Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 539 don’t tell me I can’t do it

    Roswaal Mansion, top floor study.

    "Do you have Assassin's "Demon Beast User"?"

    Roswaal listened to a report from Ram. I don't know whether it was a sigh of relief or disappointment.

    "It seems that this incident was also happening against Royal Selection. It is not Witch Cult's problem."

    At this point, the sky is dark.

    After returning from Irlam Village, Fang Li asked Rem to take care of Meili and then came here with Ram, who explained the entire matter to Roswaal.

    Of course, Emilia is also present.

    "I'm sorry, Fang Li."

    At the moment, Emilia was very sorry to say to Fang Li: "I've got you involved in my business again, really…"

    "Well, if you apologize, you don't have to say it again."Fang Li has not been in contact with Emilia on the first day. Naturally, he knows that if the girl owes a debt to others, then she will apologize endlessly.

    Therefore, Fang Li said with some toughness: "I don't do so many things. I have Rem and Ram assisting me and I don't feel bad about it."

    I know."

    Although this matter has nothing to do with Fang Li, but since Side Quest was triggered, Fang Li cannot stay out.

    Therefore, even in terms of benefits, Fang Li has enough reason to act.

    In fact, Fang Li himself has benefited from it.

    After all, this time Side Quest is BRank, and with the settings of Main God's Dimension, the chance of completion is only one-tenth.

    Fang Li seems to be doing well, but in fact, if there is no help from Rem and Ram, Fang Li will have to spend a lot of time trying to find the target person, and it is absolutely impossible to complete it.

    Therefore, this time with Quest, the part of the battle is the easiest, and finding the target person is the most difficult.

    As a result, with the help of Rem's sense of smell and Ram's Clairvoyance, Fang Li did so smoothly. The biggest benefit was Fang Li.

    Of course, this matter cannot be explained.

    However, it cannot be explained that this does not mean that Fang Li will take it for granted and accept Emilia's mind with peace of mind.

    In this case, Fang Li only grinned and said so.

    "Although the Curse User is not Witch Cult's, it doesn't match my goal, but I also have something to gain."

    HarvestingEmilia suddenly puzzled the head.

    Thus, Fang Li spoke like a voice.

    "As soon as Roswaal has promised to pay me, if this is the case, then I'm not going to do it."

    "Secondly, I also used Meili as my condition to let the girl do something for me."

    "According to the above, my income was already enough this time. There is no reason to be thanked or apologized."

    Fang Li's remarked that Roswaal was interested in something.

    "Let 'Demon Beast User' do something for you?"Roswaal asked with interest: "Can I hear what it is?"

    "Reassured, you will naturally know later."Fang Li did not answer, only saying: "In short, for this reason, I hope you will treat the prisoner well. Just look after her and don't let her run away. Don't give her a penalty?"

    "Ma~ This is a bit difficult."Roswaal said so, but his face did not have an embarrassed look. Instead, he said He He said: “It was a heavy sin guilty of attempting to murder one of the Royal Selection candidates and really left her to live. Then we would also have a headache. What's up?"

    "So, in this respect, you calculate it in the rewards."Fang Li took a look at Roswaal and laughed in deep meaning: "But don't tell me I can't do it, otherwise I might turn my face."

    "Aiya, this is really an impolite request."The Roswaal boothman said: "Obviously it is for you to solve the problem of Curse User, but now you have to retain the question that caused the incident."

    "You also said, only to solve the Curse User's problem, but not to kill her."Fang Li justified: "Not to mention, really counted, when I helped Rem kill the curse within the body, then it was solved a curse User problem, don't tell me it's not ?"

“……This is really irrefutable. ”Roswaal finally got a bitter smile.

    ThatEmilia raised his hand and smiled in a puzzled way, saying: "Actually, I don't think it's better to kill her."

    "What?"Ram finally couldn't help saying: "Emilia-sama is like this?"

    "This…"There is no way to do this. ”Emilia explained in awkwardly, "Fang Li is kind to me. I want to pay back. Since the other side is useful to Fang Li, I should be able to tolerate it, not to mention that the child actually did not succeed here…"

    Seeing Emilia desperately explaining, everyone is speechless.

    "It's still the same thing as always the loophole."Fang Li helplessly said: "Say directly that you can't bear to kill a young child? My Hime-sama? ”

    "only…It's not like that. ”Emilia cheeked and retorted: "also, I'm not a princess, only a candidate for the throne."

    In general, this identity is more noble than the princess?

    Fang Li in the heart secretly laughs.

    Conversely Roswaal seems to be used to it.

    "Since even Emilia-sama said so, there is no way."

    Roswaal said to Ram: "Ram, tell Rem that the "Demon Beast User" will be put under house arrest. Except for activities in this mansion, the rest will be done according to the standards of the guests."

“……There is no way. ”Ram is very explicit and dismissed: "Although Ram didn't want to do this, since Roswaal-sama said that, Ram would do it."

    It seems that for Meili, Ram does not have a good impression.

    However, is that natural?

    The other person almost killed his own Curse User of Little Sister, even if Ram did not go it alone.

    "Only, since Curse User is not Witch Cult, when will Witch Cult come to you?"

    Roswaal seemed to be singing the same words, but it was to silence everyone present.

    Fang Li is also the same.


    (When Witch Cult comes to the door, I probably know about it.)

    In the original book, Witch Cult appeared in the Mathers Territory after the beginning of the Royal Selection.

    Because Fang Li wanted to seize the initiative, he did not want to wait until then to act. He was always actively facing Witch Cult's problems and took the initiative to find Witch Cult.

    It now appears that it seems to be obediently waiting for the other person to come by himself.

    "Really, the most hateful of this enemy hiding in the darkness…"

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