Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 614 Murdering Demon vs. Vampire (Seek Monthly Ticket)

    "Aaaaaah —!"

    That is not like human's cry at all.

    The cry was heard by Fang Li.

    Just after entering Main God's Dimension, enter the first Dungeon World.

    In the world named "Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress", there is the existence of the so-called Undead Monster – Kabane.

    Today, there is almost no difference between the things that scream in front of Fang Li's.

    That is, the person in front of him is also a monster.


    In the loud percussive sound, the sacrificial victim who was sucked with blood by the monster was pushed open by heavily and crashed into the side of the wall, causing red blood to dyed red there.

    Immediately, monsters like ferocious beast are rushing to Fang Li as if they were flying like humans.

    That speed is also not something ordinary human can have.

    It's not just a way to exist. The monster in front of us, even Physical Ability, is different from Kabane nothing, and it is above the general human.

    However, in the face of this inhuman presence against himself, Fang Li only gazed quietly.

    Non-human monster?

    so what?

    Fang Li has not known how many such existences have been seen so far.

    Similar to Kabane?

    Boy: So?

    "That kind of thing, I didn't know how much to kill when the Attribute dregs didn't look past."

    So, in the face of the non-human monsters that pounced on themselves, Fang Li did not even use the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.


    The dazzling dagger falls into its palm.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the fissure-like tearing, the blood of Yin Hong spilled into the sky.

    Like a flash of silver, a dagger that looks like a crescent moon flashes like a flash of silver.

    The inhuman monster and Fang Li pass by.

    Immediately, it stagnated behind it.

    Look closely.

    At the waist of the non-human monster, a white line divided it into two halves.

    Then, in the next second, the man's upper body separates from the lower body at the same time. One slides to the left and one slides to the right. Eventually, in the sound of “pēng”, it falls to the ground.

    Fang Li only turned and looked at the past.

    Almost at the same time, the two segments of the corpse fell on the ground.


    The sound of a flame burning sounded.

    The two corpses that fell on the ground, as if they were ashes, gradually evaporated and disappeared on the spot.

    Fang Li calmly looked at this scene and murmured.

    "Existence like Kabane."

    "If Aragami disappears generally."

    "Is this the so-called dead?"


    This does not mean that human beings have died.


    In a way, that non-human monster is indeed a human being that has already died.

    It was in the instant that Vampire had dried the blood.



    In this world, there is a species called "Vampire".

    As described in the legend.

    They take blood and feed on human.

    They live in the night and have a pleasant hunt.

    They are able to drain their own blood, and thus the dead human becomes their own kind.

    The so-called dead, referring to being unilaterally drained by Vampire, served as a servant to collect food for himself.

    The effect is similar to Rinne in the world of Shakugan no Shana.

    The difference is that Rinne is nothing more than an item that Crimson Denizen can create with Power of Exitence.

    The dead, however, need to devour the blood of living humans and use their corpse to make them.

    When Fang Li saw the deceased, his body's dense line of spider webs told him how close the fellows were to Death.

    From this we can see what kind of existence the deceased was.

    "Only, where are the guys who manipulated them behind?"

    Fang Li said to himself.

    It is certainly not clear who Fang Li is familiar with the original book.

    The place where it is hiding is also mentioned in the original book.

    However, before going to the street, Fang Li had already turned to those places.

    As a result, it was not even a single figure found.

    after all

    Fang Li raised the head and looked at the night and full moon in sky.

    "Now it's Vampire active time Ah…

    In other words, the other person is now likely to be outside wander around and is eating.

    "It seems that this evening is destined to be a sleepless night…"

    Saying this, Fang Li smiled slightly.

    The pace began to take a step in the alley.

    Maybe even the Vampire hidden behind the scene did not expect it?

    In this city, a real Murdering Demon has been infiltrating.

    Human is the prey of Vampire.

    Vampire is the prey of Murdering Demon.

    Therefore, the silent killing happened in this night, and it happened in every corner of Misaki Town.

    Until the dawn.


    Days, gradually light up.

    In the mansion of the Tohno Family, the first floor of West Hall, Kohaku came to Fang Li's room and extended the hand and knocked on the door.

    "Fang Li-san, I come in."

    Saying such a sentence, Kohaku is not afraid of the door to push.

    After shortly afterwards , Kohaku saw it.

    Lying in bed hū hū Sleeping Fang Li.

    Looking at such a Fang Li, Kohaku lifted his fork and made some angry sounds.

    "Fang Li-san, you as a deacon are unqualified!"

    After that, Kohaku went straight up and pulled Fang Li's quilt over.

    "Un… /p>

    Fang Li finally woke up, rubbing his eyes and holding up his upper body. After a yawn, he beckoned and waved to Kohaku.

    "It's early."

    Listening to Fang Li's uncongested voice, watching Fang Li's look of drowsiness, Kohaku became more and more angry.

    "Fang Li-san, you are a deacon."Kohaku said to Fang Li: “Now, Miss Akiha is already up. You are still asleep. It’s just a shame.”

    As he said, Kohaku also pulled Fang Li, who was lying on the bed, to the tough one.

    "Well, wash it quickly and go with me to meet Miss Akiha."

    Even if Fang Li did not even answer the question, then he was pulled away by Kohaku and staggered out of the room.


    In the early morning living room, some coldness is still spreading.

    When Fang Li finished washing and came to the living room, Tohno Akiha was already serving Hisui and drinking black tea.

    Watching Fang Li enter the door, Tohno Akiha cast his sight in the past.

    Eyes, extremely harsh.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li simply surrendered.

    "Ojou-sama, don't you miss me again. I've just been read by Kohaku. Isn't it enough?"

    Hear this, Tohno Akiha did not say anything, only lightly snorted, given this sentence.

    "You follow Kohaku at home today to familiarize yourself with your job and then, in the evening, pick up people."

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