Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2135 Horikita Suzune ‘ s goal


    Just as Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka were about to leave, Horikita Suzune stopped them.

    "Do you really have any interest in the promotion of A-class?" ”

    Horikita Suzune, like he could not understand, made such questions to Fang Li and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

    This is also a normal thing.

    You know, it's not like you've been able to treat all the conditions here.

    With the exception of the A-Class, the rest of the class will not have any guarantees for further education and employment. This is already a sure thing.

    And the people who come to this school are not the almost hundred years of schooling and employment protection?

    To say that some people do not want to advance to the A-Class for this, it is simply bizarre.

    But, Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka belong to such an incredible two of people.

    "Have you already said that?" I do not want to cause trouble, just want to live quietly in this school life, that is enough for me. ”

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka with special lack of feelings of the dull tone of the answer, can let a person clearly feel the language of the rise on the A-class really do not have any enthusiasm.

    The same is true of Fang Li.

    "The purpose of my coming to this school is not to go to college or to get a job, only to find something that I have not experienced before, also is bored with the arrangement of the adults." ”

    Fang Li looked to Horikita Suzune and answered in this way.

    "Whether it's in the A-class or the d-class, it makes no difference to me, does it?" ”

    After all, Fang Li came here, originally only in order to experience had not experienced the study garden life.

    Although the A-class as a goal to work hard, it is also a rare and valuable experience, but in terms of state, if not have a special obsession, then most people will give up this goal.

    The reason is also very simple.

    Even if want to ascend A-class, that is also difficult heavily ah. ”

    Fang Li threw the biggest question toward Horikita Suzune.

    "Look at the current class points and personal situation of our classes, that no matter who can understand, want to ascend to a-class, undoubtedly distant to let people feel hopeless." ”

    At present, the gap between the four classes has been quite clear.

    The A-class Class points is 940.

    The B-class Class points is 650.

    The C-class Class points is 490.

    D-class's Class points is downright 0.

    If according to Chabashira Sae previously said, four classes first class points are 1000 points, that in the one months, A-class is only deducted 60 O ' class points just.

    D-class, in just one months between all Class points to spit out, enough to prove d-class rank and A-class rank exactly how much difference.

    Even if D-class followed the basic rules of campus life, to some extent to prevent continued to be deducted points, but the S-system rule is too many places are unclear.

    Do not know what behavior will be deducted from the situation, can self-care, self-discipline, self-improvement and self-made talents gathered a-class naturally can avoid many risks.

    And D-class is terrible, Problem Children all together in the inside, who can guarantee which one will not cause problems?

    Not to mention, the gap between the two classes has been completely opened.

    In the difference of nearly 1000 point Class points situation, Problem Children together d-class how to overtake outstanding talent gathered a-class ah?

    It's hopeless to think about it.

    Of course

    "Next, the school should give the opportunity to shorten the gap, but that is not something that can be considered now." ”

    Fang Li's remark, which caused the Horikita Suzune ' s reaction.

    "Will the schools give the opportunity to shorten the gap?" ”

    Horikita Suzune did not seem to be able to understand the meaning of this sentence.

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka There is no doubt of the appearance, still is that pair of aura of death heavy appearance.

    Obviously, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka should also be like Fang Li, have a little speculation about what the school will take next?

    This again let Horikita Suzune remembered Chabashira Sae ' s that sentence.

    "The two other people are much better than you."

    Recall this sentence, Horikita Suzune ' s heart will produce a strong chagrin.

    It is not so easy for Horikita Suzune, who wants to be strong, to admit that he is inferior to others.

    "Even if there is a big gap, then also three years, no one knows what will happen." ”

    Horikita Suzune with the words of the will, it was announced.

    "I will not be willing to stay in the D-class, if the school really judge me only the extent of d-class, then I will definitely climb up." ”

    In the other words, Horikita Suzune ' s goal has been confirmed?

    "I will aim to ascend to A-class." ”Horikita Suzune with strong and powerful voice, so said: "I, absolutely want to ascend to A-class." ”

    Only this goal is absolute.

    This will is what Horikita Suzune shows.

    Is that to prove that you are not a defective product? Or for the rest of it?

    Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka don't know.

    Two people know only one thing.

    "That would be pretty hard, wouldn't it?" ”Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Kindly to remind: "Others do not say, first you must let the class of those problem Children reformed, late, skip class, classroom private chat, etc., also the upcoming midterm, these must cross the past." ”

    How hard it is to understand.

    But Horikita Suzune is not just a casual talk.

    "I can not solve the problem in the class, but Hirata-san must be trying to convince the class, at least will be late and skip these issues to solve, the others will be in the next convergence of their unscrupulous behavior, even if not to a-class as the goal of efforts, There is no one who would like to keep class points for 0 of the miserable situation. ”

    After all, the amount of class points directly determines the amount of private points that students can get each month.

    If you let Class points always present 0 points, then the D-class students will not have any private points.

    The person who can accept this kind of situation certainly does not exist.

    No, a guy like Kouenji Rokusuke is probably not interested.

    But the rest of you wouldn't want that, would you?

    Therefore, even if not to A-class as the target, D-class people will find ways to add Class points.

    For this reason, Hirata Yousuke, Karuizawa Kei, Kushida kikyou, and so on, are likely to have persuaded the classmates that, at the very least, they will have to maintain basic discipline and not be deducted from this issue.

    "The rest is the next midterm exam, the people who fail will be expelled, and Chabashira-sensei just said, the drop-out punishment of the score processing is also within the scope of S-system, once someone has been expelled, class points there may be a lot of fluctuations, So it must be ensured that no one will be expelled from the mid-term exam. ”

    Speaking of which, Horikita Suzune to Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

    And, it raises such a question.

    "Tell me honestly, what grades can you get if you take the exam seriously?" ”

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