Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 640 is already abnormal.

    As a result, neither Fang Li nor Tohno Shiki returned to Tohno Family.

    Tohno Shiki Even because there is no way to go to school, can only abandon oneself to despair chose the absence, with Arcueid waves all day.

    It's really been a long day.

    Because of the need to wait until the night of the relationship, originally, Arcueid best is to continue to rest, and strive to restore some of the power more good.

    However, after that, Arcueid is not intended to rest the meaning, but frequently in Fang Li and Tohno Shiki around, chatter, has been talking.

    In this regard, Fang Li is casually chatting with Arcueid, this as a pastime, let Arcueid seems very happy, Tohno Shiki is a sentence without a sentence, a casual appearance, let Arcueid is angry.

    One will be happy, one will angry.

    One will complain, one will be self-willed.

    This is the feeling Arcueid gives Fang Li and Tohno Shiki.

    Finally, Tohno Shiki seems to be annoyed, directly asked Arcueid.

    "Can't you just be quiet for a while?" ”

    Hearing this, Arcueid is bulging cheek, so answer.

    "But, chatting is very happy." ”

    This sentence, listening to the ears of Tohno Shiki, seems to be in the deaf ear.

    Only Fang Li, secretly sigh.

    "Is chatting very happy?" ”

    Perhaps, only Fang Li to understand, Arcueid this sentence in the end have what kind of meaning?

    For in the past few years, Arcueid had not spoken at all.

    Arcueid is true Ancestor used to annihilate fallen true Ancestor weapon.

    But in the hearts of true Ancestor, weapons do not need to attach redundant functions.

    Words, for example, are not necessary for Arcueid.

    So, although Arcueid know how to speak, but the past has never been talked to Arcueid, Arcueid himself also take it for granted that they do not need to speak, in the years of 800 years, has never spoken.

    Before, was Tohno Shiki to kill once, thus falls, one in Fang Li ' s room wakes up, Arcueid did not have the opening in the first time.

    Well, that's why.

    Fang Li, who knew this, then said so.

    "Vampire actually does not know the language of human?" ”

    That is to stimulate the arcueid, let her open the argument.

    In the other words, the words of Arcueid and Fang Li were the first openings of his life so far.

    Of course, Arcueid's life is not just this aberration.

    Tohno Shiki who have not stepped into this world will never know.

    Now, in this world, true pure true Ancestor has only arcueid one left.

    800 years ago, arcueid all fallen true Ancestor to annihilation, because of a small error, and will not be around fallen true Ancestor all kill, one does not stay.

    That is for the Arcueid, the eternal pain.

    Therefore, after that, Arcueid has been sleeping, only a certain period of time will wake up and go out to eliminate vampire.

    The reason why we come to this city is because of this little mistake, that particular period.

    Recall the reason, Fang Li unknowingly began to talk with Arcueid, accompany her chat, let arcueid mood become very good.

    But, this is Fang Li unintentionally, its oneself oneself also did not discover on the right.

    In this way, a vampire and two murdering Demon have been in Misaki Town everywhere to wander around, waves a whole day.

    Until dark.


    As night fell, the pedestrians on the street plummeted.

    On the TV in the street, the story of serial killings continues.

    Fang Li, Arcueid and Tohno Shiki Group of three came to the streets.

    "To-night …"

    Arcueid seems to have a little more to do with the appearance, leading to the mood is not very high.

    It seems that a day of aimlessly wandering today seems to make this vampire true Ancestor feel very happy.

    Conversely Tohno Shiki, because finally can do business, a face somewhat tense.

    "Now, what shall we do?" ”Tohno Shiki involuntarily looked at the Fang Li, asked: "To use the eyes?" ”

    "If you don't want to use it, don't use it," he said. ”Fang Li very directly said: "Here is to me, and so after the discovery of the deceased, you use the eyes." ”

    For Fang Li ' s words, Tohno Shiki have not had time to answer, Arcueid is puzzled aloud.

    "What for? Since it's all going to be used, now use then won ' t it be alright? ”

    This Hime-sama's idea is still so straight.

    Unfortunately, this time, the estimate can not be recognized.

    Fang Li is like a matter of no concern to oneself said such a sentence.

    "Not the eyes of the user, it will not understand, with this pair of eyes to see the world, in the end what kind of feeling." ”

    Fang Li's words, let tohno shiki expression how many appear somewhat complex.

    As for Arcueid, it seems that something has come to mind.

    "Also, has been looking at a only death of the world, then the normal people will eventually become abnormal." ”

    Arcueid looked at Fang Li, so he opened his mouth.

    "But that's the same for you, isn't it?" ”

    However, this time, Arcueid guessed wrong.

    I won’t.

    Fang Li grinned.

    "After all, I had already abnormal. ”

    Finish, Fang Li is selfish forward, toward the front of the street to go.

    Arcueid is silent, quietly keep up.

    Only left Tohno Shiki, looking forward to the Fang Li and Arcueid, struggled after a while, finally give up the sigh aloud.

    "How can you let Fang Li alone to see the world like that?" ”

    As Fang Li said, only those who have mystic Eyes of Death perception understand that they have been watching a world that is only dead, what kind of feeling it is.

    That being the case, Tohno Shiki is the person who understands the world exactly what Fang Li sees.

    "The eyes, perhaps for this time to appear." ”

    So, Tohno Shiki silently took off his glasses.


    The world immediately before it became a other.

    Like a patch full of patches.

    As if the glass cracking up.

    And the surrounding pedestrian body, is a crack-like line to the pieces separate.

    Like a tattered toy.

    "It's disgusting …"

    Tohno Shiki from the heart of the issue of contempt.

    Immediately, lift up the pace, followed up.

    In such cases, even Fang Li and Tohno Shiki both were not found.

    In this moment alone, both of them instinctively grasped the same thing.

    Flashing light, like a Snow White moon Lethal Weapon.

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