Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1914 People here pick you casually (seeking monthly ticket)

    "Listen, Fang Li."

    Kazuma said such a sentence to Fang Li with an unprecedented serious expression.

    "I think you're a trustworthy person, and the next thing I'm going to take you to is the common secret between the town's male adventurer, and never let it out, whether it's your cute, the little fiancee who wants to be little Sister, You love to have a good build crimson Magic clan girl, you are absolutely ———— to not be able to tell them about the matter, understood? ”

    The seriousness of Kazuma who spoke this sentence made Fang Li feel that even if he hanged it up and grilled it for ten times, he wouldn’t give up if he didn’t promise him.

    At the moment, Fang Li took a silent speech and nod promised Kazuma's request.

    In this case, Kazuma took Fang Li to a shop.

    A slight deviation from Axel's main street into the alley, it is difficult for most people to find, people think that basically limited will be patronized by the small shop.

    This store, at first glance, seems to be only a very ordinary restaurant.



    When Fang Li walked into the store, he appeared at the door and he welcomed a whole array of beautiful women.

    That is a true beauty.

    Not only did she have a good body shape, but he was also impeccable in appearance. Even wearing his clothes was extremely exposed. He was exposed to Fang Li. Instead of wearing it, he might as well just let it go, letting the men spray out and the women flushed. .

    And in addition to these big singers who are welcome at the door, the grandness of the store is also a source of skepticism about why the store is in such an alley.

    With one by one wearing the exposed Big Sister's hospitality, it is all-male male customers who are patronizing the store.

    Obviously it is a restaurant, but the light in the store is like the dark and colorful of a nightclub.

    As for the tables of customers who were entertained at a table, there was no food or drink and there was only one paper that looked like a questionnaire.

    The customers were engrossed in writing, and some even couldn't hide their excitement and excitement. The smile on their faces was enough to make the police come to patronize.

    Looking at this scene, Fang Li sighed as expected.

    "Is it really a custom shop?"

    This is the Succubus store that Kazuma mentioned before?

    The evidence is that behind those Big Sister's bodies that have a good body, not only have bat-like wings, but also symbolize Devil's tail.

    As long as you look at the eyes of these Succubus Big Sister, it feels like the head will become dizzy and the body will become very hot. That is also evidence.

    Then, Big Sister, who seems to be the head of Succubus, came up.

    "Welcome you, regular customers."

    Succubus's lead was to give Kazuma an enchanting smile that made him breathe. Shortly afterwards put his sights on Fang Li's body.

    "Aiyaya, this is the great friend I mentioned before the regulars?"

    The smile of the Succubus leader is becoming more enthusiastic.

    Fang Li's raised the brows slightly, shortly afterwards and looked at Kazuma.

    Kazuma was not aware of it and said it with triumph.

    "Yes, this is my best friend in my life. The one I've mentioned to you before. He is the fiancée of Her Royal Highness. She crusades two Leader of Demon King's Army and is recognized by the legendary Holy Sword. People who have him behind my back, I don't have to fear anything…咕Wū…

    Kazuma's abdomen immediately ate an elbow.

    Fang Li quietly withdrew his elbow and secretly grinned.

    "I just thought why you were so kind enough to take me here."

    Even with his knees, Fang Li can think of what happened.

    It must have been Kazuma's patronizing with friends or Succubus. He said that he was part of the team of Fang Li's. He was an outstanding Adventurer who was fancyd by the legendary Character and invited to join the team. The result was the Succubus's. Interested in displaying some Beauty Trap and let Kazuma bring Fang Li over?

    This guess is equally valid.

    The evidence is the enthusiasm of the Succubus leader.

    "I have heard of the rumor of the Holy Sword Wielder. I can finally see it today."

    Succubus's Big Sister directly took over Fang Li's shoulders, his body leaned against his body, not only blew into his ears, and was whispering with a squeaky buzzing sound.

    "After all, what do we like about Succubus's most powerful male?"

    That is truly a charm.

    Even the rest of the Succubus stared at Fang Li with a burning eye, as if trying to swallow it.

    As the Succubus leaders say, their favorite is the powerful male.

    Succubus This race is not very high in hell. It can even be said to belong to the lowest level.

    Their power is not strong, only to charm male.

    Therefore, for Succubus, the ability to conquer powerful males, and to absorb the power of powerful males, is their survival significance.

    Given this, after hearing Kazuma bragging in the store, these Succubus will be interested in Fang Li, and that's a matter of course.

    "Come here, come here."

    Succubus's leader took Fang Li's hand and took it to a VIP position, pressing it in his seat.

    largeBig Sister …? ”

    Kazuma who was left on the spot, advancing on the hand, but the dull look of it, looks a bit pathetic.

    Immediately, almost all of the shop's Succubus flocked to Fang Li here.

    "Come on, please drink."

    "There is a recommended meal today."

    "If you want to eat anything, please say it."

    "Of course, these are free, please enjoy it."

    A group of Big Sisters entertained Fang Li with hospitality and enthusiasm.

    And, constantly pushing the body in the direction of Fang Li's.

    Fang Li suddenly fell into a burst of soft and fragrant warm jade.


    The male customers who had been left in the cold suddenly shot Fang Li with a sharp look of hatred.

    In particular, the Succubus leader also said such a sentence.

    "Today, the guest is coming for the first time. Are you not going to be happy?"

    The Succubus leader snuggle in Fang Li's arms and turns with his fingers in front of Fang Li's, smiling openly.

    "Although we usually only have a little bit of finesse at the cost, let males make a good dream, but if it is a guest, it is not only a dream, but here's a sister who can provoke you casually?"

    What is the deep meaning of this? Everyone can hear it.

    The sight of male customers suddenly becomes more terrifying.




    The Succubus's Big Sisters are one-on-one with water-like moist eyes. They look at Fang Li enthusiastically and squeeze it.

    In the same situation, Fang Li is not without it.

    Are these Ojou-samas not like this in Academy City?

    Only, when pursued enthusiastically by the group of Ojou-samas, even Fang Li could not cope with it.

    However, in the face of these extremely purposeful Succubus, Fang Li's eyes are quite clear and bright.

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