Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 426 is being laid out in the trap

    Fang Li's words, although not carrying any hostility, also made the surrounding air a little tighter.

    However, Crimson Denizen, known as "Corpse Retriever", did not care about it but instead answered Fang Li's question truthfully.

    "Call me Lameses then it will be alright."

    The other person introduced himself.

    "At least, in this state, everyone calls me."

    Hearing this, Fang Li continued to stare at the battlefield in front of him and watched the continuously bursting Red Lotus Flame and the deep blue flame as he said to himself.

    "Then I will call you Lames until you come out of this Torch."

    Hearing these words, the old gentleman named Lames, wondering nodded, said: "I can see that I am in a Torch body, and you are not really an ordinary human."

    "Not something surprising."Fang Li somewhat indifferent.

    Immediately, Fang Li slowly turned his head and raised his eyes to look at Lames' direction.

    "After all, it's clear that Torch's interior also has another existing line."

    With such a word falling, a chill in the heart of Lamies began to flee.

    Because, Lames sees.

    I saw Fang Li's eyes.

    A pair of ice blue eyes.

    It's like being able to look directly at people's weak eyes.


    This is not the only weak point that the eye sees.

    This thing that the eyes see is surely surpassed.

    Otherwise, there is no way to explain what this chill is.

“……Should I really say that "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" fancy people? ”

    The Lamies are just like to hide their own expressions. They slightly lower the hat on their head and cover their eyes.

    "I seem to understand why Reiji Maigo is in your hands."

    Fang Li ' s raised the brows slightly.

    For Limes, Fang Li still vaguely remembers some intelligence.

    The Crimson Denizen, who was nicknamed "Corpse Retriever", actually had an extremely loud comeback.

    ————"Spiral Organ".

    I believe that no one will ever know this name, whether Flame Haze or Crimson Denizen.

    Because this name belongs to the most outstanding Unrestricted Spell Master of Crimson World.

    Including Fuuzetsu/Seal, many excellent Unrestricted Spells were created by this Crimson Denizen, bringing about an intrinsic influence and promotion for the development of Unrestricted Spell.

    And this "Spiral Organ" is Lames.

    "Corpse Retriever" only Lamies is in Torch and has collected Torch's Power of EXistence for hundreds of years.

    The reason for this, only because Lamies want to restore a once lover gave him the item.

    A piece of lamies that was damaged at all without having time to see it.

    Recover the item that does not exist, it is a great difficulty for the Crimson Denizen and even flame Haze that exist as power.

    Fortunately, the name of the best Unrestricted Spell Master is not uncommon.

    It took centuries for Lamites to successfully collect Unrestricted Spell in this area while collecting Power of Interpretation.

    Only, in order to drive this Unrestricted Spell, a very large number of Power of EX istence is needed.

    However, Lamees does not want to achieve the purpose of swallowing human Power of Exitence like the rest of Crimson Denizen.

    Oneself think, so sooner or later will be flame Haze to the crusade, the risk is too big, rather than take the time to take slowly to achieve the goal.

    So, Lamees will be hosted by Torch's body. In this way, he can achieve his goal of not using Power of EX istence to show up in this world, and slowly collect the power of EXIT, which is about to extinguish Torch. In order to tell the world that he is a harmless existence, he will not invite Flame Haze's crusade.

    Of course, in this way, Lamees, which cannot display the ontology and cannot freely use Power of Interpretation, is almost equivalent to no combat at all.

    Therefore, Fang Li will not have a slight warning about Lamees.

    Unexpectedly, Lamees actually knew that Reiji Maigo was in his own body.

    This is what Fang Li did not think of.

    So Fang Li revisited Lames.

    In the eyes, the ice blue Mystic Eyes have disappeared and they have returned to their darker shades.

    Seeing the performance of Fang Li's, Lamees gave him a smile of peace of mind. What she said could not be ignored.

    "Actually, I was under the commission of the staff of "Bal Masqué" and set up an Unrestricted Spell in this city. After that, I can get a lot of Power of EX istence as a reward."

    Unexpected intelligence let Fang Li's eyes glimpse slightly, did not speak, silently looked at Lames and urged him to continue.

    "I can't tell you the effect of Unrestricted Spell, or it was a violation of commission. It would be a trivial matter to not get paid at the moment. If you are stared at by the monster like Bal Masqué, my future actions will be very troublesome."Lamies said in an old voice: "However, I can tell you that driving this Unrestricted Spell requires certain conditions. As long as the conditions are met, the Power of Exit that drives Unrestricted Spell will be drawn directly from your body. do you understand me?"

    Fang Li certainly understands.

    This means two extremely important things.

    One: Once Unrestricted Spell starts, the Unrestricted Spell engraved in it is launched, and Fang Li who has been drawn to the Power of Existence is likely to disappear.

    After all, Fang Li is still a human and once it has been swallowed by the Power of EX istence, it will inevitably die.

    Two: "Bal Masqué" who is eyeing Reiji Maigo may not come to Misaki City.

    Because the Unrestricted Spell set by the other party's commission Lamies in the city can be launched once it satisfies certain conditions. It does not need to be driven at all, and the other party can wait until Unrestricted Spell comes into play to achieve its purpose.

    What is this purpose, and Fang Li does not know.

    Fang Li only knows that he is likely to have fallen into the trap of "Bal Masqué".

    A trap is being laid out.

    Moreover, Fang Li knew that even asking Lames was useless.

    Otherwise, the other person is not allowed to leave Lames in touch with himself.

    Therefore, Fang Li asked another question.

    "Why tell me this?"

    Lamies couldn't help but laugh at hearing this.

    "Because I don't want to offend Bal Masqué, I don't want to offend the human being treated so carefully by Bal Masqué."

    Lamies said in a sincere tone: "I just want to quietly accomplish my purpose. I don't want to offend anyone who can threaten me, including you."

    With this statement, Lamees's body is turned into a single bird, disappearing on the spot.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li only looked at the bird that had gone so far and looked down thoughtfully.

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