Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2042 that two people can not!

    Day 2

    As soon as the genius began to shine, in the camp, the villagers who couldn't cope with one by one could get one after another in a cold climate.

    "Xiū… /p>

    The sound of the sky-penetration of the supersonic bomber has been transformed into a one-size-fits-all movement. No new ideas continue to sway in the clouds.


    The sound of artillery fire also resembles background music, and it echoes in the vast snowfields.

    Under such smoke, no one can sleep peacefully.

    All of them, people in the entire camp wake up almost.

    Fang Li also woke up in the early morning and made a simple wash with Sylvia. Then she brought the silent Sasha to join the villagers and once again marched towards the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    Originally, on the foot of Fang Li and Sylvia, the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations should arrive yesterday.

    However, the relationship between Fang Li and Sylvia was restricted due to the rescue of the villagers. He was unable to reach the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations yesterday.

    Of course, I don't know if I could say that it was a blessing to be blessed. Thanks to this, Fang Li could meet Sasha who was hunted down by Russian Orthodox Church.

    As a result, Fang Li entire group finally arrived at the borderline of the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.


    And finally to the

    In the converted fleet, the villagers got off one-on-one truck-like military vehicles and watched the territory that appeared before them. They all fell into excitement.

    "Is that the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations?"

    Sylvia took some unwilling Sasha's hand and looked forward.

    Fang Li also looked at the past.

    I saw, not far ahead, a border line circled by iron fences.

    The interior of the border line is like a square.

    Various kinds of people are walking around.

    It is a group formed by non-specific single people and different races.

    From this place, vaguely hear their conversation.

    Those who walk around in the square seem to be talking in several languages, telling others that the people are from different countries.

    The Alliance of Independent Nations formed by various small countries.

    The scene before it tells this.

    Just that…

    "Nice atmosphere Ah…

    Sylvia was keenly aware of the problem.


    Although there is a bustling scene in front of the border, it is also filled with an extremely tense atmosphere.

    "That is of course…"

    Fang Li softly whispering.

    Because it can be seen by discerning people, the status of the current Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations is not good.

    "In order to attack the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations, the Russian military seems to be planning to deploy near the national border."

    Sylvia said that it was probably collected from the villagers first.

    “It may not be visible here, but within about thirty or forty kilometers, the Russian military has already started the line of attack. It is a group of missile launchers and self-propelled howitzers and is ready to go directly to the Elizalina Alliance. Of the Independent Nations bombarded."

    This is not information that can be heard.

    You know, the radius of 40 kilometers is still wider than Academy City.

    The shelling that can be carried out at such a distance will represent an increase of two or three times the actual attack range.

    In other words, once the deployment of the Russian army is completed, everything within a hundred kilometers can be turned into a sea of ​​fire. Thousands of shots can also be violently shoots from the air, about half of the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations. Territory has become purgatory.

    "The withdrawal is impossible."

    Sylvia said this fact with a somewhat repressed voice.

    "This is the inland region, only one country is independent, the surrounding 360 degrees are still all Russian territory, Elizalina Alliance of independent nations is like being surrounded by Russia, there is no route to escape, rather than to say, The allied nations was surprised to be able to establish an independent trade route before. ”

    In the case of being surrounded by Russian territory, when people and materials in the country flow, they will need to be in a state of "Russian government permission."

    The Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations is to get rid of this indirect domination, gather power from several small countries, and build a route to Eastern Europe outside Russia.

    Obviously, this route will be the first object to be cut off during the war.

    The current Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations is equivalent to being completely surrounded by enemy forces and may be engulfed by gunfire at any time.

    As a result, how can the atmosphere be relaxed?

    “Precisely because of this, these villagers have the possibility of being accommodated.”

    Sylvia like to swing away the heavy topic of general, a slight smile.

    "In order to launch the attack line near the fire, the Russian army forcibly occupied the land to build the base fortress, and if Elizalina Alliance of independent nations can get the support of these forcibly expel villagers, That would strike Russia from the public opinion, and how much it would hold up Russia's action. ”

    Sylvia’s explanation has only just ended, and the villagers have begun anxiously approaching the border line of the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

    Fang Li and Sylvia looked at each other in the same way, and walked forward with Sasha still silent.

    However, as people prepared to cross the border, a clutter of footsteps struck.

    Stop right there

    "Not allowed to move!"

    In hostile shouting sounds, a group of soldier armed with dark green military uniforms came in from all directions and surrounded all the people headed by Fang Li.



    The sound of the machine gun swings clearly.

    Countless black gunpoints immediately targeted Fang Li, Sylvia, Sasha and all the villagers present.


    "We are not enemies!"

    The villagers hurried out loud.

    However, the army of the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations apparently did not intend to listen to it, only the indifferent gunpoint.

    The appearance of a silent expression made the whole atmosphere tense.

    Sylvia and Sasha looked at it silently.

    Fang Li's glanced around and shrugged.

    "It's not that easy."

    At this time there are large numbers of people rushing into the territory, and the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations impossible will not be vigilant.

    Sylvia stood up at this time.

    “The people here are the villagers who were forced expel by the Russian army nearby. You are also asked to be able to host them and let us enter the country.”

    Sylvia made this request.

    Hearing this, the soldiers exchanged their eyes.

    Shortly afterwards, one of the leaders opened his mouth.

    “We have some understanding of the situation. For the villagers who are given the expel by the Russian army, we will all be accommodated. If you cooperate, after basic investigations to rule out the possibility of spies, we will arrange accommodation for you. ”

    This is what is convenient for convenience.

    Immediately, suddenly pointed to two people.

    "But, those two people are not OK!"

    When this is said, the audience is quiet.

    Because the two people to whom the other party refers are two people that cannot be ignored.

    One is Sasha.

    There is still one, is Fang Li.

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