Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 523 continues to play with you

    What's really going on?

    This estimate is the first time?

    For Ram's voice, for the first time, there was an overease that was evident enough to make everyone aware of it.

    In the past, although Ram's attitude was very good, he had to say that except for Roswaal who is Master, he was not very concerned about the rest of things.

    This seemingly rebellious maid is only loyal to Roswaal.

    This point, from Ram's first meeting with Fang Li, when I saw Fang Li, the dangerous Character with Emilia, she didn't see any change in her expression, but when Emilia mentioned that she wanted to bring Fang Li back to Roswaal Mansion, the mood of the maid But with a clear change this thing can be seen.

    Ram is worried that Fang Li will pose a threat to Roswaal, so he will react at that time.

    This is the second time that Fang Li saw a clear reaction.

    It is much more pronounced than the last time, and the reaction is much more extreme.

    However, this is not valid for Fang Li.

    With regard to Ram's response, Fang Li has been somewhat expected, and even more anticipated that Rem will never conceal anything from Ram.

    If Ram is faithful to Roswaal who cannot be compared with others, then Rem has a love for Ram that Elder Sister can't match. It will never violate the meaning of Elder Sister.

    So Fang Li did not even lift his head and continued to turn over the books in front of him.

    At this moment, the wind suddenly rose.


    Accompanied by Ram's voice with fierce feelings, a blast of sharp winds turned into a sharp invisible blade, like a beggar, plunging into the direction of Fang Li's.

    That's Magic of the Wind Attribute.

    Under the sound of the wind, the invisible blade rubbed the air and violently shoots out.

    In an instant, it is before Fang Li's.

    However, Fang Li still did not even lift his head and only lifted one hand, glittering starlight.


    In the stifling sound, Fang Li slams a hand, and the wind blade in the future attacks.


    The invisible blade suddenly fell on the window when heavily fell. It was an instant that the window was broken, and countless fragments fell down.


    Ram can't help but change complexion.

    Until this time, Fang Li closed the book in front of him and turned to look at Ram.

    "Calm down yet? If not, I don’t mind if I continue to play with you? ”

    Indifferent to the tone, so Ram's hand clenched.

    Just this hasty fight, Ram will have understood.

    He is not a Fang Li's opponent.

    At least, words are absolutely impossible now.

    This made Ram clench his lips slightly.

    This time, one hand held Ram's shoulder.

    "Cal down, Ram."

    One such statement is that Roswaal did not know when to appear on the Ram side.

    Roswaal looked at Fang Li, and with a funny smile like that before, Shi Shiran said: "I believe that Sir Fang Li is not someone who will do this kind of thing, so calm down."

    Although Roswaal's tone sounds funny, it reveals a bit of pressure.

    This made Ram finally calm down and fell silent.

    "I'm sorry, Sir Fang Li."Roswaal leisurely said to Fang Li: “My maid seems to be too impulsive. Don’t mind if you are in a bad place.”

    "In this mansion, I would have been too busy if I had to mind something."Fang Li said with a look of disapproval: "If anything, just say it straight away.

    "ma ma, don't be so cold to me."Roswaal shrugged and said to Fang Li: "I want to know a bit about Rem. Can I come to Rem with me?"

    Fang Li did not answer, only got up and walked straight out of the room with Roswaal and Ram's gaze and came to a leafed door opposite the room.

    Immediately, Fang Li directly opened the leafed door.

    Opposite the door, it is not the same room as Fang Li's room.

    Inside the door is Forbidden Library.

    "Fang Li."Emilia was in the Forbidden Library. He looked at Fang Li, who came in from the outside door, and expressed his worried look.

    On his shoulders, while Pack is sitting there, he does not look at Fang Li, but looks at his front.

    There, Beatrice is reaching out to Rem in front of him with a hand waving the magic of Magic Power.


    Rem made a bit of a dingy sound, and under the dazzling light of Magic Power, a black mist was rising from his body.

    The black fog, not only extremely unknown, but also full of evil aura.

    This aura is tightly wrapped in Rem's body, like a rope, bound Rem's body.

    Maintaining this state until after a while, the magical power that fluctuates in Beatrice's hands fades.

    And the black fog is re-drilled into Rem's body, so that Rem is again issued a bitter voice, slowly fell down.


    Ram immediately stepped forward, extending the hand, hugging his Little Sister.


    Rem was lying in Ram's arms, breathing unceasingly.

    It was puffy and full of pain.

    Upon seeing this, Ram's expression also became ugly. She quickly raised the head and looked towards Beatrice.

    However, not waiting for Ram to speak out, Beatrice opened his mouth.

    "No!"Beatrice said without any hesitation: "The number of surgical procedures planted on her body is too much and it can't be removed."

    In a word, let the temperature of the scene drop to the freezing point.

    There was a rare shake in Ram's eyes holding Rem.

    Emilia even bowed her head, in the eyes of all eyes.

    Even Pack packed their arms and closed their eyes, wondering what they were thinking.

    Only Roswaal, whispered.

“……Is it really Curse Technique? ”

    Curse Technique refers to Magic and Subtype of Spirit Magic, a curse based on Spell.

    In other words, Rem suffered a curse.

    Where is the Curse User.

    "I'm afraid, as early as before, this maid contacted the performer several times. The body was quietly planted. Until today, Curse Technique was applied and all the surgical techniques were triggered. It can't be completely eliminated."

    Beatrice said facelessly to Ram: "Recently, is this maid going out often?"

“……Yes, BLOCK.Ram hugged Rem tightly, hoarse voice said: "Because witch cult at any time possible attack, so Roswaal-sama have special orders, in order to just in case, must be prepared for all kinds of item, so, Rem recently went to the village three times every day." ”

    "In that case, there is no doubt."Beatrice so declare.

    "Curse User is in that village."

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