Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1929 comes out again

    On the street where people come and go, Fang Li passes around with people around him and looks around all around.

    "Today's harvest is really not bad. Some of the lost in the previous period has won back."


    "It's so enviable."

    "damn, I have been losing all the time."

    "Aah, Goddess Eris, please take care of me and let me win today."

    Around them, such dialogues are constantly emerging from the gamblers who gather together.

    After listening to these conversations and looking at the surrounding scenes, Fang Li, who spent an hour or so, finally came to a conclusion.

    "Isn't this Elroad even going to lie?"

    Because of the financial downturn, we cannot provide support funds?

    Where is the financial downturn?

    The shouting sound and cheers continued to flow around the casino.

    Visitors around the room kept laughing and screaming.

    Add to this a scene of prosperous people.

    Doesn't this look like a financial downturn anyway?

    This shows what?

    "What is the financial downturn? It's just an excuse?"

    Therefore, Elroad’s failure to provide support funds to Belzerg Kingdom is only a matter of concern.

    Thinking of this, Fang Li focused on the conversations of the surrounding pedestrians.

    In fact, even the surrounding pedestrians say so.

    "I'm so happy that I really should have a drink for Elroad."

    "Yeah, the economy is so booming, everything is going well."

    "When I heard that His Majesty the King needed to stay in a foreign country for a long time, I was still somewhat worried. Was the prince not doing a bad job?"

    "that's right, it has always been called foolish prince."

    Foolish prince ?

    What’s that?

    At the time when Fang Li frowned, there was such a dialogue.

    "In fact, the economic prosperity should be attributed to Prime Minister-sama. Although the foolish prince has political power, I have heard that he has nothing to do. He is very busy."

    "So, I also heard that the Royal Family is just like our nobles and we are playing in the casino every day. Only Prime Minister-sama has been working hard on the full-time internal affairs."

    "So, this is all merit of Prime Minister-sama."

    "Oooh! Prime Minister-sama Hurrah! ”

    The drunken group of people cheered as they passed by from the Fang Li's side.

    Fang Li brushed past them and thought deeply.

    "Prime Minister?"

    It seems that the problem is really in the body of this Prime Minister.

    Prime Minister is the pillar of this country than the politically determined prince.

    Can the suspension of support funds be separated from this Prime Minister?

    Fang Li is almost certain.

    "To solve this problem, the prince is secondary. Should it start with the Prime Minister?"

    To understand this point, Fang Li stopped.

    And Fang Li's gaze was directed toward the front.

    At the end of its horizon, there is a castle.

    That's Elroad's Royal Castle.

    "Do you want to infiltrating to see it?"

    Fang Li thinks so.

    If Iris and the others knew about Fang Li's idea, should he object immediately?

    Royal Castle, infiltrating allied nations, is not a joke.

    In the words of Darkness, if one can't do well, it can really become a diplomatic issue.

    However, Fang Li has that Ability.

    Although all problems in the world cannot be solved by powerful power alone, blindly relying on powerful power, it is no different from wild beast, but the world also has to admit that sometimes, having powerful power is really A huge advantage.

    Just like now, as long as Fang Li infiltrating Elroad's Royal Castle, then in all likelihood to be able to find out the reasons for Elroad's suspension of support funds, and then inadvertently can peep into the status of princes and Prime Ministers secretly. Any question before suddenly made such a statement.

    As for diplomatic issues?

    As long as you don't expose your identity, why not?

    In other words,

    "Black Knight has to come out and get things done."

    Fang Li smiled and turned to avoid the crowd of people with no trace and rushed into an alley next to him.


    Compared to Belzerg's Royal Castle, Elroad's Royal Castle is even more grand and huge.

    It's just that the two give different feelings.

    Belzerg's Royal Castle feels like a fortress and strengthens defensive power and resistance in addition to the facade.

    And Elroad's Royal Castle is not the same. It gives people the feeling that it is exactly the same as its towering side. It is only strengthened in luxury and grandeur, and the alert and defense are much lower.

    Just like now, Elroad's Royal Castle is just closing the huge city gate. There are only two guards standing outside.

    Not only that, guards standing guard also occasionally scored a yawn.

    "Today is also a day of peace."

    "I really want to finish my job and go to the casino to show a skill."

    The two guards conducted such awely and without strength conversations, alerting people to feel that they were only able to stand in order to make a look.

    Such two guards are also naturally impossible.

    There was a figure that broke into the Royal Castle and jumped directly over the tall city wall and disappeared into the city gate.


    "The alert is really low to poor Ah…

    On the lavish corridor, a black-covered Fang Li appeared like a mirage like a mirage. It was somewhat disheartening to look at the empty surroundings.

    "Compared to the alert level of Belzerg Royal Castle, it is just like a children's playground."

    After the huge Royal Castle, Fang Li came in, he basically encountered only two Knight Regiment patrolling.

    This level of alert, compared with Belzerg Kingdom's Royal Castle, is really like playing with children.

    "If it is in Belzerg Kingdom's Royal Castle, then the patrolled Knight Regiment will at least triple, and there will be warnings, defenses, probes, traces and other barriers and traps in operation, right?"

    However, Elroad's Royal Castle is completely absent. Only the treasure trove found in Search Treasure Skill has a simple protective barrier.

    "However, this seems to be very much in line with Elroad's national conditions."

    After all, Elroad’s military power is not high, and Knight Regiment is also quite fragile. Only economic strength is extraordinary.

    "Just simply robbed the treasure library."

    Such a dangerous idea also appeared in Fang Li's heart.

    Finally, Fang Li also decided.

    "Once the talks have collapsed, go and plunder the treasure library."

    As a result, the problem of supporting funds can be solved.

    Fang Li smiled a little, figure flipped, and again infiltrating into the shadows.


    Elroad Royal Castle, top floor.

    In one of the most luxurious rooms here, Fang Li was infiltrating like a ghost.

    Immediately, Fang Li heard such a voice.

    "Prince, Belzerg's messenger has come to Royal Capital."

    Hearing this sound, Fang Li's figure ran over, and shortly afterwards silently integrated into the corner.

    In the immediate moment, an important dialogue is underway.

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