Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1741 The Miserable Past


    From the mouth of Emilia, Fang Li fell into silence with abandon oneself to despair nothing different.

    Emilia, on the other hand, became aggressive, as he intended to spit out all the emotions in his heart, and continued.

    "I know, for Fang Li, I am such a person is too unreliable, Fang Li that is strong, and smart, no matter what things can be a good solution, even in royal Selection that place, it can also make everyone admire you, and finally even the dragon is revealed, Guardian Knight Regiment also actively invite you to join, really excellent, no, for me, Fang Li is the world's best people. ”

    "And I have only been relying on you and relying on Fang Li's gentleness towards me."

    Emilia raised a pair of red-eyed eyes and stared at Fang Li as if she were weeping.

    "You must think I'm annoying? Do you think I'm useless? Must have had enough of me like this? ”

    "This time is also…This time is also…I didn't just do a self-willed thing, and it disappeared silently. The trial did not pass. Even the Pack had left me. I have nothing now. ”

    In the past, Emilia was also an Elementalist who entered into a contract with the Great Spirit of the control Fire Attribute. This is a threat that cannot be ignored for any one of these forces.

    Even if others disliked or rejected Emilia's silver-haired Half Demon, as long as there was a Pack, people would at least be accompanied by Emilia's side with the Great Spirit of control Fire Attribute.

    However, starting today, Emilia is no longer a Pack contractor.

    She is no longer the contractor of the "Beast of the End", but a silver-haired Half Elf who has been jealous of the world.

    This makes the self-esteem deep in the depths of the Emilia heart began to erupt.

    "After Pack disappeared, a lot of memories came to my mind…Lots of it.Lots of it.

    Emilia reburied his head in his knees, and his charming body shook.

    “These are all scenery that I have never seen before. I have never seen Character. I have never seen conversations. I have never experienced anything. Such memories are constantly emerging. I have no impression at all…”

    However, it is indeed Emilia's memory.

    Therefore, Emilia has gradually begun to recall the past.

    “Fang Li said that trial and true past are different here.”

    Emilia sobbed to say this.

    "It's just a lie …"

    Emilia can now confirm it.

    The past I saw in trials was true.

    Although many details are different, the general direction is the same.

    For example, Emilia has been raised and raised by her aunt since the beginning of the sensation. For Emilia, her aunt is her Okaa-sama.

    For another example, everyone in Elven Tribe looked at Emilia differently and did not hateful her as the world did, even treating Emilia like a princess.

    And from the outside of the forest, when come came, the acquaintance of Okaa-sama who visited Elven Tribe also took care of Emilia, and even managed everything.

    Emilia also has amazing Innate Skill since childhood. Without his contract with Spirit, his Magic Power is almost infinite. Micro Elves will spontaneously do what Emilia hopes to see, and Emilia has a very happy childhood.

    Just a hundred years ago, everything changed.

    "Witch Cult …Attacked my hometown…"

    Emilia digs out the memories that have emerged in his mind and speaks with pain.

    "They killed my Okaa-sama and killed everyone in the Elven Tribe. I also attracted Kurohebi (black snake) and attacked my hometown. Everyone was…Everyone breathes <SIGHS OF RELIEF>.

    At that time, Witch Cult was not as crazy as it is now, there are stable and radical factions.

    The leader of the Steady School is Emilia’s aunt, an acquaintance of Okaa-sama in his mouth and a person who takes care of Emilia.

    The radicals attacked Emilia's hometown on that day.

    "I can remember it now…"

    Emilia, like not willing to accept reality, clings to his head and tells the truth that even Fang Li has a condensate for his eyes.

    "The Sin Archbishop of "Sloth" encountered during the crusade against Hakugei is the acquaintance of Okaa-sama!"

    This is what Fang Li did not know.

    The Pettelgeuse of mental disorder is actually a stable school in Witch Cult. And is it an acquaintance of Emilia's dependents? What about her care for her?

    Fang Li really can't imagine that picture.

    But if this is the case, why did the Petelgeuse become that maddening, as if he did not know Emilia at all, and he intended to use Emilia as a sacrifice and to resurrect the Witch of Envy?

    Or is it that Petteleuse precisely, because of that attack, was only mental breakdown and became Witch Cult's "Sloth"?

    If this is the case, must have experienced a bitter experience?

    For example, under the guidance of Witch Cult’s radicals, misses killed Emilia’s Okama-sama and the like.

    "so that's how it is …"

    Fang Li whispering in a low voice.

    "So, will you cry at that time?"

    When Fang Li killed Petelgeuse, Emilia looked at Petelgeuse's corpse and suddenly shed tears.

    At that time, Fang Li thought it was Emilia's natural goodness to make her feel sad for the miserable death of Petelgeuse.

    Now it seems that at that time, Emilia only cried because she realized that she had taken great care of her mother's friend's death and that sad memories of deep in one's heart were sealed.

    As for Emilia himself…

    "I'm at the end…Because Magic Power is out of control…rampage …The entire forest is frozen…"

    Emilia cried with great sadness.

    SoAs seen in the trial…Those are my faults…"

    Although the details are different, the result is the same.

    The ice of Elior Great Forest is indeed caused by Emilia one hand.

    Emilia's hometown has been destroyed, and it is not known how many people survived under Witch Cult’s radical attacks.

    But even so, Emilia's mother is certainly dead.

    Emilia saw the scene with her own eyes, and finally Magic Power rampage, which sealed the entire Elior Great Forest.


    "I …It really is Strega (Witch) …Strega (Witch) that can only bring disaster to everyone…"

    Emilia wept intermittently and spit these words.

    "People like me…People like me…"

    It is better to die than to continue living.

    There is no qualification at all, and it is with such a good person as Fang Li.

    This is what Emilia wants to say.

    Silence, it is coming.

    Fang Li looked at Emilia quietly and suddenly got up after a while.

    "You come with me."

    With this, Fang Li took Emilia's hand.

    Immediately, when Emilia reacted not come, with Emilia, he entered the tomb of the trial.

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