Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 391 The Secret to the Whole City’s Secret

    The next day.

    Early in the morning, Fang Li left his room and continued on the street.

    At the top of a building, Shana stood upright in the wind and looked at Fang Li, who was slowly walking down the street. Suffering emotions appeared in the eyes.

    Maybe it seems to others that Fang Li is just shopping.

    However, Shana could see that Fang Li wandered while doing secretive moves.

    That little trick was mainly aimed at people who felt very weak and listless from their side.

    Those people, all with the body's Power of EX exit, Torch is about to extinguish.

    When these Torch passed from the Fang Li's side, Fang Li's hand trembled slightly.

    It was that Fang Li was playing dagger at an amazing speed and cut through the performance of Torch around him.

    After shortly afterwards, the cut Torch burns away and disappears in the air.

    Fang Li has continued to do this kind of work and has continuously consumed Torch in Misaki City.

    "That guy…"Shana moaned: "What are you doing in the end?"

“……Yesterday, he seemed to say that as long as he continued to destroy Torch, would Hunter come out? ”Alastor replied, “Could it be that for this reason, will he always target Torch?”

    "But why did the elimination of Torch allow the "Denizen" to come out?"Shana raised the question of course, saying: "Anyway, only Torch, isn't it okay to set it up?"

    The existence of Torch was originally intended to prevent the demise of a large number of Power of EX istences from causing distortions in the world.

    However, this is a problem that Flame Haze needs to worry about. If Crimson Denizen cares about this issue, it will not come from Crimson World to present world.

    Therefore, Crimson Denizen has no reason to worry about Torch's problem. He will leave some residue after swallowing Power of Exitence and make it into Torch, which is to avoid the distortion of the world that will attract Flame Haze.

    In other words, Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen will make Torch with the rest of the residue when Human's Power of Interpretation disappears, but Torch's survival is irrelevant.

    Even Flame Haze is like this, not to mention Crimson Denizen, who doesn't care about Torch's demise at all.

    If Friagne is obsessed with Torch, what does it mean?

    Explain Torch is useful for Friagne.

    Moreover, there is still great use.

    Therefore, Fang Li eliminated Torch, Friagne not only sent Rinne to investigate, and oneself would not even be exposed.

    As a result, Fang Li's behavior can be explained.

    If Torch in Misaki City really has a great use for Friagne, then Fang Li eliminates Torch. It is basically destroying Friagne's plan. The Hunter will never let it go. It will absolutely stop.

    "But, what was that "Hunter" going to use Torch to do what are you doing?"

    Shana could not help but whisper.

    Alastor is silent and suddenly speaks.

    “A long time ago, on the western frontier, there was once a powerful Demon King who happily swallowed human and left a lot of Torch and installed some sort of organ inside.”

    Alastor's overly sudden explanation, let Shana startled on the spot.

    However, Alastor continues to explain: "The role of that kind of organ is to be able to disassemble the Torch as a substitute under the user's control and restore it to the original Power of Exitence, so that all Torch loses both substitutes at the same time. The function."

    "All Torch?"Shana immediately responded and said with surprise: "If this is the case, wouldn't it cause a huge distortion in the world?"

    Although Torch's role is to ease the world's conflicts and slow down the distortions, if a large number of Torch lose its shape in the split second and turn into Power of EX istence, then these Power of EX istence will be less and less. More, it will also cause the same fate as the human being swallowed by Power of Existence.

    And if the number of these Torch is unimaginable and spread all over the entire city…

    "That would make the whole city like a snowball and turn it into a huge and high-purity Power of Exitence."

    Alastor with a heavy tone, such a declaration.

    "So, this secret spell is called City Devourer."

    ————City Devourer.

    Turn an entire city into a high-purity Power of Existence's secret spell.

    If this secret spell succeeds…

    "When it comes time, not only will this city completely disappear, but the world will cause great distortion. Even the "Denizen" who swallows these Power of Changes using the secret spell will become very powerful, right?"

    Shana asked in a voice without a trace of tension and asked, "What happened to the last "Denizen"?"

    "By joining Flame Haze and even Crimson Lord, after a long period of hard work, it was hard to defeat him."Alastor said: “We have absorbed the power of the entire city. The Deniken was known as the strongest Demon King at the time. If not even many Crimson Lords are involved in the battle, what will eventually become? It’s really hard to imagine. ."

    Then?Shana asked directly: "The Hunter is doing the same thing now?"

    "Can not be sure."Alastor said: "However, Demon King needs a lot of examples of Torch. I only heard that one time. And yesterday's Hunter's madness at Reiji Maigo makes it very easy to think of him as very power-destroying. Eagerly, otherwise, the Demon King impossible, known for its ambiguity and wisdom, will be out of control.”

    Although Reiji Maigo is only able to restore the owner's Power of Exitence at midnight, this simple effect can be attributed to the fact that the upper limit of recovery is not fixed.

    In other words, if the holder has more Power of EX isences, Reiji Maigo will have a higher recovery effect. If the holder can hold unlimited Power of EX ist, Reiji Maigo can release unlimited power. Of EX istence.

    If not because of Reiji Maigo only restores Power of EX istence, for the Main God's Dimensions with various power systems, the effect is a bit unremarkable, and it will not be just the Fourth Rating.

    For those who need Power of Exitence, Reiji Maigo is even more powerful.

    If Friagne really needs a lot of Power of EX istence, Reiji Maigo is definitely a shortcut to accomplish his purpose.

    "so that's how it is."Shana nodded. “If this is the case, then everything can be explained. ”

    "Only, we can't care less about it."Alastor's tone became serious. “If City Devourer is really started, the distortion caused by it will be serious, and he absolutely cannot let him succeed. ”

    "Sure.Shana replied, of course.

    After all, things that need to be done have not changed.

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