Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1928 is not very welcome?

    In Lizard Runner's exorbitant leg drive, even if several monsters were blocked on the road, the crowd finally arrived at Elroad on the fourth morning and entered Elroad's Royal Capital.

    GoodIt's so busy! ”

    teraToo amazing! ”

    "It's just like a sacrificial!"

    Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of three are looking at the streets of Royal Capital and both are caught in amazement.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    The city that is present in front of everyone is really too busy.

    Luxury buildings row upon row.

    The clean stone brick is full of earth.

    Numerous stores are located on both sides of the street, and they have all gathered enough for a long line of people.

    Even before the stalls, there were ingredients and products that people had never seen before.

    Lizard Runner, who had been running at an astonishing rate some time ago, was walking on the street at a speed of walking, driven by Darkness.

    And all the girls were surprised at the sight of the sight in the car.

    "Those stores that could be that are all casinos?"

    "I haven't seen ingredients everywhere!"

    "All the products on the stalls are specialties here? Actually did not see the Equipment and items that Adventurer needs to use! It's unbelievable.

    Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness are like the first time they come to the squat in the metropolis.

    But this can't be blamed on them. It's really the difference between Elroad and Belzerg.

    "After all, it is a big financial country that is dominated by gambling."

    Fang Li gives such an evaluation.

    With generations of Hero's bloodline inherited, and bringing together Adventurer from around the world, it borders the territory of Demon King's Army and has been fighting on the front lines. Therefore, unlike Belzerg Kingdom, which is famous for its strength in battle, Elroad's strength is different. Almost all countries in the world can be regarded as the lowest, but they rely on the casino to operate a second-to-none economy in the world.

    If it is in Belzerg Kingdom, then on the street, no matter in which city, you can basically see the armed Adventurer and the shops selling weapons, armor, potion, magic items, so that everyone can see a force. Prosperous country.

    However, in Elroad, even in the case of Royal Capital, it is difficult to see an Adventurer on the street, not even a patrolling guard, and there is no type of Equipment and item sold in the surrounding stores. All of them are food and beverage stores. .

    Coupled with those casinos that attract gamblers and tourists from the around the world, the nature presented to the crowd is totally different from the bustling scene of the Belzerg Kingdom.

    Is this supposed to be very novel for all of us who are accustomed to the landscape of Belzerg Kingdom?

    Even Iris looked at the scenery outside the window, screaming in amazement.

    "Is this Elroad's Royal Capital?"

    The tone of involuntarily brought a yearning and envy.

    For Iris, who often looks at Belzerg Kingdom Royal Capital harassed by Demon King's Army, this is completely without fear of enemies. What should be the scene of a concentrated play?

    Fang Li can only touch Iris's head and let Iris regain his love and smile again.

    Looking at such an Iris, Fang Li looked at the driver's seat with some confidence.

    "Darkness, where are we going now?"

    Hearing this, Darkness also reacted.

    "The Elroad party has already arranged our accommodation in advance."Darkness said while spreading the map on hand: "Let's go and settle in there."

    After that, Darkness drove the Dragon Carriage and drove Dragon Carriage to a huge building like a hotel.

    After coming down from Dragon Carriage, it was the owner of the hotel.

    Darkness went straight up and had a conversation with the other person.

    Aqua and Megumin are still looking around, looking like they are about to make a move. Can't help but want to go out and play?

    Only Iris, with a tight face, seems to be preparing for the upcoming talks.

    Fang Li, watching the hotel owner who was talking to Darkness, blinked slightly.

    "what happened? Fang Li-san ? ”

    Iris was keenly aware of Fang Li's anomaly and questioned his voice.

    In this regard, Fang Li only smiled indifferently.

    The words spoken are like this.

    "Nothing, only that Elroad doesn't seem to welcome us very much."

    Fang Li's Iris does not seem to understand this sentence.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li reminded me.

    “His Royal Highness Princess, who is an allied nations, came to the talks as an ambassador. Which country will not arrange a person to receive it?”

    A concise reminder, let Iris start with a glimpse and soon become silent.


    In general, if the princess of the allied nations visits, it is considered to be a play. As the host, Elroad should send someone to receive it.

    However, Elroad only provided accommodation for everyone, not even one who came to the reception.

    This has already shown Elroad's attitude.

    "I just don't know if this is because of the willfulness of the prince of the Prince caused by the fiancée being taken away? Or are there any other reasons? Or both? ”

    Fang Li, casually whispering, let Iris show distressed expression.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li was able to rise.

    "Okay, don't think too much."Fang Li said: "When the boat gets to the pier-head, let's get ready for the talks. ”

    According to Darkness, the date of the talks is set tomorrow.

    In other words, everyone can still rest here today.

    Even if Elroad didn't send people to the reception, it was able to see the attitude of the other side there. It was also a good thing.

    As long as the understood Elroad attitude, then this side can also be prepared.

    It was for this purpose that Fang Li specifically reminded Iris.

    With this in mind, Iris also cast a grateful look to Fang Li.

    And at this time, Darkness came back.

    "Well, everyone will go to their own room and put down their luggage. The time for the talks is tomorrow. Let's relax first today."

    Darkness's voice had just fallen, and Aqua and Megumin could not wait to raise their hands.

    "I'll go to the casino!"

    "I'll see if there is any Adventurer Guild!"

    Discarding such words, Aqua and Megumin ran out of sight.

    "you…You give me a second! Are you allowed to mess up? Not allowed? This is a bad one that will create diplomatic problems! Give me a second …! Call you give me a second! ”

    Darkness was in a hurry. He refused to greet Iris and quickly chased him.

    The rest of Fang Li and Iris looked at each other.

    Then, Iris immediately gave a very thoughtful voice.

    "Fang Li-san also please go for a good visit. I will wait for you to come back at the hotel."

    This means that Iris only wants to prepare the talks in the hotel.

    Seeing that Iris evokes the appearance of enthusiasm, Fang Li does not splash her cold water.

    So, after taking Iris to the room, Fang Li also went to the street.

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