Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 613 Late Night Eaters (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    The night began to come quietly.

    In the magnificent western-style mansion, the unspeakable silence is quietly filling.

    The light has long gone out.

    The human aura is also gone.

    At first glance, even if it is told that this is a haunted house, it will certainly be believed.

    "However, there is no way to do this?"

    In the room, the windows were opened and there was no light, but Fang Li, who was in the darkness, looked at the frighteningly silent manor.

    "If you live in such a large house, only four people live there. Then everything is impossible."

    This is a recent phenomenon.

    Originally, for the Tohno Family who is a great family, the western-style mansion is not only a person directly attached to Tohno, but also many branch families and relatives, as well as the servants who are responsible for taking care of them.

    In the neighborhood of the western-style mansion, the scattered houses were also previously occupied by people.

    Only, after Tohno Akiha took the upper position, the young girl with strong personality rushed past the family and relatives in the Tohno Family, leaving only Kohaku and Hisui.

    The reason is the same.

    "Because I don't like it."

    This is so simple.

    For those family members and relatives who can only climb relatives, Tohno Akiha seems to be hiteful in the heart.

    Therefore, when he became the owner of the house, Tohno Akiha promptly took the branch family and his relatives out in a vigorous and resolute move.

    Of course, this behavior is bound to cause a variety of problems.

    Unfortunately, Tohno Akiha still desperately implemented it.

    It confirms what oneself said.

    "Since it's me who is the owner of the house, I also have my own practice."

    Therefore, Tohno Akiha can simply exclude a lot of criticisms because of a “dislike” and drive out the branch family and relatives.

    So, Tohno Akiha can simply be a Tohno Family for several years because of a “don’t agree” reason. It is highly likely that he hates his heart and the unruly orphans invite him to hesitate to use it, or even hire him as Deacon, recruited here.

    "Should she be said that she is innocent? Or is it daring? ”

    Whether innocent or bold, the current owner of the Tohno Family does have personalities that are very respectable.

    The average person should be deeply attracted by such a pretty and very strong girl.

    Fang Li is also an informal person. To Tonoo Akiha, a girl with a strong personality, there is no disgust.

    "Although it's still a bit too naive."

    With this statement, Fang Li suddenly moved.

    "Pā… /p>

    In a slight footing, Fang Li's figure suddenly turned into a gust of wind and flew through the window, following the darkness, like a crow in the darkness.


    In the manor, the trees planted in the courtyard swayed gently under the turbulence of the wind.

    Fang Li turned it into a ghost and instantly disappeared into the Mansion of the Tohno Family.


    This is a bustling city center that is a short distance from the suburbs of the residential area.

    At this time, in the streets of the city center, the flow of people has been reduced compared to the daytime, making the lively atmosphere less noticeable than the daytime.

    Fang Li didn't know when he was here. He was extremely natural in the flow of people. While walking in the streets like a walk, he raised the head and looked at the next store.

    Outside the store, there is a TV that is playing news.

    On the television, such a news is being reported.

    “In recent days, the police discovered a young female corpse in a neighboring street in the town. When the corpse was discovered, it was already in the morning. According to preliminary investigations, the time of death was early in the morning, and the cause of death was massive blood loss. ”

    Along with such reports, a news headline also appeared on the screen.

    The title is this.

    ————“Continuous bizarre murder incident”——————

    The report was conducted under such a heading.

    “This is already the eighth bizarre murder incident to have occurred this year. The deceased were all young females. The cause of death was all due to a lot of blood loss. Everyone within the body’s blood was completely drained. The method is exactly the same."

    "As a result, the police concluded that the murderers of the eight bizarre murder cases were all the same person and that the identity of the murderer has not yet been confirmed."

    “I hope all of you can actively cooperate with the police. If you find any unusual or suspicious character, please inform the police at the first time.”

    Looking at this news, Fang Li paused slightly.

    On the side, many people are also watching this scene and talking with people around them about one after another.

    "Are continuous murderers?"

    "This is the eighth time."

    "The murderer is so unscrupulous that the police haven't arrested him yet. It's too much to do it."

    "No way, the murderer may not be human."

    "Each deceased person's blood in the body can be drawn completely."

    "Isn't there really any Vampire?"

    How could

    Similar to the above dialogue, constantly coming from the surrounding.


    Fang Li grinned, and some did not smile.

    In addition to Fang Li, another person was mixed in this group of people. Without saying a word, he silently walked away.

    Fang Li has long noticed this person.

    So Fang Li stared at the past.

    A pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes quietly emerged.

    The surrounding world has become a patchwork state, allowing the crack-like lines to spread throughout over.

    The body of the one by one pedestrian gathered around the line representing the "Death" splits them all apart, and it breaks like a touch and becomes a broken limb.

    No one would think that there is a terrible monster who can disarm himself in an instant on his side.

    Only , Fang Li ignored anyone around him and stared at the person who had left silently.

    The individual's body is dense and dense like a spider web, and the Death Line is spread all over the body.

    "Is he?"

    Fang Li followed up without hesitation.

    Through the street.

    Cross the crowd.

    In the end, it entered an alley.

    After entering the alley, Fang Li immediately discovered it.

    Pungent bloody smell.


    In the wild beast's rush of breathing, the person was just pressing a bloody corpse and eating.

    Yes, it is eating.

    Tear the throat.

    Pull away the flesh.

    I broke my neck.

    Takes in blood.

    If, this is not eating, then what counts as eating?

    "It's really filthy…"

    Under Fang Li's murmur, the other person's motion stopped.

    A pair of eyes without any rationality goes to Fang Li's body.

    Inside, filled with madness and appetite.

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