Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1919 also asks you to take care of you

    It must be said that Fang Li chose to escape into shopping street is a wrong decision.

    Even if you can get so much turmoil on the outside, entering a shopping street full of believers, it will undoubtedly cause even greater disturbances.

    At the end of the day, almost all of Axel roused Eris's activity and let one by one excited and excited believers walk back and forth on a street.

    Even if it is not a believer, there are not many people who can shake hands with control Goddess of Fortune.

    Therefore, the turmoil has continued.

    In such a situation, Fang Li did not have any more. He could only use the power of a surpassed average person, and took Eris directly to fly away from the air.

    However, Fang Li did not leave Axel, but came to an open space in the corner of the town.

    "I didn't expect it to cause so much disturbance."

    "I …I also have a little underestimated the faith of believers. I really don't know if I'm happy or what to do…”

    In the open space, Fang Li and Eris looked around, until they found no one on the other side to breathe a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and swung simultaneously.

    However, after a wry smile, the two men's expressions returned to their original appearance.

    "Sure enough, Fang Li-san is actually Black Knight?"

    Eris stared at Fang Li as if he had finally confirmed what he was and smiled at Fang Li.

    "This time, I flew away with me. How can I say that I can't say anything?"


    No matter how you say it, this time is also confusing.

    Of course, if Fang Li wants to hide her identity, it will not do such a conspicuous thing.

    From the very beginning, Fang Li did not want to hide his identity in front of Eris.

    "Even if I want to hide, it is ineffective for the gods who can see things on the earth?"

    Fang Li said so, but in exchange for Eris's correction.

    “The eye of God is indeed able to see things on earth, but just as human eyes can see everything in the world, but it is limited to the limited scope of vision. Our God can only see where we want to see. Will everything on the earth be monitored all the time?"

    Therefore, Eris will not confirm Fang Li's identity until now.

    The reason, it must be because Eris hadn't seen the scene of Fang Li's change to Black Knight before?

    "Can get Hero Sword approved Hero, thank you so much."

    Eris, with his most sincere gratitude, closed his eyes and bent over Fang Li.

    "By the overwhelming Sword Technique, as Undead only after Lich and Vampire, with endless Stamina and powerful Magic Defense, Dullahan can destroy it with whatever cursed enemies it encounters. — Beldia."

    “Ability has been transformed into a human body, possessing the characteristic of ignoring physical attacks and extremely powerful Magic Resistance. If you touch it, you will immediately die, and you will be able to devour everything from Deadly Poison Slime to Hans.”

    "It is possible to constantly integrate with the existence outside of itself, to turn various features and issues into its own use, and endlessly evolved Chimera – Silvia."

    "In hell, they all belong to the rulers. They are the first in the Seven Archdukes and can see through all of Arch Devil — Vanir."

    "You will always endanger this world and have caused humanity's four leaders, the Demon King's Army, to be crooked."

    Eris said so sincerely.

    "Please allow me to represent everyone in this world and say to you – thank you."

    At this moment, Eris body, the sacred temperament and Goddess's aura have been revealed.

    Fang Li can see it.

    This Goddess is really thankful for his heart.

    This Goddess is also really concerned about this world and is worried about the future and safety of this world.

    Therefore, Fang Li crusade against the merits of the four Leader of Demon King's Army. It is worth Goddess to say thank you.

    This is not an exaggeration.

    The Leader of Demon King's Army has never been crusade, and the number has remained at a fixed eight. This has kept the Demon King City's barrier from declining. It is impregnable and has led to the fact that human can only be beaten passively and cannot effectively fight back.

    Under such circumstances, Fang Li crusade against the four Leader of Demon King's Army, even if it is to give humanity a glimmer of hope.

    So Eris gave a sincere thanks to Fang Li.

    And, as Goddess, I look forward to the next activity of Fang Li.

    “Although I didn’t see the power of the future, I’m still convinced now that if it was Fang Li-san, it would absolutely be like Hero of the Crimson Magic. It would be Hero who will defeat the Demon King."

    Eris smiled with a soft smile and made such a statement.

    "Please also lend power to this world and lend it to us."

    It seems that Eris's downfall this time is not only to confirm that Fang Li is a Black Knight thing, but also to confirm that Fang Li is the hero of the prophecy.

    In view of this, Eris is looking forward to Fang Li.

    We hope that Fang Li will continue to bring hope to the world.

    Faced with such Eris, Fang Li did not adapt.

    "I said, please don't do this."Fang Li somewhat helplessly said: "I have already started to act in the brain-dead of the people who are accustomed to the world. I suddenly have become so serious that I really don't get used to it. When I was Chris, it was too big."

    "Is that right?"Eris smiled momentarily, and like a joke, asked with interest: "Which side do you prefer?"

“……You come again, Boss. ”Fang Li's eyes narrowed and reminded: "I haven't learned any lessons before?"

    "All right."Eris satisfies a smile and says naughtyly: "Then I don't have to worry about Fang Li-san."

    The response in this respect is also completely different from that before.

    As Eris and Chris, it was not only temperament and appearance but also personality.

    Of course, this is not to say that Eris is doing the job.

    In fact, just as Chris had said before, Eris only was more relaxed when he was Chris.

    Both gentle Goddess and hearty Thief are Eris.

    "Well, though, it's a pity, but this time it only goes so far."

    Eris decides with a slightly lonely expression.

    "Before causing more turmoil, I'll go back to Heaven."

    There is no way to do this.

    And Fang Li did not stay.

    "Anyway, even if Eris leaves, will Chris continue to work hard to collect Artifact in this world?"

    Fang Li said this in a relaxed tone.

    Eris is also smiling at this.

    "It's like whether the Holy Sword Wielder or Black Knight will continue to be active in this world."

    Eris's figure began to emit a faint light.

    "Please pay more attention to Assistant, Assistant-kun."

    Leaving such a word, Eris gradually disappeared on the spot with a soft smile.

    Fang Li watched the departure of Goddess.

    In my heart, I cannot help but sigh.

    "If it's always been so serious, Boss."

    "This sentence is redundant!"

    Chris who appeared in Fang Li behind could not resist tsukkomi sounded.

    As a result, today is still as lively as ever.

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