Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2040 Brings the Key to Fiamma of the Right (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    Silence, once again visited this forest.

    Just as the intense movement was completely hallucinatory, only the unnatural pits on the snow can make people realize that there was indeed a small conflict.

    Of course, for red-clothed nun, it was just an attack that almost took away their own lives.

    However, the young girl was so inquisitive of Fang Li that she did not seem to have had a grim tone of fighting just to a certain extent.

    "Repeat Question 1. Are you a pursuer from the Russian Orthodox Church?"

    The girl plucked a nail into the back of Fang Li's and pierced it slightly to pierce the skin of Fang Li's.

    It is already clearly pressing.

    No, it should be said to be torture.

    It's like trying to prove that the tortured item that his body is full of is not used to decorate the girl. The young girl skillfully restrains the hostage.

    Unfortunately, the girl standing behind Fang Li could not see that the hostages she was holding did not have half the color of fear. Only as a pretend person raised his hand and made a surrender, his tone remained calm and calm. Go back.

    Who are you? Why does it appear here? ”

    Fang Li's asks the question. It does not seem that the girl is very satisfied.

    "Warning one, it is you who answer the question. I am not obliged to make any information."

    The young girl should want to say that Fang Li has already fallen into her hands. Don't worry about the situation?

    However, Fang Li only replied.

    "If you can't say that, you're the one who's been there. I only found the anomalies around me to come and see. To be suspicious, it's more suspicious. Don't tell me it's not?"

    This sentence seems to make the young girl slightly silent.

    Shortly afterwards, the girl answered.

    "Answer 1: I am Combat Nun, Sasha Kreutzev, of the Russian Orthodox Church Special Forces "Annihilatus."

    Red-clothed nun who called himself Sasha responded to Fang Li's question.


    Fang Li's eyes narrowed slightly.

    ———— "Annihilatus".

    As the girl named red clothes called Sasha, it was Russian Forces Special Forces of Orthodox Church.

    Just as Necessarius in the Anglican Church is the Magic that is considered taboo, specifically to eliminate the special existence of Magician, Annihilatus is similar to the Russian combat organization for Russian Orthodox Church.

    The Quest of this group is specifically for annihilation of things that should not exist in the world. For example, the existence of Ghost, Vengeful Spirit, and Necrosis is the death God-like fighting force of the Genesis.

    The young girl was shocked to be one of them.

    Only …

    "Since you are a member of the Russian Orthodox Church Annihilatus, what is the pursuit of the Russian Orthodox Church?"

    Fang Li's doubted that this time, there was no exchange for Sasha's answer.

    "Caution two. I have no obligation to answer this question. The person who asked the question is always me. I also ask honestly to answer my question."

    Sasha made such a warning with mechanical discourse.

    at this time…

    "Well, as long as you can stop you, then the question will be changed to me right?"

    This voice did not come from the front of Sasha, but from the back of Shana's very sudden sound.

    Until this time, Sasha suddenly discovered.

    In front of himself, Fang Li, who was sheltered, has disappeared.

    It was replaced by a cold tactile sensation that, like Sasha had done before, strangled her spine.


    Sasha's face without any expression finally emerged with some fluctuations.


    When did the other party disappear from their own front, and when did they circumnavigate?

    Could it be that magic that confuses vision or mind/energetic?

    This idea, which has just flashed from Sasha's heart, sounds like laughing and laughing.

    "Don't think too complicated. It's not Magic. It's just because my speed is faster than yours."

    The easy and calm words didn't allow Sasha to listen at all.

    "Then, question one."

    Fang Li put Moon Blade against Sasha's slender back and asked indifferently.

    "You are the Magician of Russian Orthodox Church? However, it does not seem that they were sent to participate in the war. Instead, it was like being hunted down by people of the same organization. What is going on here? ”

    The position is reversed.

    Perhaps in order to shock Sasha, Fang Li also released a little murderous aura.

    Murderous aura, let Sasha understand that standing behind himself is not something that can be easily perfunctored.


    "Personal opinion, it seems that you are not a pursuer from Russian Orthodox Church."

    Sasha answered calmly.

    "Then, to answer question one, I was indeed a Magician of Russian Orthodox Church, but for some reason was being hunted down by Russian Orthodox Church for reasons that I could not explain, but I can tell you that I was here only because I saw the fire and thought that There are villages nearby, so be prepared to take temporary refuge."

    In other words, Sasha was being hunted down by Russian Orthodox Church for some reason and escaped from the encirclement of Russian Orthodox Church. After passing nearby, he saw the camp fire in the camp where Fang Li entire group was located, thinking that there was a village there. Will only appear there.

    Later, because it was discovered by Fang Li, he noticed that Fang Li was very human and Sasha was ready to leave. The result was won by Fang Li.

    "Then, question two."

    Fang Li asked questions as thoughtfully as the other speaker.

    "What is the "some reason"? ”

    Sasha heard this question and once again Sasha was silent.

    It seems that the other party does not want to answer this question.

    "I also proposed a warning?"

    Fang Li said so happily.

    "This time, you have the obligation to provide information, or I really do not know if it will miss, stick this thing into your body."

    Saying that, Fang Li also slightly handed the Moon Blade a little, making the sharp front end pierce Sasha's skin.


    Sasha suddenly stiffened.

    After a while, this expressionless girl finally sighed.

    "Answer two."Sasha then said: "Russian Orthodox Church's reason for killing me was to attempt to use my body as a material for a Magic Ceremony."

    "Magic Ceremony?"Fang Li immediately asked: "What Magic Ceremony?"

    "Answer three. This is also the information I want to know."Sasha replied, "Supplementary answer 3, only to know that it is a Magic Ceremony provided by Roman Catholic Church, a partner of Russian Orthodox Church."

    This answer, let Fang Li's eyes finally flashed a bright light.

    "Roman Catholic Church…"

    Doesn’t that say that behind this matter, it is likely that Fiamma of the Right is planning?

    After all, now the Roman Catholic Church is Fiamma of the Right.

    So Fang Li already smelled it.

    Smell the key.

    The nun named Sasha may be able to help herself find Fiamma of the Right.

    "Question one."

    Sasha, who had no idea of ​​Fang Li's idea, asked such a question.

    "Since you are not a pursuer for the Russian Orthodox Church, would you let me go?"

    Facing this problem, Fang Li smiled.

    There is only one natural answer.

    "Of course not."

    As a result, Sasha became a captive of Fang Li's.

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