Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1875 is dead, right before your eyes


    It was a big explosion that Vanir had never been able to achieve when it was Doll self-destruct.

    Flame breath exploded in high altitude and turned into a rolling heat wave, as if it were a red avalanche and it flocked to all directions.

    The evaporation of the atmosphere is a matter of course.

    The temperature is also a geometric increase.

    Under that grand explosion and terrible heat, life is simply not allowed to exist.

    I don't know if Silvia has poured in almost all of his own Magic Power. The power of this strike is to become so powerful that it is almost as fast as Megumin's EX plosion Magic and burns the home of the Crimson Magic. The crumbling houses were blown down on the spot.

    Of course, at first glance, this seems to be a scene created by Silvia.

    In fact, the sharp-eyed Crimson Magic Clan was discovered.

    UntouchedJust a lot of Doll suddenly flew to Black Knight-sama's body! ”

    Yunyun exclaimed in such a way that he did not know why, but he also added honorific words to the Black Knight nickname.

    Yunyun is right.

    Silvia's flame breath is amazing, but it can't cause such amazing destructive power.

    The reason why this destructive power occurs is that before the flame breath lingered in front of the Fang Li's body, countless Doll suddenly fell from the cloud layer in the sky and spread all over the Fang Li's all around.

    Therefore, Silvia's flame breath detonated countless Dolls, plus the power of the flame itself, to form such a grand explosion scene.

    If there is a common existence, even legendary heroes like Hero and Demon King will turn into ashes under such a blow.


    "Flashing Scabbard – Ten Lives …"

    When such a whispering whispering sounded like a mine, a vision occurred.

    "Qiāng — !"

    A chilly's blade light emerges from the light of fire, such as the slash that cuts through the sky, flashes, and opens the entire burst of fire.

    "pū chī —!"

    Among the fierce sounds, the avalanche-like fire wave was split in half by neat and tidy and vanished in the wake of the breeze.

    A black Fang Li holds a waning moon dagger, raised the head.

    Your body is flawless.


    "Hohou …"

    The sound of Silvia's inhaling breath echoed with Vanir's admiration and exclamation.

    The two leaders, the Leader of Demon King's Army, joined the fight with Fang Li.

    After all, Fang Li's Holy Gown is not only immune to 70% of physical damage, but also immune to 70% of Magic damage.

    The “Magic Injury” here refers not only to the damage caused by Magic's power, but to all supernatural phenomena caused by Mystery.

    In other words, whether it is Magic or Superpower, the damage that they cause can be reduced by a full 70%.

    Similarly, the same applies to the Fang Li's Magic Resistance Skill, which can further reduce 50% of Magic damage.

    The original 100% damage is reduced by 70% and only 30% is left.

    And after this 30% is weakened by 50%, only half is left, that is, 15%.

    This 15% damage, with Fang Li's Prana's defense, is simply to be able to resist.

    So, in the absence of Mystic Eyes Ability, in addition to speed, Fang Li is the most out of the defense.

    Even though Silvia is synthesizing a variety of things, the Leader of Demon King's Army of the numerous Ability, Vanir is also the head of the Seven Archdukes who command all Devils of Hell, reportedly more powerful than Demon King, the two leaders of Demon King's Army teamed together and still can't even break the defense.

    "Then, it's time to come to me?"

    In the air, such a calm voice fell.


    In the next battle, the atmosphere in the sky is detonated and turned into shocks, which shakes the cloud layer.

    One figure was plundered at the rate of terrifying.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Eight Falcons…"

    God Speed's slash, like the white light that crossed the space, was shot down at a speed that the naked eye couldn't capture.

    "pū chī —!"

    Cutting sound is reverberating.

    The white slash is like light, falling from above, cutting through Vanir's body and Silvia's giant snake body.


    "Ooooh oh oh oh !"

    The call of the two Leader of Demon King's Army rang up at the same time.

    After a closer look, Vanir's body has been cut in half, and Silvia's tail-like lower body is also falling down, and in a roar, she lies on the ground.

    Only …

    "Fuhahahahaha! This level is not enough to kill our ah! ”

    "Don't look too small! Black Knight! ”

    Vanir and Silvia called out at the same time.

    Vanir's two-in-one body collapsed directly to make dirt, but the mask flew up into the air.

    Silvia was even more ugly, dragging on to the upper body and rushing to the huge snaketail that fell to the ground.

    Not long afterwards, a muddrift drifted around and reconstructed into its body with Vanir's mask as its center.

    Silvia is also like a fitting machine, connecting the upper body with the lower body, using the characteristics of Chimera, it is easy to synthesize the body again easily.

    Obviously, both have the characteristics of fearless slash.

    Vanir's body only general clods.

    Silvia can use his own Ability to recombine the body regardless of how many times he is cut.

    Faced with such two opponents, Fang Li, who landed on the ground, is only facing away from the sea of ​​fire and looks forward to this sound.

    "The next time I cut the mask and cut it into countless pieces."

    Speaking to himself, Vanir and Silvia suddenly change complexion at the same time.


    Nor are these two types of complete immune-physical attacks.

    Vanir's body is a mask, so it can be done no matter how many times the body is shattered without the mask being damaged.

    Silvia can really make the harmed body keep synthesizing to restore the status quo, but as long as the brain is chopped and the heart is chopped, then it will die. Absolutely impossible to continue to synthesize the body after it is dead, restitution .

    "The next hit will solve you."

    Fang Li whispered such a thing as a declaration.


    Dazzling stars, from their body glittering up.


    In this moment, Vanir, who possesses Ability to see everything, or Silvia, who has Chimera's instinct, understands one thing.

    —- "Death is in front of you."


    Silvia slammed like a dying scream. This time, he really squeezed out all the Magic Power and turned it into a flame breath. He spewed out of his mouth and threw himself into Fang Li.

    "hū hū …Hahahahaha! Our head is the Head of the Dukes of Hell! Arch Devil to see through everything! Vanir! Have a powerful Hero who breaks through the world's common sense! At least remember our name! ”

    Vanir laughed and rushed directly to Fang Li, taking himself as the last self-destructing doll and launched an offense.

    Looking at the fire shot down head-on, and the Vanir of the assault.

    Fang Li, mentioned Moon Blade.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Illusionary Prison Monk …"

    Countless slashes streak across the earth.

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