Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1877 has become completely everyday

    "I really didn't think you would do something like this."

    "I never thought I would do something like this one day."

    "Then why did you do it?"

    "If I say that this is all forced by you, what will happen to you?"

    "What are you dissatisfied with our Crimson Magic Clan?"

    "I have a lot of dissatisfaction and even have a lot of dissatisfaction with the world. Say you're satisfied?"

“……In short, will this event be your daily relentless sanctions then it will be alright? ”

    "Yes, everyday, it's really everyday. After coming to this world, you've become a day-to-day sanction like this. So, come on, let's call this world hurry up."

    In the dim underpass, Fang Li and Megumin were engaged in such dialogue while walking forward.

    The location is the gateway to underground facilities used by Crimson Magic Clan to seal dangerous things.

    Because I don't know why Silvia could solve the relationship of the seal that should have been impossible to unwind, in order to be on the lookout, everyone at Crimson Magic Clan thinks it needs to be checked.

    However, because of the retirement of the Hill of the Demon God, the whole Crimson Magic Clan was almost in the doldrums, and there was no thought of checking it down.

    And Kazuma is that way. It hasn't recovered at all.

    In order to take care of him, Darkness did not come.

    Aqua is skeptical of Kazuma's illness. He continues to use Recovery Magic on his head and he also does not come.

    In view of this, the idle people will only have Fang Li who is furious and will not use the rest of Magic to repair the village's Megumin. He enters the underground facility and engages in such dialogue.

    Forget itMegumin couldn’t help but said: “Although Hill of the Demon God is not a pity, but fortunately the Home of the Crimson Magic also other attractions, like this underground facility, can also see the observation deck of Demon King City. There will still be tourists coming, especially the observation deck, where you can see Demon King's daughter's room, which is not welcome.”

    I always feel like I have heard something extremely serious.

    However, Fang Li now does not want to spend time thinking about these brain-dead things any more. Megumin's self-talking language is ignored as it is by its own ears.

    Before long, the two men came to the underground facility.

    "The door really opened it…"

    Megumin stared at the scene in front of him and murmured.

    Fang Li was once again caught in silence.

    It was because of what appeared to be a very familiar building.

    It is a concrete building.

    That is, it is a modern style building.

    This building seems to be the underground facility for the seal dangers referred to by Crimson Magic Clan.

“……Why does this modern-style building appear in this world? ”

    No, Fang Li is not completely clueless.

    Anyway, surely it's the handiwork of Hero Candidate that comes from modern times like Kazuma?

    In other words, Crimson Magic Clan was once a great source of Hero Candidate.

    In front of this underground facility, it is estimated that it has been until now and used to seal dangerous things including Mage Killer.

    This also made Fang Li understand.

    "Hey, Megumin."

    “what are you doing?”

    "You said before, what are the conditions for lifting the seal here?"

    “Understanding the riddle written in ancient script that nobody knows, is there any problem?”


    Only, Fang Li probably already knows what the so-called "old texts nobody knows" is.

    At the moment, Fang Li came to the door of the facility.

    There, there is a password-enabled touch screen with a keyboard and number also direction keyboard.

    The touch screen is written with words that Fang Li is familiar with.

    "It really is Japanese…"

    This is the normal form of the so-called "old text that nobody knows."

    In other words, as long as you understand Japanese, you can read the riddle on the touch screen, read the password, and then enter the password into the touch screen. Then you can open the door.

    Crimson Magic Clan Seals guarded by generations from generation to generation are just such a thing.

    Understand this point, Fang Li also understood.

    "Hey, Megumin."

    “What are you doing?”

    “Before Yunyun said, where was Kazuma found?”

    "Is there a problem with the Leader of Demon King's Army named Silvia?"


    Because the problem has been solved.

    Certainly Vanir used his own power to see that Kazuma was able to open the door. He told Silvia and Silvia tied Kazuma here and let Kazuma open the door.

    Of course, Silvia certainly did something to make Kazuma fit himself.

    What Silvia did took Kazuma to an extraordinary psychological trauma and unleashed this so-called seal.

    As for what Silvia did…

    "Or don't pursue it…"

    Instinct is telling Fang Li that once this matter is pursued, there is no benefit to him.

    Fang Li, who has been a bit tired by Crimson Magic Clan, gave up decisively.

    "Well, Fang Li, don't look at the ciphertext of the seal. Let's go in and see it."

    Megumin beckons toward Fang Li.

    This is just a touch screen and riddle written in Japanese. What is the hell of the seal cipher?

    Fang Li helpless sigh, under Megumin's call, entered a dim underground facility.

    Inside is a warehouse.

    Of course, a lot of items are piled up in the warehouse.

    "Wā…! These are the dangerous things that our ancestors sealed here…! ? ”

    Megumin looked at the items and his eyes began to shine.

    And Fang Li …

“……Isn't this a game console? ”


    The so-called dangerous things that appear in the warehouse, precisely a lot of portable game console.

    Moreover, these game consoles also seem to be all in the cottage, like a layman in accordance with the appearance of the game console hard spell out, crooked.

    Why is there so much game console here?

    Fang Li does not want to be like this tsukkomi again.

    But Megumin also said that he had to let Fang Li tsukkomi speak.

    "It is said that there are also terrible weapons that can destroy the world. There is Fang Li. We must be careful."

    Saying this, Megumin also watched viciously at all around those game consoles, letting Fang Li hold the painful temple.

    Simply, Fang Li said nothing and began to walk in this warehouse.

    "Alas! What are you doing ! ? Don't mess around! Isn't it dangerous to say these things! ? What if you don't care about a world destruction? ? You are clearly one of the future leaders of the Kingdom but want to be a sinner! ? ”

    Megumin was again exclaimed and angry, but he was a little scared to follow Fang Li's behind.

    "Un… /p>

    At this point, Fang Li found a note in the corner.

    "What is this?"Megumin also saw this note, and wonderingly said: “It seems that the ancient text is also written above. Can it be that something that is subject to seal taboos?”

    Hearing this, Fang Li picked up the secret taboo of the seal and opened it.

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