Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1827 reinforcements is coming?

    In the vast hall, Fang Li sat on the sofa and looked at the scene in front of him. His eyes fell halfway.

    In front of him, a table that should have been resting there was erected, like a shield, obscuring Fang Li's sight.

    Behind the table, such whispers began to spread.

    WeiWhy does the cold-blooded devil suddenly come back! ? ”

    "I …How do I know! ”

    He was finished this time! He was finished this time! This time we will surely be repaired badly! It's miserable! ”

If it is Fang Li's words will never miss us! It wouldn't be surprising if we tied all of us up outside! if that is the case…if that is the case………It seems to be not bad? ”

    Conversations like this one continue to spread out behind the table.

    It was full of insecurity and panic, as if the family had entered ferocious beast, a tone that was shocked and even impending, and people who did not know thought that something really serious had happened here.

    Fang Li so partially narrowing the eyes, staring at the scene before the eyes, half-hearted after the sound.

    "You could it be that there would be nothing to say to me?"

    When this was said, the voice behind the desk disappeared.

    Shortly afterwards, four heads were trembling with fear from the top of the table.

    In addition to Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four, who else can it be?

    YoHi, Fang Li. ”

    Kazuma greeted Fang Li with a sly grin.

    Haven'tI didn't expect you to come back suddenly. If you come back, why don't you tell us, let us pick you up? ”

    In Kazuma's words, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of three are repeatedly nod.

    Only …

    "Notice you?"Fang Li said blankly: "If I informed you, should you run ahead of schedule?"

    The four cargoes suddenly shuddered.

    Obviously, this is indeed something that these four people are thinking about.

    In this case, Fang Li slowly put out a long breath and his voice became cold.

    "I have come out with such a big catastrophe. Once you have gone, it has no problem. I have not stayed here yet, but also called a take-out. Isn't it true that your life is comfortable? ”

    Listening to the gradually cold voice of Fang Li, the Kazuma group of four also shuddered and his face was full of fear.

    The four pit cargoes that have already experienced Fang Li's methods have naturally understood that if they continue to do so, they will certainly suffer from inhuman punishment.

    Even the masochist of Darkness is unacceptable.

    Thus, the group of four trembled.

    After a few minutes…

    "This…"This is what Kazuma let us do! ”

    Holding the Staff tightly in his hand, it was as if Megumin used it as a sustenance. He suddenly pointed his finger at Kazuma.


    Kazuma immediately opened his eyes.

    But Megumin did not stop.

    "I …We are ready to fight with Demon King's Army! All Kazuma threaten us! We say that if we do not run, Kingdom will certainly pull us out! Cut off the pieces of our body's meat! Take it again and feed Giant Frog! Let us not die! So we will run away! ”

    Megumin, like Kazuma's strong accusation, put on a look of frustration with Fang Li in the face of Kazuma's sluggish face.

    And Aqua and Darkness also suddenly realized.

    "It's…that's right! If not Kazuma scares me! Say it is such a big mistake! Not to mention Axis Cult became a state religion! Kingdom will definitely be wanted by Axis Cult followers! Make Axis Cult a street rat! Put me in history! Tell future generations! Axis Cult's Arch Priest has done a lot of stupid things! Lost smell for thousands of years! There will be no new believers and faith! How can I run this responsible and Merciful Goddess of Water and leave Royal Capital to escape? It's all wrong with this hikiNEET! ”

    Aqua pointed to Kazuma and picked it up.

    "I …I am the same! Kazuma said that if we go on like this, the process of making mistakes will be absolutely shaken out! Let people all over the country know that I have been abuse fondness! Caused Dustiness Family to suffer from public opinion attacks! The family has become a joke since then! But even if I am a descendant of a noble family, I can't leave Royal Capital. As a result Kazuma tied me up! Let Aqua and Megumin take me away! ”

    Darkness, as it was until now when he remembered the experience of that time, became gnashing his teeth.

    I am afraid that this matter should also be true?

    Otherwise, with Darkness's loyalty to Kingdom, it is unlikely that Royal Capital will be left behind.


    don’tStop joking around. You guys! ”

    Kazuma, who was promoted to death, jumped up and irritated.

    "What do you think are the big trouble? If it weren't for your incorrigible foolishness, then how could I possibly fall to the present level! ? If I weren't the same team as you, I would certainly be considered one of the responsible! I will not run with you! Have oneself slip away long ago! Let you die on your own! Idiot Also Darkness! Although I finally tied you up! But you are obviously enjoying yourself in that situation! Look from the beginning to the end of a happy face is not it! ? ”

    Kazuma's anger made Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness trivial.

    What did you say You brute Scumzuma! I'm smart Goddess! How could you make the so-called incorrigible foolishness in your mouth? It is definitely the result of your own brain replenishment! Therefore, it is disgusting to say that only the deceased dead house is! ”

    This is a rejoined goddess statement that does not know where to come from.

    “Crimson Magic Clan is an Arch Wizard Clan known for its high intelligence in the world. You actually said that I was stupid. Even if the rest of you can forgive, I will never forgive the Arch Wizard who is Crimson Magic Clan second to none!”

    This is the statement of the EX plosion freak who does not know what's wrong with his head.

    “Who”Who looks happy face! ? MeI only think that…only felt that it was obviously unwilling but was forced to do this treatment is also very good only! Only this way! ”

    This is the claim of a super masochist Knight who is actually incurable.

    The four idiots actually quarreled in order to shirk their responsibility, even snaking into a ball and kicking the table.


    In the next battle, the broken glass sounded.


    Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness group of four are very stiff on the spot.

    Fang Li maintained the action of pinching the tea cup in his hand, and his face remained expressionless.

    "Are you finished?"

    There is no sound of carrying emotions, so that one row of four pit goods trembled again.

    andKazuma-san! Quickly think of ways! Think of a way! ”

    WellIt looks absolutely like an anger! And it is super angry! I even felt murderous aura! If we go on like this, we will really be killed! ”

    "How…What can I do? When I think of what the man had done to me in the past, even if it was me, I'm not happy at this time… Ah…! ”

    Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness group of three looked at Kazuma as if they were crying out.

    "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay! I-i-i-i-i-I've been ready! ”

    Although Kazuma's forehead sweats cold, he cries out stubbornly.

    "Our reinforcements are coming!"

    Kazuma's voice has just fallen, outside the gate, and a footstep is heard.

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