Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 628 Malicious Begins

    After that, Arcueid slept directly in the bed, sleeping as she did last night.

    This caused Fang Li to feel very silent about the thick-skinned of Vampire's True Ancestor.

    Obviously, the culprit who killed the princess yesterday was just next to her. Why did she continue to sleep so calmly?

    But in a flash, Fang Li knew.

    "It seems that the damage caused by Mystic Eyes of Death Perception has not recovered."

    Even if Tohno Shiki does not cut the point of death that can be obliterated, it can be cut into the Death Line, which is quite fatal.

    At first, Sydonay didn't do the same thing. Didn't he finally show his unbearable appearance after the battle ended?

    Even if it is not killed, the damage that can be caused by Death Line is still fatal.

    Arcueid has consumed most of the power for the resurrection and has no extra power to repair the injuries.

    So, on the face of it, Arcueid doesn't seem to be the same, but its within the body I'm afraid it's already gone.

    This is why Arcueid tried to kill Tohno Shiki in the park and was stopped by Fang Li.

    If not because of having rested for a night, I'm afraid, Arcueid couldn't even move?

    Now, Arcueid must have been quite exhausted, and even if there was a culprit killing himself, he couldn't help but sleep.

    If you don't take a break and recover some power, it's really dangerous for Arcueid.

    To make this judgment, Arcueid will not hesitate to choose to sleep.

    “Princess of the True Ancestors is not so good as Ah…

    This is the only idea in Fang Li's mind.

    As for Tohno Shiki, even though he had something to say about killing Arcueid himself, seeing Arcueid slept so quietly, this guy seemed to feel at ease, and soon left the room and went to school to go to class. Now.

    Of course, Tohno Akiha also left home and went to school.

    As usual, only one deacon and two maids remained in the entire Tohno Family, taking care of this western-style mansion.

    There is only one different place.

    That is, there is an additional Vampire that should not have existed at home.

    When Tohno Shiki and Tohno Akiha came back again, the sky gradually began to darken.

    After dinner, Fang Li returned to his room.

    "Kacha …"

    In a clear opening sound, Fang Li opened the door.

    "H ū — !"

    The cold wind actually blows out of the room.

    Because the window of Fang Li's room was opened.

    Arcueid didn't know when he woke up, turned his back to the door, and stood in front of the window, staring at the night sky with beauty as if it were a dream.

    Only , Fang Li was not immersed in a scene like an artwork.

    After all, the back of his noble princess, at first glance, seems very beautiful, but with a faint irritability.

    If it is Tohno Shiki here, must we dare to go near the current Arcueid?

    After all, how do you think it looks like you are going to kill someone?

    Of course, Fang Li knows that Arcueid will have this performance, not because of who he wants to kill.

    In fact, no matter who it is, if it meets the enemy, it will be this performance.



    Arcueid is now like this, is the performance of the enemy.

    In other words, what an incredible enemy is approaching here.

    This matter, Fang Li also knows.

    The blue crow that had suddenly attacked last night was the best proof.

    It wasn’t long before Arcueid kept his face against Fang Li’s, and his voice rang out in a whisper.


    Almost at the moment when Arcueid's voice fell, the atmosphere in the air changed.

    It becomes extremely dead.

    The scene from the attack of the blue crows last night was almost exactly the same.

    As a result, Fang Li did not say a word and turned directly to leave the room.


    Tohno Family, entrance hall.

    When Fang Li came from the direction of West Hall, Tohno Akiha was standing here with Kohaku and Hisui.

    Seeing this scene, Fang Li is somewhat somewhat surprised.

    Conversely Tohno Akiha seems to have foreseen that Fang Li will come here, not looking back at all, only holding his arm, with a terrible feeling in his voice, so loud.

    "What is coming near?"

    It seems that Tohno Akiha also noticed an anomaly.

    Behind it, both Kohaku and Hisui were sullen and didn't say a word. Only quietly followed Tohno Akiha, who knew that the danger was coming and he never retreated.

    Looking at such Tohno Akiha, Kohaku and Hisui, Fang Li smiled and whispered.

    "Don't worry, it will end soon."

    Voice, very calm.

“……Is it?Tohno Akiha closed his eyes and did not seem to plan to scratch it. He said, "Don't argue for too long. I'm afraid I can't sleep."

    Leaving this sentence, Tohno Akiha turned directly to walk in the direction of his own room.

    "Please also be careful."

    Kohaku also left such a discourse, and with no words left behind behind Tohno Akiha, he left.

“……I will go to Young Master Shiki and let him try not to go out. ”

    Hisui said blankly, and after making a salute to Fang Li, he quietly left.

    The main servants and three people are not at all worried about the upcoming crisis.

    Facing this situation, Fang Li only laughed.

    "Sure enough, I really don't know if they are naive or say they are bold."

    After that, Fang Li opened the door of the entrance hall to the courtyard.



    In the dark courtyard, the trembling silence spreads.


    The sound of footsteps slowly rang between the heavens and the earth, giving the deadly atmosphere a feeling of surprise.

    Fang Li slowly walks in the dark courtyard, walking like a forest, and stepping forward along the forest path.

    Until maliciousness began to come.



    That is the low beacon of wild beast.

    In the surrounding dense woods, the dark shadows are like Ghost and silently infiltrating the territory of the Tohno Family.

    From the direction of the gate.

    The fence from all around.

    From the sky.

    From the earth.

    A ghost that is just like a shadow.

    Vengeful Spirit as if condensed by darkness.

    A ferocious beast only silently infiltrating came in.

    Surround your prey.

    However, Fang Li did not care about this scene.

    Only lifted his eyes and stared straight ahead.

    There, a tall figure, stepping at a silent pace, began to approach.

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