bo Xie, a constant release of lightning, and a constant electric shock as if being enveloped by falling thunder at the same time, Put yourself in lightning ray.

    Look and meet in the air.

    Fang Li only stared at Hilda, in the eyes gradually with a hint of surprise.

    Because, Fang Li felt it.

    Hilda's aura is climbing at an astonishing rate.

    Its power is almost a geometric increase.

    This made Fang Li somewhat surprised.

    Against the surprised gaze of Fang Li, Hilda laughed happily.

    Its body, that intense lightening current, is gradually becoming blue and white, releasing a surprisingly high temperature.

    Not only is power.

    Hilda's Superpower has also increased several times.

    "No surprise?"

    Hilda made a pleasant noise.

    "Have you not seen my father's transformation?"



    Vlad will be transformed.

    Fang Li was seen.

    Seen, only a common person Sayonaki, transform becomes the vampire look Vampire, become the whole process of Vlad.

    "We vampire have different forms, such as the first form of human appearance and the second form of werewolf appearance, the former is our disguise in this world, the latter is our true form, only the transform becomes the second form, We can show the power of Vampire, the first form is at best a disguise, and there is no power. ”

    Hilda is so open.

    "My father, the great Count Dracula, didn't have much power in the human form, and I was because of Strega (Witch). I was able to use Superpower in the first form of human form. Power."

    However, in the human form, Hilda is still not playing the true power of Vampire.

    Unless it becomes a second form, Hilda can only use Superpower.

    "However, I hate the second form with extreme disgust. The ugly second form of swelling is not beautiful at all, so I have completely abandoned that form."

    "However, apart from the first form and the second form, I also have a third form."

    Saying this, Hilda is holding Bo Xie's hand harder and harder, making the lighting current more intense.

    "That is the current form. With Ability for power generation and infinite recovery, it will absorb nature's lightning and inspire Strega (Witch), Vampire, and nature's power to an unprecedented level."

    "If you say that the first form is a person and the second form is a ghost, then this third form is God."

    "You think I've brought you here specifically, only for the better manipulation of nature's lightning, use it as a weapon?"

    "No, everything is for the preparation of this form."

    "Now, if I were Sherlock Holmes and didn't use Hidan's power, it wouldn't be my opponent at all."

    Saying this, Hilda slowly raised another hand.

    That hand, I do not know when to hold a golden trident.

    Bright red eyes, staring at Fang Li in fierce lightning.

    What emerged from the inside was ruthless derision.

    "In the face of this third form, are you still calm and calm like before?"

    "Let me check it out."

    When the words fell, the trident in Hilda's hands squatted.

    "BOOM —!"

    Above the lightning tower, a burst of berserk's lightning exploded and turned into countless electric shocks.

    The lightning current flowed down each of the steel towers and eventually reached the ground. In the roar, the entire tower shook.

    In this moment, everyone in the city can see that the Sky Tree was hit by a huge falling thunder and shaken in the lightning ray.

    Therefore, among the entire city, screaming and screaming can be heard everywhere, so that the sky which has been lighted up has finally started to rain, and the whole Tokyo has been shrouded in the rain.

    Do not know how long after the past, the falling thunder that hit the Sky Tree slowly faded until it disappeared.

    Including the top of the tower.

    "biri …"

    A few arcs jumped at Hilda's body.

    The beautiful young girl carrying the demonic maintains the posture of his underarm trident, causing the rain of the around the body to evaporate in the light of electric light, turning it into white smoke and rising.

    Only, Hilda In the pair of bright red eyes that still carried relentless laughs in the previous second, the look has changed completely.

    I am startled.

    Become surprised.

    Become scared.

    In front of it, Fang Li's voice came light.

    "You said, now you are stronger than Sherlock Holmes who didn't use Hidan, right?"

    I saw Fang Li standing in front of Hilda.

    The trident that couldn't match the power of that moment was like being cut off by neat and tidy. Only one of them was left. He was held by Hilda in the hand and could not touch Fang Li.

    While Fang Li is holding Bo Xie in one hand, the other hand, just like Hilda, is also unknowingly holding a weapon.

    A dagger like a moon.

    In the eyes ,ice blue Mystic Eyes shines.

    "This is the same with me."

    With the fall of this phrase, waning moon dagger becomes a flash.

    "pū chī —!"

    Like a moon arc, he cut Hilda's belly.


    Hilda's eyes widened.

    Jiaoqu, like being flying, flies slowly to the rear.

    Blood shed in the body of this Vampire teenage girl.

    Scoured by rain.

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