Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 641 is indeed a monster.


    Brightly lit bustling streets, Fang Li, Arcueid and Tohno Shiki Group of three quietly walk, but even a word to say, let a certain depressing feeling of the dull diffuse in three people.

    Even if the Arcueid, are only silent walk there, and daytime chatter compared to completely different, so that others have a close to the past will make the body become heavy illusion.

    Around, the noise slowly wandering, but was three people to isolate.

    Just like the whole street, in addition to these three people, all the rest is the same background and item, even if there are angry, it can not intervene in the space between the three people.

    Fang Li, Arcueid and Tohno Shiki Three people just walked and walked.

    10 minutes past.

    20 minutes past.

    30 minutes past.

    An hour passed.

    Finally, for a full three hours, the three were kept silent, and no one was the first to speak.

    Until a certain moment, Tohno Shiki can not help but whispered whispering.

    "No ah …

    Yes, No.

    In any case, Tohno Shiki did not use this pair of mystic Eyes to see anything unusual.

    No, it should be said, if the present world full of death line is an anomaly, it is indeed everywhere is abnormal.

    However, Tohno Shiki just did not see Fang Li said at one glance can be able to differentiate the anomaly.

    "Could it is that because I am not concentrates the mind relationship?" ”

    Thinking so, Tohno Shiki began to concentrate his mind/energetic.

    In the eyes, a pair of eyes begin to slightly float the ice blue glow.

    Shortly afterwards, the world of Tohno Shiki in the eyes produced a slight change.

    The specific change is not only "line", but even "point" is beginning to appear.

    The body of the one by one pedestrian, one by one's point of Death begins to appear at the junction of the Death line, beating as rhythmically as a heart.

    Not only that, but even the surrounding buildings are beginning to change.

    Originally, in Tohno Shiki Vision, the building of the death line is generally weak, not like the body of the death line so clear.

    Now, those Death line is beginning to become clear, even point of Death also began to appear.


    Tohno Shiki secretly set the heart.

    In the next instant, however, a strong pain began to Tohno Shiki's mind.


    At present, Tohno Shiki can't help but muffled a cry, hold the head, stop footsteps.

    "what happened?"Arcueid finally is no longer maintain that terrible atmosphere, surprised to turn his head, look at the Tohno Shiki.

    Seeing Tohno shiki a headache to crack appearance, Fang Li frowned, hold down his shoulder.

    "Don't force yourself to see it." ”Fang Li Use robust reporting said: "This pair of eyes and the brain is supporting things, if only a little use of the extent, it may not be what you, but once you reluctantly to see, the brain will bear the burden of unusual, a bad, you will become useless." ”

    Originally, if you want to use mystic Eyes of Death perception, then you must first open the brain circuit that is connected to the root, so that the brain becomes able to understand concept of Death.

    But, as has been said before, human's brain simply does not understand death, and if forced to understand death, it will cause the brain to overdo it and eventually end up being scrapped.

    Therefore, the more abstract death, the more difficult for people to understand.

    People can talk to people, but can people talk to stones?

    Now, Tohno Shiki is such a situation.

    "You understand death through a dying experience, and you get this pair of eyes, but if you are in the end still people, if you understand the death of a person, it may not be too much of a burden, but if you understand the death of minerals and buildings, the burden becomes huge." ”

    Fang Li in the tone of an experienced, calmly toward the Tohno shiki description.

    "So, although you can barely see the death of inanimate bodies, but it is more difficult than life, your eyes are special to people, the brain is only the level of ordinary people, can not force themselves to see death, using the usual feeling to use." ”

    "Otherwise, your head will surely be burnt out." ”

    In fact, even if you look at the death of a living body, Tohno Shiki If you use excessive eyes, it will become a wreck sooner or later.

    Mystic Eyes of Death perception, which is indeed the legend of the age of Gods, highest rank mystery.

    But precisely because of this, human use up is too reluctantly.

    If not because of the mystic Eye Killers, Tohno Shiki may not live to the present, has long become a cripple.

    Even to the most easily understood the death of the people so, it is conceivable, if to understand too abstract death, that Tohno Shiki's head will be burned.

    "Indeed, the power of the eye is too strong for human, no, too powerful for any one life, unless it is God." ”Arcueid stared to Fang Li, some puzzled said: "But you seem to have nothing to look like ah?" ”

    "I am the exception." ”Fang Li said: "Because of personal reasons, no matter what kind of death, I can like to eat the same as the natural to understand, the difference is only in how far they can use it." ”

    If you describe it in a figurative way, death is deadly poison.

    In the face of such deadly poison, Tohno Shiki is unable to withstand the type of too long, once smoking too much, it is poison to death.

    and Ryougi Shiki's position is because of the connection with root, long contact concept of death, so the deadly poison produced antibodies, can be like breathing to accept it.

    As for Fang Li, that is itself the deadly poison, and even the soul is a record of this deadly poison formula, naturally you can use it.

    Therefore, Fang Li and Ryougi Shiki are all people who can use mystic Eyes Death of perception without hindrance.

    Plus even the abstract death can be understood, Fang Li and Ryougi Shiki mystic Eyes Natural than Tohno Shiki several stages, extremely close to the prototype.

    "Like eating as a matter of course to understand death?" ”

    Arcueid tightly stared at Fang Li, finally gave such a feeling.

    "You are indeed a monster." ”

    Hearing this, Fang Li very calmly smiled aloud.

    "Thanks for the compliment." ”

    Just when two people looked at each other, the Tohno Shiki with his head suddenly opened his eyes and pointed to the front.


    Tohno Shiki's shout, let Fang Li and Arcueid suddenly turn head, look to the front.

    There, a man staggered into the side of the alley.

    Fang Li ' s mystic Eyes has been launched.

    So, Fang Li can see.

    In that person's body, countless death line spread all over the whole.

    Fang Li eyes flicker.

    “Got it!”

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