Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1918 Unexpected Charm (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    "what happened? Do not plan to turn around to see me? ”

    Just as it was not aware of the strangeness of the surroundings, the sacred presence of Fang Li behind sent out words that were somewhat ridiculous.

    Its voice, that is gentle, but also with a trace of playful.

    Of course, that voice is also very pleasant.

    Listening to that voice, I feel that everything around me is only in order to set off the general existence of it, and it becomes very irrelevant.

    Fang Li slowly turned around and looked at his behind.

    What appeared in Fang Li's eyes was a girl with a dream-like beauty.

    The appearance age of the girl seems to be only 16-17 years old.

    The body is covered with a loose white Hagoromo.

    A silver-white hair is as bright as a melting snow in the beginning of the spring.

    And the other pair of blue eyes, with a little naughty, staring at Fang Li with a bit of blame.

    In dream-like beauty, a lovely smile hangs there.

    Looking at this in front of her own eyes, the beautiful girl like Goddess, Fang Li could not help but glanced at the Goddess Eris standing next to him.

    Whether it is temperament or appearance, it is exactly the same.


    Of course, the other side is as beautiful as Goddess.

    Because the other party is Goddess.

    "Although it's weird to say this, please introduce yourself."

    Goddess who came to this world was tilted the head, closed his eyes, and presented greetings to Fang Li with impeccable etiquette.

    "I'm Eris, Goddess who guides the young people who died in the early years. Control is lucky. Please enlighten you, Fang Li-san."

    Self-proclaimed Goddess Eris awesome sound awakened the silence around.

    Looking at Eris, who was with a lovely smile, the people around him began to panic as if they finally reacted to the sluggishness.

    The commotion also gradually began to appear.

    "Hey, that person…"

    "This will not be…"

    "My days Ah…

    The roadside visitors looked at Eris and looked at the Goddess standing in front of the shopping street. They were completely hesitated, excited and overwhelmed by the almost identical appearance and temperament of the two men.

    In fact, Fang Li has the same feeling.

    Because the contrast is really too great.

    Seeing Eris smiling at him softly, his body is also full of Mystery temperament that is captivated. It is impossible for Fang Li to associate it with Chris of the great lama.

    Unlike the Aqua that destroys everyone's worldview, the girl is simply an awkward collection of "Goddess" in people's minds.

    Basically, there is no flaw.

    This caused Fang Li to hesitate, and his tone became full of surprises.

    "Are you really Chris?"

    It is forbidden by Fang Li to carry out such confirmation.

    Eris seemed to be very satisfied with Fang Li's reaction. His smile was so beautiful that the people around him were sluggish again.

    "If I say it now, it's better to call me Eris, Assistant-kun."

    Eris closed his eyes and pranked a chuckle.

    At this moment, Fang Li even saw a shadow of Sylvia in Eris's body.

    Although not as beautiful as Eris, Sylvia is a gentle, yet playful world famous star.

    Of course, there are still differences between the two.

    Eris is the type that will provoke others' desire for protection and people can't help but want to care for it.

    Sylvia's words are generous and calm, but people can't help but want to rely on the type.

    Both cannot be generalized at all.

    However, it is undeniable that the two are enough to capture the presence of sentient beings only in terms of charisma.

    Even if only the appearances are concerned, only the beautiful young girls like Emilia and Arcueid who share the same world-class beauty can be compared among the people whom Fang Li knows.

    Now, this beauty has caused people around them to start losing their cool.

    WellIs that really someone else dressed up? ”

    "How could someone dress up so much?"

    "Difficult…could it be that it is the body?"

    Cheatin' eh?!

    The turmoil like this is growing.

    At the Eris Festival, there is indeed a tradition that people will dress up as Goddess Eris.

    The origin of this tradition is to create a cover for Goddess Eris.

    On this day of the Eris Festival, Goddess Eris will descend into the crowd.

    In order to prevent such Goddess from being bothered and offensive, people will have a tradition of dressing up as Goddess Eris, so that Eris can better integrate into the crowd and not be discovered.

    Unfortunately, this rumor is actually false.

    Eris will not be down at Eris Festival.

    This is something that Chris personally told Fang Li's.

    But this time alone, Eris took advantage of the rumor and took his life down.

    Only, Eris did not think that even if there is a rumor in the cover, his appearance and temperament are too real, it simply can not produce their disbelief.

    Today, people around us have started to doubt it.

    Suspecting that this girl with a dream-like sense of beauty is the real goddess of Eris Festival, Eris.

    Then, as the turmoil around them became larger and larger, some people had begun to come close to their faces and their excitement.

    Seeing this scene, the tender smile on Eris's face suddenly became a bit uneasy.

    "like…It seems more eye-catching than I thought…"

    Eris' expression looked a bit uneasy.

    Fang Li This has only reacted.

    "In short, let's get out of here first."

    After decisively making such a decision, Fang Li caught Eris's hand.

    InstantFang Li-san …? ”

    Suddenly caught by Fang Li, Eris seemed surprised and somewhat shy.

    What is this feminine response?

    Fang Li was somewhat surprised.

    Compared with Chris's time, the Goddess reaction in front of him is too easy for the males to speed up.

    Fortunately, Fang Li is also a man who is used to seeing Goddess level beautiful girl. Otherwise, this will really be as indecisive as the people around him, and become somewhat irrational.

    "I also somewhat underestimated the charm of your body."

    Fang Li was so lost in laughter that not only did not let go of his hand, but he held it tighter.

    "I want to leave here, Boss."

    "help…Assistant-kun ? ”

    When Eris was at a loss, Fang Li had begun to run and took Eris's hand and ran to the shopping street.

    FastQuickly catch up! ”

    I don’t have it yet.


    The people around us suddenly jumped into the sky and almost thought or did not want to.

    At Axel's festival, the lively atmosphere climbed several times.

    Within a short time, the rumor that Goddess Eris's ontology suspected to have spread out and was learned by people.

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