Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 526 Young Demon God and lower ranking

    — "Oni".

    It is one of the Demi Human Races, known for its outstanding Physical Ability and Magic power, and is extremely high in all Demi Human Races.

    Perhaps because each one by one body of this race is overpowered, Oni's breeding abilities are relatively low, so the number is also relatively rare and it is impossible to significantly increase the multiplying race.

    Therefore, Oni with powerful power can only gather in the deep mountains, living in remote and sparsely populated areas, and rarely in front of the world.

    Precisely because of this, in this world, Oni has almost become the legendary existence.

    So, few people know.

    The people of Clan suffered annihilation as early as several years ago.

    Witch Cult’s cultists are annihilated.

    Rem and Ram are the survivors of Oni.

    Twins ghosts.

    Twins are among the taboos in Oni.

    Because the life of Oni has a pair of horns.

    The corners are hidden in the cranium. Once excited, the horns appear on the head of the Oni, devouring all around Magic Power.

    As a result, the power of Oni's people will be greatly improved when the angle is stimulated.

    In view of this, for the person of Oni, it is everyone's pride to be able to use a large amount of Magic Power as their own to improve their combat effectiveness.

    If someone loses his horn, he will be called the name "Hornless Person" and will be despised and rejected by everyone.

    The twins of Oni are born with only one horn.

    This is an ominous sign for Oni who regards horns as glory and pride.

    Therefore, once an Ori woman gives birth to a twin, it will be customary to punish the children born.

    "But Rem and Elder Sister are lucky to survive."

    On Fang Li's side, Rem looked at the young Ram who was killing him in front of him. He opened his mouth with a sad expression that he had never seen before.

    "On the very day when the punishment was imposed, Elder Sister suddenly broke out with a powerful power and suppressed the patriarch who intended to put it to death."

    Precisely because of this, Rem and Ram have survived.

    Although it is a taboo single horn, Oni was originally Clan who advocated power.

    In this case, Ram burst into power just before birth to suppress the power of the Ori patriarch. Impossible is not attracting attention.

    In fact, even Fang Li was surprised by the power displayed by Ram.

    In the Mansion, when Ram launches an attack on Fang Li, the sharp blade that is like a cymbal is extremely sharp, but at best, it becomes a wind blade. After Fang Li strengthens defensive power with Prana, Its flicks.

    However, Ram in front of him was very young, and the eruption of the squall was like a disaster.

    Wherever it passed, the house was shattered, the enemies were shattered, the ground was shattered, and even the atmosphere was cut into shreds. There was a terrible typhoon passing by like this, taking the land in the entire village. Dig an inch away.

    Fang Li can tell everyone with certainty.

    If Ram really has this level of power, don't mention Witch Cult's mad believer, even if it is in Seireiden, if Trinity's level exists don't make a move, then the end is only split. Fragmented.

    In this world, it is estimated that no one other than Reinhard can beat such a Ram.

    In this way, Ram, like Demon God, strangled numerous Witch Followers with an anxious face and rushed in one direction.

    There, a group of Witch Cult people are surrounded by another young little girl and are ready to lay down their butcher's knife.

    "That's Rem."

    Rem looked at himself when he was young, but he didn't have the same sadness as before, but looked like a poor worm and showed merciful eyes.

    "There is no Ability and no talent. In Oni, it belongs to the true lowest ranking. In any case, it can't keep up with Elder Sister who is called a child prodigy. It's useless and poor Rem."

    At this moment, no matter who can hear an emotion from Rem's mouth.

    That is inferiority.

    Obviously a single horn, but it is called the child prodigy in Oni, known as Demon God's Ram.

    Obviously the single horn, but the weakest in Oni, has been used to compare Rem with Elder Sister.

    This is the relationship between Rem and Ram.

    How could Rem not feel inferior in this way?

    Of course, Rem and don't hate his own Elder Sister.

    Instead, Rem loves his own Elder Sister.

    After all, Oni was originally Clan who advocated power.

    In young Rem in the eyes, Elder Sister, who can do everything, is the most perfect idol and can't be transcended.


    As expected!

    Rem said such a thing as a self-deprecating one.

    "For Elder Sister, the existence of Rem is only stained."

    Along with the fall of Rem's sentence, the battle situation suddenly changed.

    In order to save his Little Sister, Ram broke out with little power left, so that the turbulent winds would wrestle around the Witch Cults of Rem around the body, turning them into hurricanes and blood.

    When Ram went toward Rem extend the hand, a follower suddenly jumped from the ground, and the blade in his hands sweared at Ram.

    Ram is too young after all.

    Even with great power, there is still a lack of combat experience.

    When coupled with Oni's corner, once it can inspire a substantial increase in power, it will bring a certain burden on the body and even cause people to lose sensibility and turn into Evil Spirit. They have already spent a long time igniting horns. Ram can no longer resist the incoming attack.

    "pū chī —!"

    The sharp blade penetrates the physical body. In the general sound, a beautiful white single horn with bright red blood flies to the sky.

    That's Ram's corner.

    Ram's horn was cut off and became the real Hornless Person.

    "You know, when did Rem's mind think about it?"

    Watched this scene, Rem slowly opening.

    ""Finally broken"–this is what Rem thought at the time. ”

    What a nasty idea.

    Obviously is his most beloved Elder Sister.

    Obviously Elder Sister who has been protecting himself since birth.

    However, after the corner of Elder Sister was cut off, this idea was born.

    Even if you don't even mention it, you can know how dastardly it is.

    "This is Rem, incompetent and despicable Rem."

    "Perhaps, Rem shouldn't be born and take a corner of Elder Sister."

    "In that way, Elder Sister will certainly be more perfect, and he will not be like this now because of despicable Rem."

    With these words coming out, Rem's body began to rise with a dark mist.

    That's curse.

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