Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 403 Really Full Strength


    In Bright Red World, over the Mana River, the pale white fire wave is still tumbling, causing the inner air to seem to have been detonated.

    Fang Li and Friagne clashed with each other across the fire wave, but none of them were injured.

    The recent explosion was indeed quite violent.

    Therefore, even if Fang Li could not help but use Prana, so that around the body surfaced debris-like starlight, in order to strengthen a lot of defensive power, which Kankan can resist the power of the explosion down.

    The opposite of Friagne's body is covered with a layer of protective barrier shield.

    That is the protector who made Friagne unscasted in the just-explosion.


    Looking at the general protective shield on that floor, Fang Li seemed to think of something. His eyes immediately fell on Friagne's hand.

    In that hand, she is wearing a ring.

    A ring that is emitting a faint glow.

    "Is it noticed?"

    Friagne smiled and raised his hand to show the ring in his hand.

    "This is one of my complacent Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), Annealing Ring, called Azure. The effect is to drive the fire. As long as you have it, no matter what type of flame attack it is, it will not work for me."

    In other words, Friagne is just because of possessing it, he dared to cause a violent explosion just like this in his own situation.

    Then, Friagne raised another hand and showed the glass bell between his fingers in front of Fang Li's.

    "This Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) is called a Dance Party and it is able to freely control the objects that I set up under the authority and directly decompose them into Power of EX istence. If it is used, it can also be set up just like that. The Power of EX istence of the Doll within the body of the lower authority is detonated directly. The effect is what you should have already experienced."

    In other words, the fiercely explosive explosion that took place was the result of the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    Like the origin of its name "Hunter", Friagne holds numerous Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), allowing him to be among the best in the modern Demon King.

    “Of course, even me, there is a missing piece of “Denizen” that can shake the entire Crimson World.”

    Friagne laughed, "You don't think that Reiji Maigo has such qualifications?"

    What is the meaning of the statement? It is not even necessary to explain it.

    So, Fang Li laughed too.

    "What 『Hunter』 ah? Directly speaking, the robber then won't it be alright? ”

    Fang Li pointed to the Friagne extend the hand, hooked his fingers and said such a sentence.

    "Then don't talk nonsense. Come grab it!"

    The provocative gestures and words make Friagne's elegant smile slightly distorted.

    Immediately, Friagne sighed.

    "Sure enough, it doesn't make sense to talk to humans in the district."

    Murderous aura of berserk begins to emerge in Friagne's body.

    "Then let me kill you first!"

    Then, a do-it-all Doll appeared once more in Friagne's around the body with a pale white flame, like a starting missile, violently shoots in the direction of Fang Li's.

    "Dance, my cute Dolls…"

    Friagne is like an expensive man who is poetry on the Dance Party. While leisurely declaring, shake the bell in his hand.

    “dīng líng ————!”

    In the melodious ringtone, Doll once again shines with dazzling light.

    As long as it is close to a certain distance, I believe that these Dolls will all burst open. As before, they will provoke a grand explosion.

    Facing the powerful explosion, if Fang Li blindly defends, Prana will sooner or later run out, and it will eventually be killed by life.

    As to avoiding?

    That is not impossible.

    With Fang Li's speed and style, as long as it is not so close to the distance, it can be avoided at any time.

    However, Friagne's around the body also retains a Doll, once the Fang Li close up, the result will not change, right?

    In the end, the defeated person must be Fang Li.

    "Demon King is still Demon King, even if it's not good enough?"

    Not to mention that the other side or the modern Demon King was able to rank among the top five players. How difficult is it? I don't even think about it.

    In addition to the numerous Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), said with no trace of politeness, even against Wu Xiaofei and Amagiri Ayato, it is estimated that the final result will be defeated.

    However, even if this is the case, Fang Li still does not have the slightest movement.

    "After all, it's not a match between the players and the student Ah…

    Saying this sentence, the Moon Blade in Fang Li's hands suddenly disappeared.

    Replaced by an activation body.

    A pure white activation body.


    The holy light shines from the pure white Urm Manadyte, instantly illuminating all around.

    In this moment, the rich Mana emerged from Urm Manadyte and turned it into a pure white blade like a light sword with high density of energy. He was held firmly by Fang Li.

    “What is it?”

    Clearly seeing this scene, Friagne could not help but be stunned.

    In the next second, a chill came from Friagne's back and reached his head.

    Because of the eyes of a pair of ice blue eyes.

    Fang Li is right.

    This is not a match between the players, nor is it a match between students, but rather a fight that only one side can survive.

    Therefore, Fang Li can use his full power without hesitation.

    Really full strength.


    Ice blue Mystic Eyes glittering in its eyes.


    The pure white Ogre Lux is like a tremor.

    The incomparable Prana is like a turbulent river, permeated with it, and the pure white Urm Manadyte flashes brighter than ever before.

    Immediately, the pure white blade began to soar.

    Inspired by the powerful Prana, which swirls around it, the entire pure white blade seems to have gathered a myriad of energy. It has soared to a length of several hundred meters. It has completely turned into a straightforward cloud. The great sword was lifted by Fang Li.


    Friagne's complexion "shuā" has become pale.

    Only the Doll, with its sparkling glow, shot violently shoots and ushered in the extremely cold sight of Fang Li.

    Looking straight at death.

    Immediately, the great sword of straight into the sky squatted.

    Cut out a Doll.

    Cut open and thick air flow.

    Cut the stationary river.

    Then, he turned to the pale Crimson Lord.

    "Aaaaaaaaaaaah —!"

    In Friagne's desperate screams, the pure white giant sword fell from the sky and fell to its body.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the chapped voice, light white flames sprinkled on the sky.

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