Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 390 only thought he was very powerful

    This is a matter of doubt.

    As a human, Fang Li's reality is too prominent and is far from being explained by Reiji Maigo.

    However, Fang Li does not need to explain.

    "If I remember correctly, the mission of Flame Haze is to maintain the balance of the world. To this end, he only crusade against the "Denizen" that he is desperate to act on. Therefore, the crusade is just a means to an end."

    Fang Li, like setting aside the topic, said: “And who am I and why does it have power, then it seems that there is no relationship with the balance of the world?”

    The implication of the statement is very clear. It is telling Shana and Alastor that this issue does not belong to the scope that Flame Haze should manage.

    "Or do you think that my power has also caused the world to distort?"Fang Li said with a faint smile: "If this is the case, then I will explain it honestly to you."

    Hear this, Alastor is silent.

    Conversely Shana, after slightly frowning, actually agreed with Fang Li's.

    "You're right. Why do you have power in the end? That doesn't have anything to do with Flame Haze's mission. We don't need to ask you."

    Shana said very simply: “In that case, then go back to the topic of Reiji Maigo. How did you get the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool)?”

    In general, Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) was made by Crimson Denizen.

    This kind of power is either in the hands of Crimson Denizen or in the hands of Flame Haze. Human will have Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), which is extremely rare.

    "It's not surprising if you are Mystes."Alastor said: "But you only have one human, which is a bit weird."

    The so-called Mystes refers to Torch.

    It was within the body that hosted Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), or Torch which was used by Crimson Lord to save special power.

    This type of Torch and the ordinary Torch nothing different, will also be exhausted with the consumption of Power of Exitence, and the role played at most is the treasure trove, so it is also known as the mobile treasure trove.

    So, if it is Torch, then Fang Li holds Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) is not something weird.

    However, Fang Li only had a human and it was incredible.

    "However, that is still not the point."Fang Li sighed and said directly: "No matter how I get Reiji Maigo, it does not matter with you, right?"

    As soon as the words came out, the entire room became silent.

    Alastor has not spoken at all and does not know whether it is expressing dissatisfaction with Fang Li's or what other ideas he has.

    Shana is closely watching Fang Li and just meets Fang Li's.

    The quiet atmosphere suddenly began to overweigh.

    Fang Li and Shana looked at each other like this and they seemed to be trying to see what they were seeing from each other's eyes. They didn't spark up the sight of touching each other, but they made the surrounding atmosphere gradually become heavy.

    After a while, Shana spoke up.

    Not against Fang Li, but against your own contractor.

    "Alastor, what do you think?"

    Alastor did not reply in the first time, it seems to be thinking about something.

    After a while , Alastor said: "Our Quest is to punish "Denizen" which is distorting the world. Since this Quest is already over, we don't need to be too obstinate."

    What Alastor wants to say is already very clear.

    In fact, Flame Haze in this world is not just Shana alone.

    Moreover, because Flame Haze had a contract with Crimson Lord and paid his own past, present, and future existence as a price, his own time had been completely stopped. As long as he wasn't killed, there would never be a problem that ended.

    As a result, Flame Haze was hit by the same prey and it was not a strange thing.

    Only , Flame Haze is usually the Flame Haze because of their own purpose.

    Most of these people were captured by Crimson Denizen, who used hate as their source and contracted with Crimson Lord.

    In addition, Flame Haze's course of action is completely different. Once it comes across, let alone cooperating, it is possible to make a move.

    In view of this, if you change a Flame Haze and see the condition of Fang Li, it's only a matter of fear.

    Unfortunately, Shana is not the same.

    Shana did not become hatred and became Flame Haze. Only because he was trained as Flame Haze did he conclude a contract.

    Therefore, Shana only needs to abide by Flame Haze's mission then it will be alright.

    In other words, since someone is responsible for the job, Shana can hand over the job.

    In the past, Shana also came this way.

    Unfortunately, this time, Shana deny Alastor's claim.

    "If the opponent is the "Hunter," even if the human has a powerful power, it is impossible to avoid the possibility of failure."

    Shana said in an unquestionable tone: "So, Alastor, we will continue to monitor here, not to mention there may be other "Denizen" coming here, after all, Reiji Maigo is here."

    Alastor is silent again.

    Soon afterwards, Alastor replied, "In that case, stay in this city."

    Thus, the course of action after Shana was decided.

    In this case, Shana immediately stood up and looked at Fang Li in a condescending manner. He said, "I will watch you near you. If you meet Friagne, you can't beat him. Then I will intervene."

    After leaving this sentence, Shana did not wait for Fang Li to answer. She walked directly to the balcony, one jumped and jumped.

    Looking at this scene, Fang Li was relieved as if he had solved a problem.

    "Anyway, it finally solved the problem."

    Next, find out Friagne.


    On the other side, although Shana left Fang Li's apartment, she did not leave too far. Instead, she sat down directly on the rooftop of a building that could see Fang Li's room.

    Alastor's voice comes out of the pendant.

    "It wouldn't be like you if you couldn't use the human being."



    Although Shana used such reasons, he was reluctant to leave, only because of his intentions.

    In this regard, Shana himself also consciously.

    Looking at the instant noodles in the room, it seems that Fang Li, who is planning to fill his stomach in such a way, couldn't hear the emotional voice and speak out loud.

    "I only think he is very hateful."

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