Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1916 (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    Belzerg Kingdom, Royal Capital.

    Through Axel's Teleport Store, Fang Li came to Royal Capital from Beginners Town.

    Like Axel, Royal Capital is also hosting the Eris Festival.

    In Axel, because Kazuma negotiated with the President of shopping street, he was able to hold an Aqua Festival, but there was no such thing at Royal Capital.

    Coupled with the prosperity of Royal Capital, the Eris Festival here is also the most vividly held, no matter which street is full of high-level booths and stores, selling is not just a few meals, also looks very expensive Equipment with Item.

    Fang Li was also attracted by several stores selling Potion and Magic Items while on the way to Royal Castle, deliberately slowing down.

    Even though the quality of the Potion and Magic Item produced by Crimson Magic Clan can be regarded as the highest rank in the world, in the Royal Capital, Fang Li can still find some treasures and thus buy a lot of them. good stuff.

    Then, Fang Li took the coat of arms that Iris once gave to her symbol, the Royal Family, and entered the Royal Castle with the guards' delivery and release.

    In this trip, Fang Li's aims to find Claire.

    “What are you doing when you come here?”

    In an extremely luxurious office, Claire, who was working on a lot of documents, had a stinky face and stared at the incoming Fang Li.

    Claire's hatred for Fang Li's is still that high.

    Not only was Claire, but Rain, who was holding a pile of paperwork next to him, was tired.

    "Fang Li-sama, didn't you bring Iris down with you?"

    Apparently, Rain seemed to be plugged in a lot of work because of Iris's departure. Now he has begun to complain.


    "Iris is now playing on his head. Even if it is to spare the child's hard work and sensibility so far, I hope that the two will at least not bother her at this time."

    If Fang Li says nothing, let Rain sigh and let Claire raise an objection.

    "If you want to play, just find me, then it will be alright. No matter what kind of play, if the subject is Iris, I am willing to mate with you!"

    This sentence is really terrible.

    "I…with all due respect! ”Rain quickly changed the subject, saying: "Although it is a bit sorry for the subject, but His Quest is to find Hero in the rumor, not to play, so indulge His Royal Highness, should not be very good?"

    "Don't be a tough guy."Fang Li shrugged and replied: “Now, during the festival with a strong flow of people, Axel didn’t know what it would be like to be like. He wanted to find a person with a long face and identity who did not know in this crowd of people. Too tough, at least wait for the ceremonial to pass."

    "Is it so?"Rain also has no choice but to make this statement.

    Even if it is the statement that Fang Li has made out of it, there is no loophole.


    "Hey guys know how to know…"

    Claire whispered like this, let Fang Li slightly raise the brows.

    Seeing Claire no longer pursues this matter, Fang Li faintly feels it.

    Perhaps Claire has understood details.

    That is, Claire already knew that Fang Li was Hero in that prophecy.

    No, it should be said, not know?

    (Well, want to come also…)

    You know, Fang Li had once displayed his Adventurer Card in front of Claire, allowing them to see their amazing Rank.

    Even Chris said that with Fang Li that Rank, even if he said that he can crusade Demon King will not be surprised.

    Well, Claire would think that Fang Li is capable of Hero who will defeat the Demon King. It looks like it is normal.

    Perhaps Claire hadn't thought of this at the beginning, but after Fang Li made the assertion that the Hero is in Axel, Claire returned to Royal Castle. Absolutely would immediately associate with Fang Li's body?

    The evidence is what Claire said next.

    "Listen, Eris Festival is over, and I will meet Iris."

    Claire announced this way.

    "When time comes, if you try to stop it again, then you will be sentenced."

    The inconsistency in the discourse is already obvious and can no longer be evident.

    Fang Li wants to say.

    "Even if I kneel down and make you cut off, you guess they can't cut it off."

    The triple protection of Holy Gown, Prana, and Resist is not so easy to break.

    However, to say such a thing would only detonate the violent temper of the angry guy in front of him, and Fang Li licked his lips and perfunctored the past.

    After shortly afterwards , Fang Li came out to come.

    "I have heard that the battle conditions on the front line have become tight. Is this news true?"

    Hearing this, Claire frowned.

“……Is it?Claire said: "The news has been passed to Axel."

    This reaction is already the same as the answer.

    In this case, Rain made a formal response.

    "Demon King's Army's actions have indeed begun to become tense due to the loss of several Leaders. The attack on the Frontline Fort has also become increasingly fierce, making the game very tight, if not for outstanding Adventurers led by Mitsurugi-dono. Going to support is really dangerous."Rain said: "If possible, we also hope to use Fang Li-sama's power."

    In other words , Rain hopes that Fang Li will also go to frontline support?

    However, Fang Li did not respond but asked another question.

    "Is there a Leader of Demon King's Army on the front?"

    The fact that Fang Li wants to confirm is actually just this.

    If anything, Fang Li didn't mind taking a trip.

    After all, the crusade against the Leader of Demon King's Army not only means that Demon King City's barrier is weak, but it also means a high reward.


    "There is no confirmation that the Leader of Demon King's Army is at the forefront."Rain, holding the document, said: "We have lost four Leader of Demon King's Army. Presumably, Demon King will no longer make the remaining Leader an accidental."

    This is actually makes sense.

    "Is it so?"Fang Li nodded was inevitably disappointed, and immediately said: "In that case, then I will not be the frontline. If there is no Leader of Demon King's Army, even if the army is very large, with the cheat Adventurer there are ways to deal with it."

    Claire said this suddenly.

    "Not as good as you think. At present, we are directing another extremely serious problem."

    Extremely serious problem?

    What’s that?

    Not waiting for Fang Li to ask, Claire waved annoyingly.

    "This is the country's internal affairs. There is no place where you can intervene. You still hurry back to protect your Highness. If there is something wrong with your Highness, Iris, there is no way to make up for the number of heads."

    In this way, Fang Li was driven out.

    "A serious problem?"

    On the way back to Axel, Fang Li sinks.

    "Forget it, since the yuri woman is not clamoring, it is estimated that it is not a big problem that cannot be solved. For the time being, don't think about it."

    With this statement left, Fang Li entered the Teleport Store and returned to Axel via long-distance Teleportation Magic.

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