Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2150 (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    "This Teacher…"

    Fang Li looked at Chabashira Sae and narrowed his eyes.


    The rest of the students in the class also looked at Fang Li, somewhat awkward.

    It also includes Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Horikita Suzune, Hirata Yousuke, Karuizawa Kei, and even Kushida Kikyou.

    The difference lies in the fact that the rest of them are only looking at the subject according to the progress of the topic. Kushida Kikyou is eyes flashing slightly and does not know what to think.

    In this case, Fang Li also looked at the others.

    After a while, Fang Li sighed.

    "What do you want me to say? Teacher ? ”

    Hearing the sound of Fang Li, Shabashira Sae laughed instead.

    "It's good to say what you know. I want to see what you can understand."

    Chabashira Sae gave the same statement that seemed to look forward to.

    Fang Li suddenly grinned.

    Immediately, Fang Li said so.

    "You want me to say, "Ike here is a stupid thing to give up." ”

    This sentence, let the class stunned.

    Especially Horikita Suzune.


    what does this mean?

    When the students in the class all felt at a loss for this, Fang Li did not say anything.

    "Because this school is special."

    This no longer needs to be reminded.

    The talent that this school chooses to train is not just to look at scholastic ability, but to look at comprehensive Ability.

    Even if there is only one aspect of the talent, the school will consider admission.

    Like Sudou Ken, she has incredible academic ability, but athracic ability is impressive. With a professional basketball player as her target, she is physically strong and has just been enrolled in the Basketball Club's consultant for a month. It is likely to become a ball. The official team members, their Ability is guaranteed.

    That being the case…

    “In this case, this school is definitely different from other schools. It only takes a few written tests.”

    Fang Li asserted this.

    “If it is a school that pays attention to scholastic ability, it is a written test to test student's Ability. But this school does not focus on student's scholastic ability at all. The student's scholastic ability is just an advantage.”

    This means one thing.

    "If the criteria for judging the admission of talent in this school is to look at Comprehensive Ability, will it definitely need an "examination" in this area? ”

    Fang Li revealed this secret in front of everyone in the class.

    "Study ability can also be tested by written test, and other aspects of Ability also need to be tested accordingly, which is consistent with the concept of School."

    Therefore, the current midterm exam is only just beginning.

    Next, Advanced Nurturing High School will give a variety of tests to test all aspects of students' ability.

    "This time is scholastic ability. The next time it may be athletic ability."

    Fang Li awoke everyone.

    "And if there really is a test for testing athcultic ability afterwards, those who have lost Sudou this motor nerve preeminence will definitely be a huge loss for the D-Class."

    The other aspects of the Ability are the same.

    Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki definitely have the talent to be accepted and admitted by the school.

    Therefore, in the subsequent examinations on all sides, if Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki who can show skill in the field are lost, then the competitiveness of the D-Class will decline.

    The school’s competition is based on class.

    If you lose these talents who can show skill in a specific exam, how can the D-Class competitiveness not fall?

    "I think that in the S-System, there must be rules related to the achievements of each class in each exam?"

    Fang Li gazed at Chabashira Sae and said so.

    "If you are late, absent, and various kinds of classroom discipline are "decreased points," then the scores of each exam must be related to "plus points." ”

    Therefore, Fang Li said before.

    "Next, the school should give the opportunity to shorten the gap."

    It is because of this reason.

    “Otherwise, the classroom discipline has been used as a scoring criterion. The D-Class that assembles various lower rankings is definitely better than the elite A-Class, so there is no competition.”

    Therefore, this school that considers comprehensive ability will definitely provide various points plus points and minus points, so that students of each class can fully compete in this ideology-oriented school.

    "Now," Ike really did drag on the test of scholastic ability, but if you are going to climb up and target A-Class, it would be foolish to give up here. ”

    Fang Li looked at Horikita Suzune and said to Chabashira Sae.

    "What do you want me to say is this? Teacher ? ”

    As soon as the voice fell, the audience was quiet.

    The entire D-Class was dumbfounded because of the sudden disclosure of information by Fang Li.

    Including Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke, and Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

    Only Ayanokoji Kiyotaka has always been the expression of indifference.

    This thing, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka naturally like Fang Li, has long been aware of it.

    Only , Ayanokouji Kiyotaka In the style of the escapist ideology person, the limelight was not resolved in front of the entire class before he was asked by Chabashira Sae to say nothing.

    Chabashira Sae said that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a coward. This is the reason.

    As for the rest, including Horikita Suzune, surely they haven’t thought of this yet?

    "Pā… – Pā… -!"

    Chabashira Sae suddenly clapping.

    "You really noticed these rules, Nanaya."

    While speaking, Chabashira Sae also looked at Horikita Suzune.

    "I'm sorry, that's what happened. Horikita, you didn't notice this and decided to give up." Ike, who has proved that your Ability is limited. For you, working with A-Class as a goal is too unrealistic. Now. ”

    Chabashira Sae's unrelenting comments, shaking Horikita Suzune on the spot.


    Horikita Suzune looks to Fang Li's body and seems to want to say something.

    But before I could say it, it was Fang Li's lead.

    "I wonder if I didn't tell you such an important thing? Do you still want to blame me for knowing that there is such a thing but still sit back and watch "Ike's trio's self-reliance?"

    Fang Li blocked it back.

    "I said, I'm not interested in promoting the A-Class. I'm moreover you agree with what I said. Your own behavior requires you to take on all your responsibilities. Don't tell me it's not?"

    In a word like this, Horikita Suzune bit his lip.


    Fang Li did not do anything wrong.

    The only ones that are wrong are Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken.

    Fang Li is blamed for no reason.

    Horikita Suzune chose to abandon Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken. There is nothing wrong with this.

    Only, if you intend to target the A-Class, you do not notice this, and Horikita Suzune, who helps make a move, has unavoidable mistakes.

    This mistake also requires Horikita Suzune to take responsibility for himself.

    Otherwise, it is better to give up the A-Class as a goal.

    For this reason, Chabashira Sae repeats to say so.

    "This is your limit, Horikita."

    Horikita Suzune, who is a unilateral ideology, finally needs to pay for himself without paying attention to others around him.

    This is not only Horikita Suzune's limit, but also her flaws.

    "Now that you know why you are in the D-Class? Horikita. ”

    Chabashira Sae's, which fell in Horikita Suzune's ear, became ear-piercing again.

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