Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2133 Things That Need to Be Confirmed

    Even when the D-Class was in turmoil, Chabashira Sae, as the D-Class's homeroom teacher, was still so cold and stepping forward in the direction of the staff office step by step.

    Only, halfway through, Chabashira Sae suddenly stopped, as if waiting for something, took out the smoke, lit it, and took a sip.

    Not long after, footsteps came from behind Chabashira Sae's.

    Chabashira Sae turned her head.

    Precisely Horikita Suzune into his eyes.

    "I knew that your words would definitely come to me."

    Chabashira Sae made such a statement without any emotion.

    Horikita Suzune is also no nonsense.

    "Since this is the case, I would just ask me."Horikita Suzune voted stubbornly at Chabashira Sae and said, "Why would I be assigned to the D-Class?"

    "It really was because of this thing."Chabashira Sae spits out a smoky, even smile seems to have no sentiment, so replied: "You are so dissatisfied with yourself in D-Class?"

    "No one will be satisfied with their own unfair evaluation."Horikita Suzune said stubbornly: “You also said that good people will be selected into the A-Class, and the D-Class is the last bastion of the lower rankings in the school. I really cannot agree that I will be assigned to such a class. in."

    "What for? Is it because your academic ability is higher? ”Chabashira Sae said without hesitation: “The good grades are really one type of ability too, but the purpose of this school is to cultivate truly good people. Horikita, if you feel that you meet this requirement, then I’ll ask you In addition to good motor performance and motor nerve not bad, what else can you call excellent?"

    "This…"Horikita Suzune split second

    Chabashira Sae is chasing victory.

    "You haven't talked to anyone since you started school?"

    WellThat's because it feels unnecessary…”

    "Not necessary?" Where did you come to this conclusion? ”

“……If you can do all things well, then you don't need to deal with others? ”

    "Is it really enough to pretend to be a theory? Could it be that you want to tell me that if you are in a key position in this country, do you have a way to manage the whole country by yourself?"

    WellThat's just Teacher. You exaggerated the situation! ”

    “Are you? I think it's you who are completely looking at everything except you. ”

    Chabashira Sae stared at some shaken Horikita Suzune and smirked.

    "A person's ability in the end still When it is at its limit, even the National Element Capital needs an army to maintain the existence of the country. The Student President of this school also needs the rest of the Student Council to help themselves. You could be that want to say Are you better than the Head of State and the Student President?"

    Chabashira Sae's makes Horikita Suzune completely lose his speech.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    Who gave Chabashira Sae the example of Student President?

    Horikita Suzune is able to assert that he is better than anyone else, except that he dare not boast about the sea and that he is better than the Student President.

    After all, Student President is Horikita Suzune's…

    "If you haven't understood your value correctly, then prove that you have stopped here, Horikita, this is your limit."

    Chabashira Sae spits like a disappointment.

    But shortly afterwards, Chabashira Sae laughed again.

    "The two other people are much better than you."

    Hear this, Horikita Suzune slightly.

    Immediately, Horikita Suzune discovered it.

    Do not know when, two people came here.

    Correct Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

    "It seems that you just finished talking."

    Fang Li's tone is as calm as ever.

    "Should not bother you?"

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's tone is also as usual, without any emotion.

    "you guys…"

    Horikita Suzune startled on the spot.

    In this case, Chabashira Sae showed a pleasant expression.

    "Well, what questions do you have to ask me?"Chabashira Sae said that Horikita Suzune feels angry and said like this: "Shouldn't Horikita ask questions that are not nutritional?"

    Upon hearing Chabashira Sae's words, Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka looked at each other.

    Then, the two spoke in unison.

    "" I have one thing to confirm. ""

    This is the purpose of Fang Li and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka coming here.

    Yes.Chabashira Sae looked like he was expecting and looked like a test. He looked at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and said: "Then you come first, Ayanokouji."

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was silent for a moment before lifting his eyes.

    “In the classroom, Teacher said, “If you want this school to fulfill your future aspirations and ensure that you go to school and get employed, you must go up to the A-Class.” ”Ayanokouji Kiyotaka looked directly at Chabashira Sae and said: "In other words, even if we are in the D-Class, as long as we complete a certain condition, we can upgrade to the above class, and eventually we may reach the A-Class. Is this correct? ”

    It was reminded by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka that Horikita Suzune was shocked and reacted to this incident.


    Chabashira Sae has said so.

    In other words, even if it is currently a D-Class, it does not always have to be D-Class.

    As long as you can reach the school's request, you can advance to the A-Class.

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is to confirm this matter.

    And this thing is correct.

    "It's the same as you think."Chabashira Sae did not hide, nodded, and replied, "And, surely, you also discovered the conditions for promotion?"

    It's not hard to guess.

    "Is class points?"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said out of line: "As long as it can exceed A-Class in class points, then D-Class can rise to A-Class, right?"

    “Correct.”Chabashira Sae Frankly: "I said, class points is to measure the strength of each class standard, four classes are the class points of the amount to order, as long as your class points more than C-class, it can be up to C-class, as long as your class points more than B-class, it will be able to rise to B-class, the same, as long as you have the way to let Class points more than A-class, it can be promoted a-class, and eventually evaluation For the most outstanding student, access to further studies and employment protection. ”

    This condition is also the same for the rest of the classes.

    Whether it is B-Class or C-Class, if you want to go up, you must find ways to improve class points.

    Of course, the A-Class cannot stay out of the question.

    In order not to be overtaken, the A-Class must also compete hard to ensure that it will not be kicked off before graduation.

    Therefore, this will be a world of strength-oriented ideology.

    In this world, the most critical thing is the same.


    Fang Li asked questions calmly.

    "In the system used to measure the strength of each major class, there must be an explicit provision on how to improve class points, and what kind of rules will be used to deduct class points?"

    Fang Li wants to confirm this is this.

    "Isn't the "Rules" of this school please tell me?"

    This is what Fang Li wants to ask.

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