Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 404 Unrepairable Death

    "Pā…p> A gravel obeyed gravity and fell from the air, hitting on the ground, and slamming a crunch.

    This sounds crisp and extremely slight.

    After all, only an ordinary stone breaks up on the ground. In normal times, it is a sound that can't be heard.

    However, at this moment, the slight sound is extremely clear echoed in all around and passed to every corner of this fresh Crimson World community.

    It can be imagined that this space has reached a point where it is quiet.

    No, it is not quiet but dead.

    Like calm after a huge disaster, the tranquility after the storm, everything in this space is like a complete ending, leaving the indescribable silence open.

    After a closer look, the space that has been rendered in red by the Unrestricted Spell named Fuuzetsu/Seal has long been awkward.

    On the banks of the river, the hole of one by one is located there, making the ground potholes.

    On the river, the entire surface of the water seemed to be separated, breaking a huge gully.

    The most frightening people also belong to the Misaki Bridge that connects the two sides of Misaki City.

    This big iron bridge formed by steel and asphalt road is now cut as if it were broken.

    If not because of Fuuzetsu/Seal is still running, presumably, this will bring about an unimaginable major disaster, rather than maintaining this appearance.

    At the very least, the river that is divided in half will definitely be like a waterfall and it will plunge under the majestic water pressure in the direction of the gully. The Misaki Bridge that was broken by a knife will also cause a continuous collapse and will bring all the vehicles and people around it to the volume. Into it.

    Well, it is such an awkward scene.

    In this scene, there is only one thing still moving.

    That is the pure white giant sword that is gradually shrinking.


    With a little tremor, the rushing Prana began to fade, leaving the pure white giant light sword to slowly shrink and change back to its original shape.


    On the pure white Urm Manadyte, the dazzling rays of light began to converge and gradually turned bleak.

    Fang Li The ice blue luster in the pair of eyes faded little by little, returning the dark lustre back to it.


    The heavily put out a long breath, feels that within the body consumes a lot of Prana, Fang Li actually could not help but emerge a smile.

    "It's not exhausted by a blow…"

    If it had not yet risen to Fourth Rank before, Fang Li's strike will absolutely dry the whole Prana.

    It would be better to say that if it had not risen before Fourth Rank, it would still be an unknown number if the strike could not be made.

    Looking at it as a starting point, starting from Mana River to the other side of Misaki Bridge, both were cut by neat and tidy. It was like a bruising scene in the earth, and Fang Li could not help but create a tight hand. The culprit of all this, wry smile.

    "Slightly despise your power, Bo Xie…"

    Previously, Fang Li has not been able to fully control Bo Xie's power, making this Third Rank's Ogre Lux only play the Ability equivalent to the Fourth Rank.

    Now, Fang Li can be sure that he has finally brought out the true power of this Ogre Lux.

    Otherwise, with Fourth Rank's power alone, it is absolutely impossible to cause such a terrible attack.

    "Know as soon as it converged…"

    Saying this, Fang Li turned his head and looked at the river bank not far away.

    There, Friagne was kneeling on the ground, trying hard to extend the hand.

    In front of Friagne's hands, a childlike Doll lay there, cut in half by neat and tidy.

    Friagne desperately facing Doll extend the hand that was cut in half.

    "Marianne …Marianne…"


    That Doll, Friagne attempted to collect a large number of Power of EX istence with City Devourer's secret spell, so that it can be reborn and get rid of the lover of Rinne's identity.

    It's a pity that Doll, named Marianne, has died no longer.

    Just at the instant that Fang Li's Great Sword was about to reach Friagne, this Doll suddenly appeared in front of Friagne, and he gave him a blow.

    Of course, this blow was impossibly blocked.

    Because Fang Li does not only use Bo Xie but also Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

    The blow that was cut to the Death Line, even if the defensive power was strong, was impossible.

    However, Marianne's desperate fight helped Friagne fight for the slightest amount of time.

    So, the last sword did not cut Friagne to neat and tidy, but opened a little to the side, starting Friagne from the shoulder and cutting off half the body.


    Under the burning of a pale white flame, half of Friagne's body that had been cut off gradually became ashes.

    Friagne's body, with only one head and half of his torso, is constantly creeping on the ground, crawling towards the direction of Marianne, who is being cut off.

    "Marianne …My dear Marianne…"

    Finally, Friagne climbed up to Marianne's body and picked it up with the only remaining hand.

    Caressing the servants who had been cut off in their arms, all of them fell in love, and Friagne's pale face had a grim smile as if the mind/energetic was in a paralysis, and murmured.

    Never mindIt's okay!I will help you recover now…Help you now…"

    Saying this sentence, Friagne blows took a breath to Doll in his arms.

    The pale white flame immediately adhered to Marianne's body with this breath and slowly burned.

    That's Power of EXistence.

    Whether it is Crimson Denizen or Rinne made by it, as long as there is enough Power of EX istence, it can be used to repair the body.

    Only a Rinne, then, with a Crimson Lord's Power of Exitence, it is easy to repair it. Even resurrection is not a problem. It only takes a lot of Power of EX istence.

    However, Doll, who has burnt high purity Power of Interpretation, has never recovered.

    “ Why?”The WHY

    Friagne shuddered all over and yelled madly.

    "Why can't fix it?!"

    The natural answer to this question is Fang Li.

    "Because she has been killed by me."

    Do not know when Fang Li, who appeared in front of Friagne, looked at him with condescending expression. He said such a sentence with an extremely calm expression.

    "It was an irreversible, irreparable death. Even if you turned the whole world into a Power of Existence to repair, it would not resurrect her."

    "She is dead."

    Friagne's trembling body stopped.

    Death" moment .

    The Crimson Lord, with its name of "Hunter", was completely caught in a sluggish state.

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