Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2152 The Hopes that Occur at Last (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    In this moment, all the students in the whole class put their eyes on the transcripts on the blackboard.

    In the last three rows, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken scored very clearly.

    I don't know if it was because of being temporarily cuckoo or having some effect. Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken have failed subjects and not all subjects fail.

    A total of five main subjects, Ike Kanji failed in one subject, Yamauchi Haruki had one failing, and Sudou Ken failed in two subjects.

    Then, Ike Kanji scored 29 points for the unsatisfactory section, 28 points for the unfavorable section of Yamauchi Haruki, and 26 points and 33 points for Sudou Ken's failure of the two subjects.

    The passing score is 35 points.

    Converted, Ike Kanji missed 6 points, Yamuchi Haruki missed 7 points, and Sudou Ken had a total of 11 points. The trio lost 24 points.

    "Even if I sell your points to you, and you want to get a passing score, you have to buy 24 points."

    Chabashira Sae likes to play with everyone, so to speak.

    "Do you really have enough private points to buy these 24 points?"

    This is the last barrier that blocks Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken.

    Understand this point, three people suddenly became eager.

    WellSo how do you sell this score? ”

    "You give us at least one price!"

    "Quickly say!"

    Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken were very eager to ask for a voice.

    The answer that the three men can get is undoubtedly fatal.

    "This is really a problem. After all, I haven't sold my score so far."

    Chabashira Sae raised her arms and looked at the expression of the students in the class. He smiled and said.

    "Well, I think even if you are worth a hundred thousand, what do you think?"


    Is that still used?

    "One hundred thousand…!?"

    Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken all stopped breathing.

    "One hundred thousand…"

    The rest of the class also lost all their speech.

    One hundred thousand.

    What does that mean?

    This means that Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken need to pay a total of two hundred four hundred "100" before they can buy a passing score to cancel the withdrawal.

    Two hundred and forty thousand.

    Converted into cash, it is equivalent to the yen.

    This amount is just a nightmare for the high school student.

    Even at the beginning of the school year, the school gave 100,000 private points to each student. The total private class of 40 people in the D-Class adds up to four million.

    In other words, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken three people want to stay in this school, then they need to pay more than half of the private points in the class.

    How can Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken be affordable?

    Even if three people come apart and only pay for their own part, it is far beyond the scope of the ability to pass Ability.

    What's more, last month’s unscrupulous squandering has already caused the private points of the three individuals to be almost consumed. Not to mention the “100, is the 10,000 private points. An unknown number.

    Two hundred and forty thousand?

    It is simply impossible to afford.

    "This…"This is too expensive! We can't pay! ”

    "Can't be considered an advantage!?"

    "You are simply a daylight robbery!"

    Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken screamed in succession.

    Chabashira Sae did not care at all.

    "This is the last chance for you to stay in this school. I have given you an opportunity. Can you grasp what you are doing and have nothing to do with me?"

    Chabashira Sae did not leave any doubts and made conclusions directly.

    "Either pay enough points or go with me now to drop out of school. You have to choose it yourself."

    The relentless Judgement made Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken both crazy.

    "I …What should I do?

    Number of pointsWhy do I spend so many points…! ”

    Bad Ass

    Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken have completely despaired.

    It was so hard to see just a few hopes, and now it was taken to hell. For these three people, it was too cruel.

    Not to mention Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken. The rest of the students are very sorry.

    "It was important to know private points early. I didn't spend it so much before…"

    "that's right …"

    Students one after another made such annoying feelings.

    Chabashira Sae did not wait patiently.

    How? Need to pay points? Still do not pay? ”

    Chabashira Sae's urging, for Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken, is already equivalent to the devil's whispering.

    at this time…

    "I also help pay points!"

    Speaking such a sentence, and also holding up the hand, precisely Kushida Kikyou.

    "I have 50,000 or so private points left and I'm willing to pay them all!"

    Kushida Kikyou's voice is completely Angel's salvation compared to Chabashira Sae.

    "If it is not enough, I can also borrow from friends of other classes. The class points of other classes have not been deducted. There are still private points registered this month. Together with the remaining, I believe, absolute will will. There are ways!"

    Kushida Kikyou stepped up in this way, and with a strong voice, he firmly stated that he wanted to extend his hand to Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

    Fang Li's raised the brows slightly, but it was somewhat surprised.

    Unexpectedly, this young girl who hides her true face and wears a mask shows how willing it would be to leave behind Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

    What is this for?

    When Fang Li thought so, Hirata Yousuke also stood up.

    "I'm also willing to pay part of private points."Hirata Yousuke also said very firmly: "I can also borrow private points from other class friends and Senpai in the Club."

    If this is the case, the $2.4 million will not necessarily come together.

    With the charisma of Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke's, do you believe that you must take advantage of their points?

    "Students, I hope you can also provide some help."

    "Please, help the people around us."

    Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke asked the students in the class.

    Under such circumstances, the students in the class looked at each other.

    Shortly afterwards …

    "I …I only have five thousand miles? ”

    "I can only produce three thousand."

    "I …Let me out a little. ”

    "Yes…me too!"

    The students in the class raised their hands one after another.

    This is the result of the charisma of Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke's.

    Even if the students in the class did not like Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken, Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke's requested that the students in the class would like to reconcile.

    Therefore, hopefully this will finally happen.

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