Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 633 is not so interesting

    "Pā… p> In the crisp sound of the ground, Fang Li's figure was like a shell, and suddenly leaps towards Nrvnqsr.

    Fang Li is impossible to escape Nrvnqsr.

    After all, hunting Dead Apostle is one of Fang Li's Main Quest.

    In order to achieve this goal, Fang Li was brought back to Arcueid by Nrvnqsr.

    Nowadays, the high level Dead Apostle is in front of him. If you strike to kill the Twenty-seven Ancestors-level Dead Apostle, then Fang Li's evaluation will certainly not be low.

    Therefore, Fang Li will definitely not allow Nrvnqsr to flee.

    However, Fang Li, who stumbled in the direction of Nrvnqsr at an astonishing speed, suddenly saw it.


    Nrvnqsr was laughing at the whole body's overcoat.

    And in this moment, the vision happened.

    "gū lū …"

    That's like a viscous liquid that rolls like a sound.

    Almost at the moment of this sound, Arcueid's voice rang from behind Fang Li.

    Oooops! Fast dodge! ”

    Unfortunately, Arcueid's reminder is a bit slow.

    Fang Li has stopped.

    However, it is not its own behavior.

    "gū lū –gū lū –gū lū –!"

    I saw, on the ground, a layer of black paint, black mud, like mucilage, suddenly turned like a darkness at night, a scroll, swirling, and rolled onto Fang Li to Nrvnqsr, Wrapped his feet and fixed on the spot.


    Fang Li eyes a condensate.

    These black muds are clearly the prototypes of wild beasts that were released from the body of NrInqsr within the body.

    Those ferocious beasts that Fang Li strikes to kill will all turn into such black mud in an instant, disappear on the spot, change back to the pure factor, return to Nrvnqsr's body, and recover again.

    Only, this time, Nrvnqsr simply did not give them retrieve.

    "Remember, human, I am not manipulating the wild beast but the wild beast factor. So, even if it is like this, to make the pure wild beast factor into the black mud, it can also control the black mud, let They are involved in combat."

    Nrvnqsr smiled relentlessly.

    “I called this mud as the land of creation. There are more than 200 kinds of wild beasts that you have just killed. I have refined them into this kind of earth. Even the quality of Dead Apostle is high. Can't break free, you don't want to break free from one human."

    In other words, Nrvnqsr did not want to escape at all.

    The speech just made is just a trap.

    "Although fighting is enough to match the humanity of Burial Agency's EX ecutor, but how could I Nrvnqsr Chaos escape in the face of human in one district?"

    Nrvnqsr looks directly at Fang Li to the mechanically cold eyes.

    "Didn't you say that you want to deal with you, at least come up with the existence of Demon Beast Rank?"

    "Now, I will like you wish!"

    When the words fell, Nrvnqsr finally took out his hand, which had been stuck in the pocket of the coat. Like claws, he caught his chest directly under his flying coat and tore it apart.

    And in Nrvnqsr's torn chest, in the incomparable darkness, an unprecedented wild beast appeared.

    It is a lizard with wings and a large body.

    The number is full of three.

    "I have refined the three Demon Beasts with the remaining 300 wild beasts and used them to kill you. You should be satisfied."

    With Nrvnqsr's declaration of confirmation of his victory, the three giant Demon Beast successively raised the head and gazed at Fang Li.

    “————Aoooooooooooo áo áo áo ————”

    As if the Great Dragon roared the beast, it turned into a rolling wave and rolled in all directions.

    Immediately afterwards, the three Demon Beasts were at the same time shaking their wings, carrying berserk to their frantic yelling, and rushing to the Fang Li that had been fixed on the spot by the land of creation.

    Fierce incomparable aura, from the three Demon Beast's body, suffocating.

    Faced with such a deadly threat, Fang Li was like being scared and stodod in place. Even if he didn't even move, it seemed like he had given up.

    "That idiot!"

    Watching this scene with his own eyes, Arcueid grinned, his limbs were tight, and he tried to rush forward.

    Although it is extremely weak, Arcueid's power has recovered somewhat.

    Even if the enemy couldn't conquer the Navern Beast of Nrvnqsr within the body for a total of three hundred wild beasts, but at least he could gain time and make Fang Li escape.

    This is the only thing Arcueid can do.

    If this is not the case, waiting for Fang Li to die, then Arcueid will basically die.

    So, Arcueid's judgment is incomparably correct.

    Only, miscalculated Fang Li's ability.

    The next second, Fang Li's sounds louder.


    That is a very calm voice.

    "It's not fun if you don't…"

    If we say that Nrvnqsr's new presentation was a confirmation of his own victory, then Fang Li's words were words that he never doubted would fail.

    Even opponents are the tenth of the oldest and most powerful Twenty-seven Dead Apostles.

    Even face such a desperate situation.

    As a result, ice blue Mystic Eyes burst into a different light.

    “————Aoooooooooooo áo áo áo ————”

    Demon Beast's roar still does not exist in reality.

    Fierce's aura is also the same as berserk.

    Looking at the three heads in the direction of their own, each body is comparable to the giant elephant, full of three-headed Demon Beast, Fang Li, who does not know how many circles he is.

    See the


    Although much smaller than normal creatures, it proved that they are not fragile and the crack-like Death Line is extremely clearly printed in Fang Li's eyes.


    Ogre Lux named Bo Xie shook slightly.

    Fang Li's body sparks like sparkling stars.

    Fang Li only gently lifts Ogre Lux.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Ichiri Yotsuji !"

    Numerous swords and lights danced into a parade-like formation, forming a series of four absolute kill swords, rushing out like a storm.

    The three heads of Demon Beast did not even respond, and countless sword dances shrouded their bodies.

    Living and cutting the past.

    "pū chī —!"

    The tearing of the physical body, neat and tidy, was passed into the ears of everyone in the field.

    The three Demon Beast were all divided into corpses, and they were instantly sent to slash by numerous blade light sword shadows. They were scattered into pieces, like garbage, and rolled over the floor.


    Nrvnqsr's eyes widened.

    Arcueid stagnated his figure.

    Just like seeing the most incredible scene in the world, the Princess of the True Ancestors and the high-end Dead Apostle are shocked at the same time.

    It is an expression that even a few hundred years may not be able to see.

    In this case, even Nrvnqsr is low mumble.

    How could

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