Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 541 is an extraordinary talent

    "Rumble …"

    In the sound of loud wheel rolling, the luxurious Dragon Carriage gradually stopped and stabilized in front of the mansion.

    Looking at the Dragon Carriage, Rem noticed a totem on the car for the first time.

    Then, Rem eyes flashing slightly, whispered.

    "Karsten Family's coat of arms…"

    With only this one coat of arms, Rem knew it.

    Who is newcomer?

    Shortly afterwards , someone on the Dragon Carriage is down.

    The person who came from Dragon Carriage was a gentle, flat-faced, long-haired trimmer of flaxen hair.

    To say that it is a girl, that is just outside the table.

    Because, compared to the average girl, the other person's height is taller, and her body is slightly thin. It is not so slender as it is tall and thin.

    Although there is a kind of atmosphere in which the gestures are full of female taste, the flaxen hair is also decorated with white bows, and the exterior is dressed up like ordinary girls, but Fang Li knows that the other party is not a female but a Male.

    Moreover, it is a male of Demi Human.

    After all, there is still a pair of cat ears on the head, telling others that this person is not human.

    However, Fang Li's gaze only stayed for a moment in the body of this male Demi Human. Shortly afterwards was attracted to the past by another person who was behind him.

    It was a black gentleman in a black tuxedo, a gentleman of at least 50 years old.

    The old gentleman is only behind the former, like a housekeeper, and like a follower, it looks like he is not worthy of attention.

    However, both Fang Li and Rem can feel that —

    (Sharp sword aura …)


    That is the sharp sword aura that even Fang Li had to face.

    Only this aura, even if not through the original, Fang Li can clearly understand that the other party is not a simple Character.

    And these two people are down from the Dragon Carriage, heading forward to the direction of the mansion.

    Rem immediately greeted and bowed to the two men.

    “Welcome to Roswaal Mansion.”

    Hearing this, Catgirl Demi Human stopped with the old gentleman.

    Especially the Catgirl Demi Human, tilted the head, grinning opening.

    "You are the servant of Roswaal Margrave?"

    Obviously a male, but not only appearance like a cute female, even the tone is such a girly.

    If you do not know the insider, then absolutely will the person in front of you be a cute Catgirl?

    However, people who know the inside will feel that the goose bumps are falling out of the ground.

    Do not know whether Rem knew this fact, his face still with a meticulous expression of work, closed his eyes and made a noise to both people.

    “Roswaal-sama is in the study on the top floor. If possible, I hope the two will let Rem to report.”

    "No problem."Catgirl Demi Human hū hū smiled and said: "That's right, remember to tell Margrave that we came for the Royal Selection. Please also Emilia-sama."

“……UnderstoodRem slightly salutes his eyes, and his eyes are blindly glanced at Fang Li next to him.

    Rem believes that with Fang Li's cleverness, it should be easy to find out what it is and take the initiative.

    In this way, Rem will be able to perform his job perfectly in front of a very large number of guests. There will be no scenes of impoliteness.

    However, what surprised Rem was that Fang Li did not notice the current atmosphere at all.


    It should be said that Fang Li is being drawn into another atmosphere.


    With an indescribable sense of oppression, Fang Li was facing the old gentleman.

    In the eyes of each other, they all show what they can't understand.

    "Fang Li-sama?"Rem could not help but hear.

Catgirl Demi Human also seemed to be somewhat surprised and looked at the old gentleman next to him. He was surprised to say, "Old Man Wil, what happened to you?"

    The two voices seemed to awaken Fang Li and the old gentleman who watched each other.

    "It's impolite."The old gentleman said to the entire group with deacon-like etiquette: "Please don't mind, only some amazement can actually see extraordinary people here."

    "An extraordinary talent?"Fang Li smiled and answered: "In the same words, can I still return it to you?"

    "No, compared with yours, I'm still too awkward."The old gentleman looked back at Fang Li again. The deep and deep eyes looked with the patience that everyone else could clearly detect. He said, “At least, I haven’t seen anyone who could have sounded this decadent body for a long time. ."

    When we heard the old gentleman, the reactions of the people present were all different.

    Rem is silent.

    Because, Rem knows, Fang Li is really enough to act as Character of this evaluation.

    And Catgirl Demi Human was really surprised and immediately looked with interest to Fang Li, biting his fingers, playfully said: "Let's say Old Man Wil, Nii-chan, it looks like you are It's really not easy."

    "Only the old gentleman said it was too exaggerated."Fang Li shrugged, and said some perfunctory: "Compared to people like me, you are still busy and things are better."

    Leaving this sentence, Fang Li turned around and entered the mansion under the gaze of the crowd.

    The old gentleman had been watching Fang Li until Fang Li's back disappeared into view, before he murmured to himself.

    "I didn't expect that there was such a character in Roswaal Margrave's majesty. It really shouldn't be underestimated."

    For the old gentleman, it was not Catgirl Demi Human that gave the answer, but Rem.

    "You misunderstood."Rem unemotionally said: "Fang Li-sama is not affiliated with Roswaal-sama's majesty, but is the guest of Emilia-sama and Roswaal-sama who have lived in the residence for a while."

    "Is it so?"Old gentleman sounded nodded.

    As for the Catgirl Demi Human, she smiled and said, "Well, although Old Man Wil really cares about it, but like what the Nii-chan said, are we going to get down to business?"

    "Yes.Rem groaned again and said, "Rem, this is going to Roswaal-sama."

    Both were nodded.



    In the Forbidden Library, Beatrice, who is sitting on a ladder chair, looks at Fang Li in front of him and speaks in an uncomfortable tone.

    "You run into Betty's room to what are you doing?"

    For the extremely unpleasant tone of Beatrice, Fang Li also chose ignore as always.

    However, Fang Li also looked directly at Beatrice and said such a sentence.

    "Next, I may be out of here." ”

    "So there's one thing I'd like to ask you a little bit." ”

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