Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1829 Regresses Adventurer’s Life

    It was night and the lights in the mansion began to shine through the windows, causing waves of angry.

    In the lobby of the mansion, Fang Li sat at the table and ate the take-away food delivery service that he had recently delivered.

    "gū lū ~~~"

    A cry of bellies spread from the air in the hall.

    Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness can only watch as Fang Li eats a delicious takeaway while swallowing his mouth while making a weakly and without strength sound.

“……How long have we been like this? ”

“……Who knows?

“……Stomach so hungry…"

“……The head is a little dizzy…"

    Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four said this separately, and the sound was full of fatigue.

    And at this moment, the four men were tied up by four thick ropes into caterpillars, hanging from the ceiling, swinging like a swing.

"Aqua suddenly burst into tears and sobbed:" That's obviously my takeout…Obviously my name is…"

    So of course, money is paid by Aqua.

    Eh…Megumin murmured as if he had accepted the fate: "This hungry stomach can only look at the experience of others, and it hasn't been felt for a long time."

    It seems that I used to experience it before, but I don't know why. I always feel like a reaction from poor Megumin.

    "This…"Is this a brand new feeling? ”Darkness cheeks red, panting like to himself: "Not only tied Play, also fed…Isn't it right? ,senseFeeling also very good …"

    This is also a feeling of hopelessness.

    As for Kazuma, he raised his head and kept his head down from the very beginning, and yelled.

    "This is not what I want for Another World Life Aaaaaaaah —!"

    Like this old tears up and down.

    Feeling Kazuma was also very pathetic. He clearly did nothing. It was because the relationship between the three teammates had fallen to this point. It was definitely enough to be evaluated as miserable.

    However, in the words of Fang Li's…


    Can only give such a cool opinion like this.

    After all, this guy ran off after an accident and actually tried to get out of the way. Even if it wasn't like Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness group of three, it had a pit, but it was a dead man. expert.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not even have any mercy on Kazuma. In front of these four teammates who were tied up by themselves and hung up, they slowly swallowed the last bite of food.

    Then Fang Li only looked at the four Adventurer Cards in front of him.

    Naturally, it is the Adventurer Card of Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness group of four.

“……Feelings don't know what to say. ”

    Fang Li sighed in silence.

    Still remember, at first, in order to complete Side Quest, Fang Li brought Kazuma and Aqua's Rank to Level 30, enough to be called the High Level Adventurer.

    After that, the group of four has been fighting Dem King's Army.

    Fang Li thought that after the training of this period of time, the Rank of the four players should have improved a lot.

    Who knows, the dream is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

    Kazuma is Level 33 and only three Ranks have been promoted.

“……Because my Offensive Skill is only snipe, Elementary Magic's words are not lethal, and Steal can't kill the enemy. He can only put cold arrows and harass him behind the scenes. Occasionally, he can shoot a few miscellaneous soldiers. ”

    This is a loss of the general meaning of survival, Kazuma's explanation of the eyes sluggish.

    Aqua is Level 38, which is only eight Ranks higher than before.

    "because…because…After I purify Devil and Undead several times…Demon King's Army did not send these two arms out…Later basically did not get experience points …"

    This is the constant sobbing and explanation of Aqua's intermittent speech.

    Darkness is Level 31 and even more terrible.

    "Because my attack is not a match for the enemy, no, it's better to say that it's more troublesome than hitting it. After the desperate fight, it's helpless and it's defeated. The feeling that can only be insulted by the enemy is what I want. It's better. Say please give me this experience!"

    This is the interpretation of Darkness, who was caught in reverie and excited.

    Conversely Megumin, who actually has a Rank 48 high Rank, is only two levels away from the Super Class Adventurer.

    "Because my EX plosion Magic is so powerful! This is no way! ”

    This is the explanation of Megumin's heads and triumphs.

    However, it is also true.

    Once Demon King's Army appears, Megumin will throw EX plosion Magic at the densest spot of the monster, then EX plosion Magic can only use once, this time is enough to kill a large number of monsters, get a lot of experience points, can reach this Rank is also normal.

    Although, even if Megumin became the Super Class Adventurer, it still can only be used once a day.

    This time, Fang Li just wanted to say a word.

    "In this deployable world you guys have these four deployable guys, and sure enough, whenever and wherever you feel, you have only deployable."

    Fang Li threw down four Adventurer Cards and immediately turned his gaze to the body of Megumin. He said that.

    "Say, Megumin, when do you plan on returning home to the Crimson Magic?"

    Hearing this, Megumin could not help but see.

    "Back to Home of the Crimson Magic?"Megumin asks confusedly: "Why go back?"

    "Because I have something."Fang Li replied straightforwardly: “Take me to the Home of the Crimson Magic and I want to buy a lot of useful items.”

    This is also the purpose of Fang Li's return.

    Although very reluctant to admit it, but have to say, Potion and Magic Item produced by Home of the Crimson Magic is indeed in the world on the top level of the Item.

    Even if there are times when many unnecessary features are added, it is absolutely impeccable in terms of effect.

    Fang Li has used the items produced by Crimson Magic Clan several times in the past and has helped in many occasions.

    Now, if you want to add item, Fang Li still wants to collect it from Crimson Magic Clan.

    However, Fang Li does not know the exact location of Home of the Crimson Magic.

    So, Fang Li wanted to come back to Megumin to let Megumin lead the way and even be a middleman, so that he could start more advanced and more effective items.

    Of course, Fang Li also asked Iris to collect a batch of items for himself. However, at one and a half time, he certainly couldn't hurry up to collect more useful items.

    In this period of time, Fang Li wants to run Home of the Crimson Magic.

    Megumin, who is a native of Crimson Magic Clan, naturally understands how valuable his hometown items are to outsiders.

    "Well, it's okay, but I remember, Fang Li seems to have spent all his money before it?"Megumin casually said: "The folks' skills are very high, but they are also very expensive to sell. Do you have money now?"

    By Megumin, Fang Li realized this important problem.

    "Yeah, I don't have the money now."

    At the moment, Fang Li helpsless muttering.

    "It seems that the Adventurer life has to return for a while…"

    After that, Fang Li picked up the trash from the take-out and threw it into the trash and left.

“……I said, did he forget about us? ”

“……Who knows?

“……Wouldn’t we have to hang one night here? ”

“……Aah, the head started to dizzy…"

    Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four were talking and weakly and without strength.

    Even if the lights are dark, they are still talking…Say…

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