Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 425 Two people watching the game

    That is a very spectacular scene.

    On one side is a huge flame of light that will evaporate from the sky.

    One side is violently shoots, like a tornado like an extremely fast rotating dagger.

    The deep blue stone pillars and tornado, which rotates extremely fast, collide in midair.


    The next second, the roar resounded.

    The collision between the pillar of fire and Tornado is just like the collision between the meteorite and the typhoon. It ignited an astonishing impact storm. It was like a big explosion in the sky. It allowed a wave of vibration to expand and emerged in a circular motion in all directions.

    At that time, the space within a few hundred meters of the radius seemed to be shaken, and the whole trembled.


    Margery and Marchosias floated in the air and made surprising sounds.

    Shana was attacked by the storm and gave it a shot. He threw himself into the ground with more violent momentum.

    "H ū — !"

    The whistling sound the wind in his ear.

    "Pā… ā———— !"

    Red Lotus's fire powder flutters in the air.

    Shana fell to the ground in such an extremely fast manner, and finally managed to stabilize the figure. The black behind him suddenly felt a lift. He turned over and fell steadily on the bridge of Misaki Bridge.

    At the same time, in mid-air, a dagger fell down and landed on the side of Shana.

    "Hey —!"

    In the crisp sound, the sharp dagger was directly set in the bridge, piercing the asphalt road and inserting it.

    Shana responded immediately and set his sights on the dagger.

    "That dagger…"

    Some of Alastor's surprising and vacant voice came from the pendant.

    As for Shana, it was totally stunned.

    That dagger, Shana is aware.

    Because, not long ago, after the end of the war with Sydonay, Shana was the one who brought the dagger back.


    The cold arc passed over the blade of a dagger like a crescent moon.

    Its name is Moon Leaf.

    At the moment of understanding this, Shana clutched Nietono Shana's hand and tightened.

    Maybe even Shana didn't find it?

    On his own tender face, a full-hearted smile replaced the blank expression.

    Power, began to fill Shanna's body.

    In the midair, the wild beast named Tōga floats on one side and begins to look around with vigilance and shouts.

    谁? Give me out! ”

    “I can't feel any aura, could it be that is that guy from Lames?!”

    Margery and Marchosias sounded from Tōga's flame robe.

    What ushered in was a response to a tender voice.

    "Can it be distracting now?"

    Hearing this, Margery's heart was tight, his head turned sharply, and he looked ahead.

    There, Shana one hand holds Nietono no Shana and one hand holds Moon Blade, throwing a dazzling light into a pair of Burning-Eyed in the Margery body.

    Behind Shana, there is a pair of wings.

    A pair of wings made of Red Lotus Flame.

    No problem

    Shana points to Nigertono Shana in the hand and points to Margery with a self-confidence that has not appeared before.

    "Start the second round."


    In Bright Red World, Red Lotus Flame and the deep blue flame once again burned in the center of the battlefield, and produced a strong collision.

    Someone is looking at this scene.

    Right on the rooftop of a building on the nearest edge of Misaki Bridge.

    There are two people watching the battle.

    One is Fang Li.

    One is an old man dressed in an old suit, like a gentleman.

    The two men stood side by side and watched the Red Lotus Flame and the deep blue flame, which produced fierce clashes, as if they had been criticized.

    "It's really Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter."

    The old gentleman admired: "Although it is still young, but it can easily suppress the "Chanter of Elegies", it is really unusual."

    As the old gentleman said, after the battle resumed, the whole situation has completely changed.

    Become Shana unilaterally suppressed Margery.

    I saw that Tōga, which Margery had transformed, was flying back and forth in midair with a flexible motion that was completely inconsistent with her own bloated body, and he fired a flame bomb that hiding the sky and covering the earth in the direction of Shana.

    Behind Shana's red Lotus Flame wings, he was completely undeniably welcomed. Nietono No Shana and Moon Blade couldn’t help but waved in between the blade light sword shadow and the flaks in the future. .

    Seeing that the flame attack was ineffective for Shana, Margery immediately changed the way of fighting, humming with the proud Improvisational Poem of Slaughter, diversified several avatars, and began to confuse his opponent around Shana's around the body.

    However, Shana actually closed her eyes and shortly afterwards suddenly exploded. Like a meteor, he rushed into one of the avatars. Nietona no Shana and Moon Blade were in the hands of him.

    The flame robe named Tōga is cut directly.

    Among them, Margery stepped on the big hardcover book that hosted Marchosias's will, and flew out like surfing.

    Shana immediately deceived himself, and his weapons continued to squat.

    Margery who had lost the flame robe couldn't win Shana on close combat and could only dodge.

    In this case, the situation is completely skewed toward the Shana side.

    Looking at this scene, Fang Li did not have the slightest accidental.

    "Of course, when it comes to power, Shana is not weaker than the other person. Now it is more elementary to learn to control his own flames. It is not difficult at all to suppress a vengeful mentality to fill Flame Haze."

    Fang Li said: "In a few days, Shana is fully familiar with her own power. Then she can become stronger."

    "Is it so?"The old gentleman was nodded, and he was aware of something. Somewhat puzzled asked: "Shana?"

    "It's the name "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter."Fang Li shrugged and said disapprovingly: “It was only recently taken.”

    "It turned out to be this way."The old gentleman was shocked.

    If it is also the third person on the scene, see Fang Li talking with the old gentleman, and absolutely will think that the two have known each other for a long time?

    In fact, the two were just meeting for the first time.

    In Fang Li's trick with EX treme Death – Seven Nights, the Moon Blade was thrown out to block the flash of Margery's fire column.

    At that time, the old gentleman appeared silently on Fang Li's side and watched this battle with Fang Li.

    In this regard, Fang Li did not show any surprise and did not show a hint of alertness. Only as if he knew that the other party had come, he did not look at each other and watched with the old gentleman.

    "You have to say, you are bold and you know that the people who are chasing after you are here, and actually come directly."

    Fang Li likes to laugh and laugh.

    "What should I call you "Corpse Retriever"? Or call you "Corpse Retriever"? ”

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