Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1743 Because I believe in you


    A faint glory flows through the stones like Crystal, as if she is pleased to light Emilia's charming face.

    Emilia felt the familiar heat from the Crystal Stone lying on the palm and couldn't help but tremble.



    Lying on Emilia palm's Crystal Stone, Precisely Pack's dependencies.

    Only, not Emilia's previous Crystal Stone, but the new Crystal Stone.

    This is what Fang Li explained.

    "After the contract was cut off from you, Pack did not disappear, but with my help, I found a new home."

    In general, if Spirit and Elementalist break off the contract, then depending on the content of the contract, the penalty will be determined or it may be good. However, if this is not taken into account, both sides will regain their freedom after severing the contract.

    This is also the case with Pack, who will become a free Spirit after breaking off Emilia's contract.

    However, unlike the general Spirit, Pack requires a large amount of Magic Power to maintain its existence because of its own nature.

    That Magic Power, if there is no way to maintain supply, then Pack will show the body, will all the Magic Power in the surrounding atmosphere, all dry, and finally turn everything around it into a permanent frozen earth, take away all the lives.

    This is also one of the origins of "Beast of the End".

    Pack also once said that once Emilia died, he would freeze the entire world.

    This is not simply only talk about it.

    Although it takes time, as long as there is enough time, eventually, Pack will will turn the whole world into a permafrost, ice and snow world.

    Therefore, once the contract with Emilia is severed, Pack will have to return to his birthplace and sleep there.

    Otherwise, it will bring unimaginable disasters.

    However, before the Pack and Emilia broke off the contract, Fang Li thought so.

    "In that case, what would be the place of birth that did not come back to you? How can we find a place to sleep directly?"

    Just like before, Pack has always used Crystal Stone as a residence to accumulate the large amount of Magic Power and energy needed.

    Therefore, after severing the contract with Emilia, Pack can completely find a child, sleep in it, wait until Emilia wakes it up, and re-contract the contract.

    However, Pack said so.

    "The Crystal Stone is a special thing, so it can be used to hold me. If it is ordinary things, then let alone go in. Even if you bump it, you will break it."

    The implication is that ordinary things are definitely not acceptable.

    If it weren’t a specially crafted, high-purity Magic Ore, it wouldn’t be able to accommodate Pack at all.

    At that time, Fang Li first thought of something in the “Sanctuary”.

    That's where Crystal of Lewes Meyer's body is located.

    That piece of crystal also needs to be maintained.

    In order to maintain the power of Crystal, crystal is sampled on the ontology, and the absorbed magic power is turned into a body clone. Lewes's body clones are used to install Magic Power's Magic Ore that Crystal absorbs almost every day.

    If it is those Magic Ore, can you use it?

    After learning of this matter, Pack indulged for a moment and immediately gave the answer.

    "If this is the case, it can borrow a little bit to use, but only in terms of quality, those crystal can not fully accommodate my requirements, I can only fall into the state of slumber can incumbent in, and also need to absorb magic power to maintain existence, although not like in outside world When awake, so exaggerated, but the general magician words also can not afford to ah? ”

    That being said, Pack is really a Spirit with no appetite.

    Perhaps only people like Emilia within the body who are sleeping nearly unlimited Magic Power can conclude a contract with Pack.

    However, it is always better to deal with when Pack is awake in the outside world.

    Therefore, Fang Li will leave the bedroom after the Pack and Emilia break the contract, so that they don't come back before Emilia notices that Pack is leaving, and Emilia is refusing to go outside the door for three days. Look for a new Crystal Stone to hold the Pack that was sleeping.

    “Now, Pack is sleeping inside, but there is no way to wake up, otherwise Crystal Stone will break up and the surrounding area will be completely drained and become a permanent frozen ground.”

    Fang Li looked at Emilia's quivering eyes and smiled.

    "However, as long as you continue to deliver it to Magic Power on a daily basis, you can wait until you find a high-quality Magic Ore to transfer it and re-awaken it."

    By then, Emilia will be able to re-contract with Pack to welcome the father.

    "Aah …"

    Emilia stuck Crystal Stone on her face, tears not just.


    The sobbing voice represents Emilia's slight salvation.

    As for the remaining salvation, it was completed by Fang Li.

    "Pack never left you."

    Fang Li stared at Emilia, opening a word.

    "He only wanted you to be strong, not to escape from your past and to find true self."

    These words have made Emilia's hand gripping Crystal Stone more and more tight.

    On my face, I already cried tear-stained face of a beauty.

    "I …Is it really possible…? ”

    Of course

    “ Why?”Can you be so sure…? ”

    "Because you were originally a very strong person."

    "only…NoI'm a little…Miyako

    “I know that you are actually very fragile and that the strength you have shown has been telling yourself that you have to do it and you must be strong, so you can only force yourself to do it.”

    Wellyou…The WHY

    "Does this need to be said?"

    Looking at Emilia's appearance of becoming weary, Fang Li shook his head with a smile.

    Immediately, with a faint smile, the decisive words were spoken.

    "Because I believe in you."

    This sentence, so that Emilia's salvation was completed.


    The next second, a door appeared around Fang Li and Emilia and slowly opened it.

    Both are subconsciously understanding.

    This door is the door to trial.

    Just step in and you can restart trial.

    Only, the need for trial is not Fang Li, but Emilia.


    Fang Li said this to Emilia.

    "Take the trial of the trial and liberate Sanctuary."

    This is also the only way for Emilia.

    Emilia can see its performance if he can cross the past.

    Emilia wiped his tears, held the hot Crystal Stone tightly, and looked at Fang Li.

    "Then, I went."

    Just like going out for an outing, Emilia left a cry of laughter.

    Immediately, Emilia turned and walked toward the door.

    Until it disappeared there.

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